All Chapters of Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
151 chapters
Chapter 141: Ambrose Vrs Doctor
As Ambrose nodded, he tried to smooth things over. "I understand, Doctor. I apologize on his behalf. Forgive him, he... he has no eyes to differentiate what is nice from what isn't."The doctor’s frown deepened, her sharp gaze locking onto Ambrose. "What do you mean by that?" she asked, her tone growing colder.Ambrose stood up and offered a nervous smile. "Nothing, nothing. I said nothing. All I meant was—can you forgive him?"But the doctor wasn’t letting it go. She stood up too, her expression unreadable as she slowly walked closer. "No, you said something. I want to hear it." Her voice was low, almost challenging.Ambrose sighed, realizing she wasn’t going to drop it. "Alright, alright. I said forgive him, he's not able to differentiate what's nice and what's not."Her eyes narrowed as she continued approaching him, her heels clicking softly against the floor until Ambrose’s back was against the wall. "And what is that supposed to mean? I'm not beautiful?" she asked, her voice dro
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Chapter 142: Erectile Dysfunction
The doctor calmly adjusted her glasses and said, "Yes, Mr. Ainsley, erectile dysfunction. Based on the results, it’s caused by a blockage in your blood flow, specifically to the arteries leading to your lower region. It's something that will require surgery to correct." William's body tensed up, vibrating in nervousness. "Erectile dysfunction?" he echoed, his voice shaking. The doctor nodded again. "Yes, and it’s serious. If we don’t address it, your condition could worsen to the point where your manhood will no longer function at all." Gripping the edge of the table, William slammed his hand down in frustration. "Damn!" he growled. The very idea of not being able to enjoy himself as an "active" man made him feel desperate and angry. The doctor remained calm, watching him. "I understand this is a lot to process," she said. Breathing heavily, William asked, "What caused it? How did this happen to me?" The doctor leaned back, keeping her tone steady. "It’s primarily due to a
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Chapter 143: Dera Advises Ava
Soon, they arrived at the manor. Ambrose parked the electric bike, and as he was about to head inside, William grabbed his arm, stopping him."What's wrong? Why are you holding me?" Ambrose asked, slightly irritated."Did the doctor tell you why I was kicked out?" William asked, his eyes searching Ambrose’s face.Ambrose considered responding with the truth—that William had been flirting shamelessly with the doctor—but instead, he shook his head. "She just said you didn’t follow instructions. I pleaded with her to let you back in. What’s wrong? What did you do?”"None of your business," William snapped, finally letting out a sigh of relief.Ambrose shook his head and walked inside. Once inside, Elizabeth, his mother-in-law, immediately approached him. "What’s wrong? What did the doctor say?"Ambrose shrugged. "I don’t know. He wouldn’t let me see the report. He’s outside, coming in. Ask him yourself." He then headed upstairs.A few moments later, William entered, and Elizabeth was the
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Chapter 144: Ready For Dinner
Meanwhile, back at home, Ambrose stood in front of his wardrobe, carefully inspecting each outfit he owned. He wanted to choose the best clothes for his dinner with Ava. His fingers trailed over different shirts and jackets, trying to find the perfect combination that would make him look sharp and presentable.He settled on a crisp white shirt, neatly ironed, and a pair of dark trousers. After slipping them on, he checked himself in the mirror, adjusting his collar and making sure everything was in place. He ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath as he thought about the night ahead with Ava. After putting on the outfit and checking himself in the mirror, Ambrose hesitated. He exhaled and shook his head slightly, deciding it was still too early to get dressed. He carefully took the clothes off, making sure not to wrinkle them, and hung them back in the closet.He glanced at the clock on the wall—there was still time before he had to leave. Ambrose sat on the edge of the bed
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Chapter 145: Ava Arrival At Le Jardin Gourment
Ambrose walked out to the cab which was parked outside and then sat inside. Sitting inside, the driver greeted him coolly. Ambrose responded then asked him to drive quickly. Ava had just finished changing back into the outfit she wore earlier that morning, a stylish yet practical look that blended well with her professional demeanor. She glanced at her reflection in the rearview mirror, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Satisfied with her appearance, she took a deep breath and started the car.The engine roared to life, and she quickly punched the location Ambrose had given her—Le Jardin Gourmet—into the GPS. As the directions appeared on the screen, she shifted into gear and pulled out of the lot.The drive wasn’t too long, but Ava found herself thinking about the upcoming dinner, her thoughts drifting to Ambrose. She wasn't used to such gestures from him, and the fact that he had planned the evening left her with mixed emotions. Half an hour later, Ava pulled up near
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Chapter 146: Ambrose Arrivés
The staff member hesitated slightly, then leaned closer to Ava. "Madam, I understand your wish to pay, but that man is a big deal around here. It would be wise to give him face. A gesture like this—"Ava cut him off, her tone calm but firm. "I said no thanks. It's $500, right? I'll pay it myself. It's simple." She handed the staff member her card and calmly gave him the password.The staff member gave her a cold look, clearly understanding that Ava wasn’t going to be swayed. He took the card and walked back to the man in the suit. "She refused your payment and offered to pay herself," he said quietly.The man smirked, his gaze trailing back toward Ava. "Alright, don't worry about it," he replied, though there was a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. He glanced toward Ava one more time.Ava, feeling the weight of his gaze, briefly locked eyes with him before she deliberately looked away and focused on her phone. She checked the time—7:00 PM. Ambrose hadn’t arrived yet, which
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Chapter 147: Reservation
Immediately Ambrose reached the table and Ava saw him, she smiled warmly and said, "You're here."Ambrose nodded, his gaze briefly flicking to Palermo with a slight frown before turning back to Ava. He handed her a single rose he had been holding. "This is yours."Ava was pleasantly surprised as she took the flower, admiring how beautiful it was. "Thank you," she said, smiling.Ambrose nodded, his expression still a bit serious as he looked at Palermo and then back to Ava. "Who's he?" he asked.Ava glanced at Palermo and replied, "This man here is Palermo. He offered to pay for my drink, and I refused. But guess what? He doesn't believe I have a husband and thinks he can give me some sort of 'great treatment.'"Ambrose’s frown deepened at her words. He turned fully towards Palermo, his voice calm but firm. "Hello, she told you she has a husband, so why are you still trying to force things?"Palermo looked Ambrose up and down with a smirk. "Where's your ring? Did you just manage to get
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Chapter 148: Ambrose Gets Reservation
Meanwhile, inside, Palermo was growing bolder by the second, leaning closer to Ava as he tried to charm her.Palermo reached out, attempting to lightly brush her arm. “Come on, why don’t we just enjoy the evening together, huh?”Before his hand could make contact, Ava snapped back, her voice strong and unyielding, “Touch me, and you’ll regret it.”Palermo paused, taken aback by her intensity but still trying to play it cool. “Whoa, calm down. I’m just being friendly.”“Friendly or not,” Ava shot back, her eyes narrowing, “I’m not interested, and I’m warning you—don’t try anything again.”At that moment, Ambrose re-entered the restaurant, his eyes immediately locking onto Palermo leaning too close to Ava. His face hardened as he quickened his pace. Without hesitation, Ambrose strode up to them and forcefully pushed Palermo back, making him stumble away from Ava.“Don’t touch my wife!” Ambrose’s voice was cold, his eyes burning with intensity as he squared up to Palermo, his frame tense
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Chapter 149: Ambrose Pours Heart To Ava
After placing their expensive orders, both Ambrose and Ava set their phones down. Ambrose turned to her and asked, "So, how's it going?""How's what going?" Ava asked."Your work. The contract for the Wei family, I mean."Ava nodded. "It's going well. It felt like a huge weight at first, but Dera's been helping little by little, so everything's going smoothly now.”"Dera," Ambrose nodded thoughtfully. "Is she staying at the manor permanently now?"Ava shook her head. "She’s planning to rent her own place soon, once she finds something. But for now, since she's helping me out, it just makes sense for her to stay at the manor.""Alright," Ambrose nodded again. He then gently took Ava’s hand, looking into her eyes without speaking."What?" Ava asked, her voice carrying a hint of shyness.Ambrose smiled softly. "I want to apologize.”"Apologize for what?" Ava asked, slightly confused."For everything," he said. "We got married against your will. Your dreams of marrying someone wealthy or.
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Chapter 150: Ava Gets Tipsy
Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Ambrose and Ava were still enjoying their dinner, the atmosphere lively with soft music playing in the background. Ambrose looked at Ava, smiling warmly as he reached for his glass.“You seem to be really enjoying the food,” he said, playfully nudging her.Ava smiled, taking a sip of her drink. “Well, it’s not every day I get to enjoy something this fancy.”Ambrose chuckled. “You deserve this every day, you know.”Ava looked at him with a mix of curiosity and affection. “You’re really full of surprises tonight.”Ambrose took her hand, squeezing it gently. “I’m really proud of you, Ava.”As they continued talking and eating, Ambrose suddenly picked up a piece of food with his chopsticks and held it out to Ava. She blinked, momentarily shocked by his gesture."Ambrose, what are you doing?" she asked, her voice laced with surprise and shyness."Feeding you," he said with a teasing grin. "Come on, don’t be shy."Ava’s cheeks flushed, and she glanced around th
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