All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
152 chapters
The thugs exchanged wary glances before the stocky thug snapped. “Tread carefully, you idiot. Do you think $150,000 is an amount to joke with?”“You didn’t let me finish.” He shot back at the thug then continued, “I’ll pay you the money but in exchange, you must do three things.” he held up three fingers as he spoke.“One, you will apologize to Mrs Hannah and Mr Ben here for your actions towards them.” Hannah and Mr. Ben shared surprised glances. Why was Adrian acting so confident? The two thugs scoffed in amusement but the leader remained silent as he studied Adrian with an unreadable expression.“Two,” Adrian spoke again, this time his face hardened and his voice became more on edge. “Each of you will break your own noses just like your leader did to Mr. Ben.”A malicious glint ran through the bald thug's eyes as he sputtered. “Do you want to die? What kind of nonsense are you spewing from your mouth?!”Adrian smirked but ignored the thug’s outburst as he finished, “Three, you will
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Mr. Ben and Hannah heaved sighs of relief as the tension in the diner eased substantially. Gratitude shown brightly on their faces as they looked at Adrian, their savior. Hannah didn’t hesitate, she got to her feet and rushed towards him. “You saved us.” she reached out and squeezed Adrian’s hands tightly. “Thank you so much.” Mr. Ben, still affected by the throbbing pain in his nose, rose a bit slower, swaying slightly. He placed a hand against the wall to steady himself before slowly walking toward Adrian. “Thank you, again, Adrian,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity. “My wife and I will be indebted to you for the rest of our lives.” Adrian offered them a smile. “It’s no problem at all. I’ll do it again if I can.” he paused for a moment as a thought crossed his mind. “Mr. Ben, I remember telling you that I’d give you $20,000 to take care of your family’s needs until I find a suitable job for you.” Mr. Ben nodded in confirmation. “Yes, that’s true, Adrian.” With that, A
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“Stop here.” Adrian instructed Jonah as they reached an intersection. “My apartment is a few blocks away and parking this car there would raise a few eyebrows.”“I’ll be back shortly.” he told Jonah as he grabbed his new suit and got out of the car. Then, he retrieved his moped from the trunk and drove it towards his apartment while Jonah waited patiently for him.A few minutes later, Adrian returned, now clad in a tailored black suit and slacks. Unfortunately, he had forgotten that he needed new shoes, so he had no choice but to wear his old, worn-out ones. “Head over to Serenity apartments,” Adrian informed Jonah as he got into the car again. “That’s where Anita lives.”“Yes, young master.” Jonah nodded, igniting the car which roared to life as he pulled away from the curb.Less than ten minutes later, the car came to a stop in front of Anita’s apartment building. Jonah met Adrian's gaze in the rearview mirror. "If you don't mind, young master, I can personally chauffeur you and you
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Evelyn Davies stepped out from a black Audi RS7 with a proud smile on her red-painted lips. The milk-colored Prada gown she wore clung to her slender figure and was complemented by her artificially colored platinum blonde hair, which cascaded down her back in waves. She took out her phone to snap a quick selfie, but her smile faltered as she spotted the familiar figures of her cousin, Anita and her aunt-in-law, Regina emerging from a car that looked to be better than her boyfriend’s. Her brown eyes narrowed in envy. She had always been jealous of Anita because she surpassed her in a couple of things; academics, beauty, elegance. Her plan for the evening had been to show off her new wealthy boyfriend in front of everyone at the party and get all the attention to herself, but looking at the luxury car Anita had come in with, it seemed she also had a wealthy boyfriend of her own. ‘Why does she have to outdo me every time.’ she whined bitterly. Henry Cooper, her boyfriend, noticed her
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The tension in the air increased as Anita watched the exchange between Adrian and Henry, her expression a mix of admiration and worry. She admired Adrian’s confidence, noticing it was a dominant characteristic trait in him, but a part of her worried that he might be getting in way over his head.“Adrian, are you sure about this bet?”she whispered, her voice hushed. “The suit isn’t yours, so how are you be sure it’s genuine?”“My friend would never lend me a knockoff suit. Trust me.” Adrian stated firmly.“Why the stalling?” Evelyn snorted at Adrian and Anita. “Don’t tell me you’re backing out now?” she rolled her eyes dismissively.“Nope,” Adrian declared. “I never back down from a challenge. You should be asking your boyfriend that question.”“Don't be ridiculous,” Henry muttered in distaste. “I’ll easily win this bet. You’ll see.”“Listen up,” Evelyn stepped forward, her manicured nails tapping rhythmically on her phone screen. “Here's how we'll go about this,” she began as she scr
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The Davies mansion exuded an air of Opulence and grandeur as men and women dressed in designer suits and dresses, mingled and chattered among themselves. The interior was covered with white and gold decorations which stretched from the foyer to the grand living room where the party was being held. Waiters dressed in white and black uniforms weaved through the crowd, with their tray of champagne flutes professionally balanced on their hands.Anita felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her as she stepped into the room. It had been months since she last visited the familiar mansion. Adrian, beside her took in the scenery, a curious yet relaxed expression written on his face. He hadn’t been to many elite events yet, so this was all new territory to him. But now that he was a trillionaire heir, he would have to get used to attending even greater parties in the near future, some which would personally be hosted by him.A waiter came by and Adrian took two flutes of champagne.“Here you go,” he
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“The moment we have all gathered for is here.” Esther Davies announced, a smile plastered on her thin red lips. “Please join me in celebrating my dear husband and patriarch of the Davies’ family, Lloyd Davies as he arrives!” A spotlight immediately fell on the grand staircase, illuminating it to reveal a silver haired man dressed in an impeccable white Boglioli suit. The tap-tap-tap sound of his gold rimmed cane echoed throughout the room as he descended the stairs in slow, calculating steps—This was Lloyd Davies. Although, he was slightly bent over due to age, one could still feel the aura of a formidable businessman that he exuded. The crowd elicited in a round of cheers as Lloyd walked towards the stage and with effortless sophistication, settled down on the beautifully crafted chair that was specially designed for him. Grandma Esther glided towards him, handing him the microphone to greet the guests. Lloyd Davies cleared his throat and a smile stretched across his face. “Tha
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Anita shifted uncomfortably on her feet, feeling an inexplicable amount of nervousness washing over her as all eyes including her grandfather’s turned towards her. “Didn’t you hear your cousin, Anita?” Grandma Esther spoke through the silence when she saw that Anita hadn’t yet uttered a word. “Come over here with your gift this instant!” “Y-yes, grandma.”Anita nodded in a shaky voice. She was completely unsure of how to go about this situation. On one hand, if she presented Adrian’s cheap gift to her grandfather then he would be deeply displeased, and on the other hand, if she didn’t present anything, he would be more disappointed in her than he already is. After a moment of contemplation, she decided to go with the latter. According to her grandfather, it was better to give nothing at all than to give something of no worth. Before Adrian could convince her to take his gift, Anita was already approaching her grandfather. She shared nervous glances with her mother before she muste
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Every head spun around at the sound of Adrian’s voice as they wondered who he was to say such a thing. Regina’s face became white when she saw Adrian approaching, and she lunged forward to block him from taking a step further. “Are you out of your mind?” she hissed through gritted teeth. “I warned you not to utter a word at this party again, so what do you think you’re doing?”“I wouldn’t have had to intervene if you hadn’t just stood by and watched your daughter being humiliated.” Adrian retorted in a barely restrained tone. “If you’re unable to defend her, then don’t stop me from doing so.” After saying this, Adrian sidestepped a fuming Regina and moved to stand beside Anita, who was taken aback by his audacity to challenge her grandfather.Lloyd’s thick gray eyebrows, furrowed into a deep V. “Who’s this fool?” he barked, his eyes narrowing intensely at Adrian. “And what is he doing at my party?” Adrian was about to speak when Anita discreetly nudged him with her elbow and shook he
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Grandpa Lloyd chuckled dryly at Adrian’s proposal before his expression turned stormy. “Do you know why I gave you the benefit of the doubt, boy? Because I wanted to see how far you were willing to take your stupidity, and it seems I really underestimated it.”Nathan mirrored Grandpa Lloyd’s stormy expression. “You shouldn’t have given him a chance to utter such balderdash, Grandpa.” His eyes then shifted disdainfully to Adrian. “Do you know the caliber of company Crestwood Investment is? I bet you don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t be making such a ludicrous wager.”“He’s just a nobody trying to act important to impress Senior Davies,” Lilian chimed in, her expression filled with mockery. “He’ll only end up shooting Anita in the foot because as we speak, my name is already on the proposal as the Davies Designs’ representative. How then do you think you can change that, huh?”“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” Adrian responded sharply and his gaze turned to Grandpa Lloyd’s. “
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