All Chapters of The Apollo Twins: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 chapters
Alex walked out of the Royal Manchester Golf Club, his caddy uniform traded for a simple black t-shirt and jeans. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the car park as he made his way towards the exit, his mind still churning with the events of the day.The DCI's offer of an internship lingered in his thoughts, a tantalizing opportunity, not what he had been aiming for, but this was better.Lost in thought, he almost didn't notice the figure that fell into step beside him. But then he caught a flash of blonde hair, the intricate tattoos snaking up one arm, and he knew.Jade.He didn't acknowledge her, didn't break his stride. But as he veered towards the restroom building, she followed, her presence a silent shadow at his back.Inside, Alex went straight to the sinks, turning on the tap and splashing cold water on his face. In the mirror, he could see Jade behind him, her arms crossed, her expression unreadable.For a long moment, neither of them spoke. The only sound was th
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Please Be Okay
Danny and Lexi were walking down the street, weaving through the vendors and the crowds. Danny was in the middle of a rant, his hands waving wildly as he spoke."I swear, my sister still thinks the Earth is flat. Like, genuinely believes it. I go completely mad when she starts on about it. But over the years, I've learned it's not worth the argument. I can never change her mind. Stubborn as a mule, she is."Lexi laughed, bumping her shoulder against his. "I don't blame her. Did you see your face just now? It was cute. I can imagine what you must look like during those arguments."Danny felt a blush creep up his neck. This gorgeous girl thought he was cute. Somehow, the idea made something flutter in his chest."She must love seeing that face," Lexi added, grinning.Danny smiled. She wasn't wrong. Every time he and Jenna argued, especially when he was getting riled up, she wouldn't take it seriously. She'd just sit there, making him look like a fool. Those were the moments he'd come cl
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Dark Horse
Alex brought the sleek, black Audi R8 to a stop near the mini stadium just outside MSU. The engine's snarl died, leaving an eerie stillness broken only by distant traffic. The late hour and the location's seclusion made it feel almost deserted.In the passenger seat, Ethan fumbled with a piece of fabric in the dim light. The car's neon-infused dashboard cast a faint glow, just enough to outline his hulking frame and the bulging vein on his temple. His frustration was palpable, punctuated by the occasional low grunt.Alex shifted, about to reach over, but thought better of it. He leaned back with a sigh and a quiet chuckle.After a few more moments of wrestling with the dark, glossy material, Ethan's patience snapped. He let out a roar of annoyance and flung the offending item into the back seat.He turned to Alex, his eyes flashing. "Why the fuck do I have to wear that?"His tone dripped with irritation. "The mask is bad enough. Now you want me looking like a fucking clown just to mee
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Sick Joke
Content Warning: This chapter contains graphic descriptions of injury and medical trauma.He had begged for every single moment of his life, every perfection, every single turn that made him who he was. But somehow, one way or another, it all found a way to screw him over. It was almost laughable. Danny could just picture it: some high and mighty bastard up there, looking down with those all-knowing eyes, always on the hunt for the next poor sod to fuck over. And once again, lucky him, it was Danny's turn.The automatic doors of the Manchester Royal Infirmary barely had time to open before Danny was barging through, his heart slamming against his ribs, his eyes wild. He scanned the chaos of the lobby, zeroing in on anyone in scrubs or a white coat. The first one he saw, he was going to grab them, shake them until they told him what he needed to know.A siren shrieked, the sound like a knife to his skull. He flinched, his whole body wound tight as a piano cord. Lexi grabbed his arm, he
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The door to Danny and Tariq's dorm room burst open, the sound harsh in the stillness of the night. A figure stumbled in, his breathing ragged, his movements jerky and uncoordinated. He fumbled for the light switch, his hands shaking.The room flooded with harsh fluorescent light, revealing Tariq. His hoodie was disheveled, a dark, damp patch staining the fabric near his chest. He clawed at the garment, his fingers scrabbling at the zipper."Fuckin' hell, it's hot as balls in here," he muttered, his voice thick and shaky.He finally managed to yank the hoodie off, tossing it aside. His skin was slick with sweat, his curls plastered to his forehead. His eyes darted around the room, wide and wild, like a cornered animal.The distant wail of a siren made him freeze, his whole body going rigid. "Shit, shit, shit," he chanted under his breath, lunging for the window. He grabbed the blinds, yanking them closed with enough force to rattle the frame.He spun around, his gaze landing on his des
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The black van rolled to a stop, its tinted windows revealing nothing of the occupants inside. Alex and Ethan stood their ground, their postures tense beneath the concealing bulk of their disguises. The van's door slid open, and three figures emerged.In the lead was Vince Gallo, known as Wormhole. A renowned underworld's premier broker, a man known for facilitating the impossible. He was flanked by two heavies, their frames bristling with barely concealed weapons and body armor.Gallo himself wore a mask, a sleek, featureless thing that glinted dully in the dim light. His men were similarly disguised, their faces hidden behind balaclavas and dark glasses.He approached the twins with a measured stride, his movements cool and unhurried. This was a man accustomed to being in control, to bending the wills of the criminal elite to his own ends.Alex felt Ethan's gaze boring into him from behind his own mask, a silent warning. But Alex brushed it off, stepping forward to meet Gallo halfway
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