Author: Penny gold

An old electric fan spun overhead in a room that was not more than forty square meters large. It was the only source of ventilation against that stuffy, humid air of summer.

A man and a woman lay on a crumbled bed in the center of the room. That’s actually a hospital. A general hospital, the poorest hospital in the city and that’s what Khloe could afford.

The woman Khloe Walter, never imagined that the handsome tall man she fell in love with and married could turn out to be so sick and bedridden.

With water eyes she caressed his body as he lay helplessly on the bed. When she looked at Quincy bitterness struck her and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Quincy Stone, a fearless man now like a dead vegetable. She truly love Quincy, but she might have to divorce him.

She can no longer bear the pressure from her family to divorce her husband.

As she laments bitterly, she looked at Quincy, his head was slightly titled. His handsome face looked blank and dull while he drooled uncontrollably as if he was a mindless puppet.

‘’Honey what happened in the last three years? What made you like this?’’ Khloe sobbed.

Three years ago Khloe married Quincy but on their wedding night, Quincy disappeared. He took few pairs of trouser and left after making sweet passionate love to his newly wedded wife. He disappeared while Khloe was fast as sleep.

The news of her husband’s escape spread like wild fire and that made the Walter family a laughing stock.

Her grandfather, Lord Walter told her to get a divorce especially when she found out she was pregnant for a man who abandoned her. But she insisted on waiting for Quincy. She believed there must be reason for his escape and that he would return.

Few months ago the mindless Quincy was dumped in front of Khloe’s doorstep by someone. He could not remember anything, could not speak a world and drooled uncontrollably.

Khloe was devastated. She took Quincy to the best hospital in town, spent a lot of dollars on his health.

Lord Walter threatened her to get an immediate divorce and it out her in a difficult situation.

‘’Quincy, I can’t bear it anymore. We were expelled by my grandfather and had to rent a house by ourselves. Our company was withdrawn and our source of income was confiscated. If I don’t get a divorce our grandfather will completely cut us off.

Here we are, currently in the cheapest hospital because that’s what I can afford at the moment, soon I might not even be able to afford your medical fees. And before we get a divorce, I want you to pop my cherry just like you did on our wedding night.''

Blushing, Khloe leaned on Quincy’s shoulder while she stroked his abs. her hand moved lower to his crotch. She took off her clothes, wearing just her underwears, she jumped on almost lifeless Quincy's body. She put her mouth gently on his dry lips, when she didn't get a kiss back, she cried, ''i need you, can't you just see, or feel it?

I need you to moan inside me one more time,'' just immediately, she had a feeling that her G-string pant, is not leting him feel her lumptious body, with one hand she put the pant off, as well as her bra top. she was now without any form of covering. 

she opened her legs wide apart crossing it over his body, with the intention that raw body contact will have an effect. she placed her innocent breast on his bare chest, she sobbed heavily as attempt move to make him move fails. The tears flowed uncontrollably. Her eyes were red. she kept rubbing her nude body on him, while he remains still. It was heartbreaking.

Suddenly the hospital door sponged open. Hector Walter, Khloe’s father barged in on her, seeing Khloe lying on Quincy’s body without wearing anything. Her breast dangling on his bare chest. ''What in god's name is this? Has this lunatic husband of yours affected you with maddness?''

With an angry face he cried, ‘’my daughter, why are you still holding on to this idiot? There are many rich men who likes you, yet you are not even giving them a chance. Charles from the Hills family, he is the heir of one of the strongest families in Malafania Republic. He is handsome and tall, why did you reject him?’’

Khloe frowned, ‘'Dad please don’t start again, she turned to another directon,her eyes still filled with flowing tears. Not minding her dad's presence while she is stark naked she laments,''Dad, do you remember how full of life he used to be? i still wonder what happened. why can't this young man get his life back,  dad why? The great one in heaven should please intervene.''

Hector, was not moved one bit, instead he assumed Khloe to be mad upstairs. ''Its's alright, life must go on, and you have to move on without this dead vegetable.'' Hector moved closer to Khloe and tried to talk her into covering herself, she yelled at her dad, ''dad, the truth is i've decided not to put on any clothes nor leave his body until he recovers.''

‘’You can’t even talk to me patiently? This is too much!’’ Khloe’s father screamed hurridly. 

Tomorrow is your Grandfather’s seventieth birthday, you better find a way to make him happy. Maybe it will save our family from this desperate situation.’’

‘’I don’t think, I would love to attend the birthday, dad, ''Khloe said moving closer to Quincy’s chest, holding onto him so tight like her whole life depends on him.

''I need you to know that without these machines, he is dead,'' Hector roared at Khloe pointing at the hospital facilities. ''At first he left without telling you, only for him to return sick and you've spent millions of dollars to bring life back to him, unfortunately, my dear, he won't make it. so please move on.''

Hector got a robe hanging on the couch in the small hospital room, he used the robe to cover Khloe's nakedness, he gently pulled her out from Quincy's body. ''After the birthday celebration tomorrow, i will get you and Charles engaged.''

Khloe screamed, ''that will be over my dead body, Dad.'' Tears flows more from her eyes.

''My daughter, it's not optional, it's decided. You either marry Charles or get disowned by the walters.''


As she sat on the hospital floor, her dad's final words playing on repeat on her head.''Divorce Quincy or get disowned by the Walters. One certain thing is that she won't ever abandon Quincy. Should she divorce him, marry Charles and then use Charles's money to treat Quincy, afterall divorce is a continous process.

She looked at Quincy, then remembers that he has not cleaned today, she put a clothe in a cold water, with that she cleans his body softly.

While on it, her mum came in,then just dialed the security number and Khloe was bundled out of the hospital. She cried bitterly as she was taken away against her will. All she wanted was to take care of her sick husband.

After they left, few minutes later, Quincy’s fingers moved. First, second and third finger. But he was so weak

to move more than those finger. He tried to call out to someone but doesn’t know who to call. Few minutes later, he went back to sleep, but woke up again after ten minutes.

Quincy stone was alone in coma, suddenly opened his eyes and wondered where he was. He quivered and straightened his head. He widened his eyes in shock and inhaled deeply. ‘’What am I doing here?’’ In the next second, an excruciating headache assaulted him as a sea of memories flooded his mind

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