All Chapters of ANGEL INLAW: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
137 chapters
Revealed the news
If panic was a person, that would be Charles at the moment. Deborah was lying on the floor while Walter was in the living room gasping for breath.“Who should I call to assist me,” he asked himself.Just then he remembered the nurse that gave him her number a long time ago when they took Samus to Lucas Hospital.He brought out his phone and dialed her. “Please send the ambulance to the end of the Hill, there is an emergency,” Charles said, panicking. “Alright, Lucas Hospital Will be there shortly,” the nurse said.Few minutes later they got there. Grandfather and Deborah were carried into the ambulance by the hospital warders that came along.“Free medicals,” Charles told the hospital staff when they demanded for mode of payment.Even though Charles had the money to pay for their treatment at least till they recovered he still didn't consider doing it.“The Walter's are a wicked set of people so, wickedness they shall receive,” he consoled himself with that.Deborah and Walter were t
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Crazy Charles
Khloe was very debated, but she tried not to let it show for the sake of her husband. She knew that her reaction would hurt her husband more than anything, even the death of her parents and it might make her lose focus. So for that reason she decided to control her emotions.But it was very hard. And the most difficult part of it all was explaining to Ashley her daughter. She is still too very young to understand death but she will definitely miss Kim Walter.On another hand Khloe was extremely scared of returning back to Gatto Republic. She feared for her life. Whoever it was that got their house bombed had the intention of killing the whole member of the family and now that God so kind to her and her husband as well as their child, whoever it was would strike again when they finds out That they are still alive.“I don't have to return to the City anytime soon,” she told her husband Quincy on the phone.Quincy wasn't so sure what he wanted at the moment. “That's very fine by me,” he
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Sophia’s whereabouts are yet unknown, Quincy has been so reluctant to check on her but now that it's confirmed that Samus is dead. Then where Sophia is becomes the next question.“Charles, where is Sophia?” Quincy screamed at Charles on the phone.“Call Lord Walter and ask him that,” Charles retorted. Telling Quincy about Sophia's involvement in the bomb blast would be indirectly exposing himself as the culprits.“You now do not know but you were aware of Samus's death,” Quincy fired at Charles.“Don't play on my intelligence Charles, tell me where Sophia is?” Quincy continued demanding answers from Charles, and Charles was not willing to say anything.Charles was speechless for a while. But his silence already told Quincy all the answers he needed.“Sophia is dead right?” Quincy asked. He ended the call. He looked at Scott and said, “the drugs killed her obviously,”“Boss, let's end their lives,” Scott said angrily.Nothing will please him like crushing both Charles, Deborah and Lor
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Samus’s funeral was done as fast as ever and Deborah and Walter moved away from Gatto Republic down to Blue Island. Lord Walter knew that for the fact that Quincy Stone was alive is going to be a bloody encounter with him.“How was he able to survive,” Lord Walter asked Deborah while they were on board. She hissed before replying, “That man obviously has special powers,” Deborah admitted.“No special powers anywhere, is just luck,” Walter refused to agree to that philosophy that Quincy has special powers. Lord Walter had been a murderer for the longest time, he knew that most time target could be missed but eventually they also got their targets down after so many failed attempts.Deborah glanced at him and placed her head on his shoulder. “Charles should go to Quincy Stones and get hi fifty percent directly from him,” She teased. They both laughed.Lord Water was gnashing his teeth while gently massaging Deborah’s wrist while she sleeps. He had long ago decided to kill Charles. Killi
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Scot left Charles locked up in the seventh floor. He was very weak at this point. He tried so hard not to cry but the tear kept flowing uncontrollably. “Why would someone use that young girl as a suicide bomber,” he wondered.Three days straight and no one heard from Scot, even stayed away from work and that got Quincy so worried. He noticed Scot was away from work the first day but he decided to let it pass, then the second and the third day, Quincy then knew instantly that something is wrong somewhere.He called his mobile phone, “Scot is everything alright? Were you able to find any information about Sophia?” Quincy asked the moment Scot answered his call.“Boss, we need to meet at the seventh floor,” Scot replied. He was still not in the mood to speak. He only wanted to take Quincy to the seventh floor where Charles was so he will be the one to tell Quincy all that he told him about Sophia’s death.“Oh Seventh floor?” Quincy asked surprisingly. But Scot didn’t give him any reply.
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The security guards
“It’s peaceful here grandfather,” Deborah said dancing around the luxurious living room. They paid for an apartment. While dancing and admiring the apartment, She got to the chandelier and raised her hand to feel it, it was designed with precious stones. “These are real emerald grandfather,” she said again.Lord Walter kept smiling while watching her. Currently she is the only family he has. They are not yet aware of Khloe's survival and currently staying in the same city with them.Walter was happy seeing Deborah smile again apparently she has gotten over Samus's death. It was such a painful experience for them but most especially Deborah. Watching her dance and sing makes her grandfather extremely happy.“Deborah place our orders, I am famished,” Walter suggested.“Oh grandfather, let's eat out,” Deborah threw in her own suggestion.She preferred trying other places just for sight seeing. They just got here and ofcourse she been the adventurous lady would want to explore the whole
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Coco and Philip
It's one week now Charles had been locked up by Scott. Scot put him in a smaller place. The room size is very tiny like a hole. The only thing one could freely do in the shit hole called room is stretch one hand. Two hands can't be stretched at the same time.Charles who was 6.7fit tall can not stand up straight in the room. He scratches the bare floor with his bumbum just to move around.Scot gave him food once a day, just so he doesn't die. Left alone he wouldn't give him food at all. Talking about food, he eats just three slices of bread with roughly scrambled egg. His meal has never changed, it remains the same, the food is thrown in through the window and most times it gets scattered.Charles already knows that he gets three slices of bread so each time it comes, he counts the bread first and if not complete, he will have to kneel down and with his hands he will search for the scattered bread on the floor. Taking his bath or brushing his teeth was a big luxury.Charles regretted
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Deborah hasn’t been herself since the day she ran into Khloe and Ashley. The fear in her multiplied more coupling the fact that Charles doesn’t answer his call.“Pick up! Charles pick up,” she was so loud and Lord Walter heard her from his own room. Walter upon hearing her mention Charles, rushed into the living room. He stood by the corner for few minutes peeping on her to see if he could get the main reason for trying to connect with Charles.After everything Charles displayed recently, Lord Walter has totally gotten him off his safe place, as long as Walter is concerned Charles should rot in hell.“Hey Deborah, what do you need that ingrate for?” Lord Walter asked walking into the living room and taking a seat.Deborah glancing at him and still deciding if she should let him know about Khloe or not. Too many thoughts racing through her mind.“Grandfather, I saw Khloe and her daughter Ashley the other day at the restaurant,” she finally spoke.Lord Walter’s stomach made unusual nois
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Banderas and his boys kept beating the secretary. They stared with a slap across her face, but when they noticed that she was not saying anything about Quincy Stone’s whereabouts they decided to triple the beatings.“We appear to you like a joke huh?” one of them asked. He was the most fearful and meanest amongst them. His name Fernando. A short young man in his early thirties. He ended in the street due to his choice.He was from an average home, his parents were not wealthy but they were able to provide him with the basic things needed to make life worth living but Fernando decided to be rough, he choose the bad life and he was lived it to the fullest after he met Banderas who gladly added him to his band of bad boys.Fernando does not like repeating himself, he expects one to get all he said at the first time and if anyone dares to ask him for a repeat, whoever might get serious beating.Fernando bounced on the secretary punching her like he desperately needed to take life out of
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Banderas was captured and turned. “The best thing you can do is to kill me otherwise my ever loyal boys will repeat this movement and it you definitely will not be this lucky,” Banderas boasts.“Strip him off his clothes and dumb him in my own office. Do not use handcuffs, use chains on him,” Quincy ordered his boys.“Alright boss,” they echoed. Banderas was dragged on the floor like straight into Quincy’s office.Quincy deliberately choose his personal office because he wanted to have a close conversation with the man. He needed to find out the reason behind the past wars between Malafania Republic and the neighboring cities.He needed to find out the main source of Lord Walter’s income. He needed to finds out the main person or people behind his first sickness, the very sickness that left him as good as a dead vegetable.He saw Banderas and realized that he would be the same age with Lord Walter, hence he concluded that he will know too much. The rest of Banderas’s boys dropped
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