All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
152 chapters
Adrian’s suspicions were confirmed as he saw the man’s face. It was the same arrogant guy who had slammed into his moped that morning. Landon Welsh’s expression was filled with disdain as he advanced towards Adrian and recognition flickered in his eyes when their gaze met. “I remember you.” He sneered. “You’re the loser who almost made me scratch my expensive car. I see you haven’t bothered to change your smelly clothes. Are you that poor?”“Incase you’ve forgotten,” Adrian countered, his voice firm, despite the cold anger brewing in his gut. “you’re the one who suddenly swerved into my lane and hit my moped.”“Who cares?” Landon scoffed. “No one’s going to believe the word of a nobody like you over mine. Now, be a good little loser and take that scrap…” he gestured towards Adrian’s moped dismissively. “…away from here. Before I run it over or better still, tell my security guard to trash it.”“It would be in your best interest to leave my moped alone.” Adrian warned in a low voice.
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Harold Welsh rushed towards the main entrance of the Glorious Garden with a speed he didn’t know he possessed. His eyes were frantic as sweat dripped from all over his body. How would he begin to apologize to Adrian? He desperately hoped that the security guard’s stupid mistake wouldn’t cost him his job as manager.The security guard on the other hand, trembled severely, his face a shade of green as he stumbled out of the guardhouse. Landon angrily stormed towards him and slapped him across the face. “Why did you abandon the orders I gave to you?”he snarled. “What were you doing in there for so long?”The security guard’s eyes were wide with panic and shock as his gaze drifted to Adrian. The only thing he could do was to point a shaky finger towards him. “He’s…he’s…”But, he wasn’t able to finish his sentence as Harold burst out of the gates and towards them. “You stupid fool!” He barked as he lunged at the security guard, his palms connecting with the same cheek Landon had just slapp
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As Adrian stepped inside the gates of Glorious Garden estate, the first thing that greeted him was the sight of a long, narrow drive away lined with olive trees and palm trees of different sizes. Harold ushered him into the back seat of his Ford Mustang which was parked to the side, while he shoved Landon into the front passenger seat. Harold then wasted no time in getting into the car and driving down the estate. Adrian silently looked out the window as he observed what would soon be his residence. The landmark of the estate was vast with several villas lined up on either side of the driveway, each sporting their own fountains. Some villas were modern and futuristic, some vintage and elegant, and others a seamless combination of both. Adrian was deeply amazed by the fact that this magnificent property was now his. After a few minutes, Harold pulled into the driveway of a modern villa situated on the right hand side. He quickly got out and opened the door for Adrian. “We’ve reached
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Lilian’s eyes lit up as she snapped her fingers continuously. “You’re probably right, Natty. I mean despite the fact that her husband is a poor nobody, I would admit that he is easy on the eyes. That’s probably how he was able to convince the manager to succumb to their demands.The urge to defend Adrian rose in Anita’s mind and she pointed a warning finger at Lilian and Natalie. “Don’t you dare defame my husband’s character like that!” she snapped. “Nothing of that sort happened, and him being at Crestwood Investment was just a mere coincidence.” Anita said those last words, even though a sliver of doubt gnawed in her mind. Adrian going to Crestwood Investment on the same morning she had gotten the contract couldn’t be a mere coincidence, could it?”“Whatever,” Natalie rolled her eyes. “The truth is a bitter pill to swallow anyways. You can pretend all you want but I see through your innocent act enough to know it’s all fake.”“This isn’t over, Anita.” Lilian chimed in. “Like I said
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“The car’s yours if you want it.” Adrian repeated with a shrug. “I can get another one at a nice deal from my friend. Besides, you need it more than I do.” Anita’s expression softened as she stared warmly at Adrian. He was truly full of surprises. She wasn’t aware of what she had expected when she got married to him, but all she knew right now was that she couldn’t have asked for a better person to be her husband. She took his free hand in hers. “Thank you, Adrian. This means so much to me.” A sheepish smile crept onto Adrian’s face at the contact. “You don’t have to thank me. You’re my wife and my responsibility. So, I’ll always place your priorities first.” Anita let go of Adrian’s hand as her cheeks became tinged with a red color which she tried hiding with her hair. Adrian took note of this and decided to tease her a little. “Is that a blush I see, dear wife?” “No, it’s not.” Anita countered playfully. “You need to get your eyesight checked because you’re seeing things. Let
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Everyone was already seated in the living room when Anita and Adrian walked in. All eyes turned to them; some filled with disdain, some envy and others indifference. Grandma Esther, who was seated next to Grandpa Lloyd, in a simple designer gown, was the first to break the silence. “Oh look!” she announced in a high pitched voice. “Her majesty has finally arrived. Anita, don’t you know your grandfather hates any form of tardiness to family meetings? Why did you keep us waiting?” Anita cheeks flushed as she bit her lip in embarrassment and remorse. “I’m sorry for keeping you all waiting,” she mumbled as she approached her grandparents, her attention particularly focused on her grandfather who rested comfortably on the largest chair in the room. She addressed him directly with a curt bow. “I’m sorry for being late, Grandpa.” Lloyd’s expression was unreadable as his gaze landed on Anita, then Adrian and back on Anita. “Don’t stand so close to me,” he gestured for her to move backwards
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Anita’s eyes watered as she covered her mouth with her palms to prevent herself from bursting into tears of joy. She simply glanced at Adrian who gave her a thumbs up and a wide grin before silently mouthing ‘congratulations.’ Her hands slid down from her mouth as she gave him a warm smile in return.“Grandfather—!” Evelyn and Natalie began to protest in unison but Grandpa Lloyd raised his hand to silence them.“I made a promise and one thing I will never do is go back on my promise.” He remarked in a firm tone. The two ladies huffed in frustration as their faces flushed in disappointment and Lilian, who didn’t take the news well, stood up abruptly. “This is not fair!” she exclaimed in exasperation before grabbing her bag, giving Anita a momentary glare and storming out. “Lily, wait!” Natalie called out to her friend as she equally got up from her seat and followed after her.Grandpa Lloyd ignored them as he prepared to speak again. “Now that this issue has been settled, there is some
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Adrian clamped down on the accelerator as he sped down the track, the car moving as fast as he wanted. Nathan’s Aventador was ahead of him, but only by a few meters. And that was simply because he was yet to activate the turbo engine which he was saving till the last two laps of the race. As they circled the track for the first time, Adrian glanced at Nathan who was whispering something into the ears of the race track leader while pointing at his car with a triumphant smirk. He let out a smirk of his own as he turned his attention back on the track and continued with the race. They circled the track two more times, the tensions and anticipations rising with each lap. As soon as they got to the starting point of the second to the last lap, Adrian pressed a button that activated the turbo engine and the car which surged with newfound power, vibrated as the engine revved with a roar. Nathan, the racetrack leader, as well as other spectators where astonished at the accelerated speed whic
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Nathan was overcome with deep sated rage as he stomped towards Adrian who was in a conversation with Bolt. “You bloody Lowlife! How dare you ruin my car?!”Adrian turned at the sound of Nathan’s voice and stifled a laugh at the way he resembled a tomato due to how red his face looked. “It’s a pity your car got destroyed, Nathan. But, I’m not at fault. All of this wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t decide to cheat.”“You still have the guts to deny being at fault?” Nathan bristled, his fingers coming up to jab at Adrian. “You’ll surely pay for this and that’s a promise.”“I’ll advise you don’t threaten me, and just accept that I won the bet. Besides, your car would have been mine if it hadn’t gone up in flames, so let’s just call the explosion a collateral damage. This would be a lesson for you not to underestimate me next time.”“A lesson? Oh please!” Nathan snorted in contempt. “I’ll never stop underestimating you because to me, you’ll always be a loser! And frankly, it’s better th
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“Oh…” Anita nodded in understanding. “That’s actually not a bad idea, Mr Grant. I-”“Great!” he chirped up from his seat, interrupting her. “It’s settled then. We would be having the dinner at Raving Delights Restaurant. I hear the seafood there is spectacular.”A sliver of nervousness crept up Anita’s spine. Raving Delights was a popular four star restaurant in Wibston. She had heard of how expensive meals served at the restaurant were and she wasn’t sure she would be able to afford them. “Mr. Grant,” she began, smiling nervously. “don’t you think Raving Delight is a bit on the…uhm…”“…Expensive side?” Micheal finished the sentence for her. “Oh don’t worry about that, Ms. Davies. If it’s too much for you to afford then we can go to a restaurant that’s more your….” he eyed her up and down in a condescending manner. “…standard.”Anita was irked at the condescending look in Michael’s eyes. She knew he was just trying to bait her and a part of her wanted to ignore it, but the other part
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