All Chapters of FROM STREETS TO SUITES : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
174 chapters
His Surprise Visit.
The meal was unlike anything he had tasted before—there was a certain warmth to it, a touch that seemed personal.Although he rarely eats at home, he knows how the cook's food tastes.He could not help, but ask. Tilting his neck up, he found her walking down the stairs, like the queen she was.Her eyes twinkled with a mixture of amusement and nervousness as she responded to his question, leaning casually against the rail, watching him stare at her in surprise."You cooked this?" He asked, but she ignored his question and threw her question at him.“Enjoying the food?” She asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.He looked up, smiling. “More than usual, actually. The cook really—"“It’s not from the cook,” she interrupted softly, her eyes never leaving his.He froze halfway, the fork clinking on the silverware. “What do you mean? Don't play with me, Quinn,” he voiced out, confused.She took a step closer, coming down the stairs to where he sat, her expression shifting from playful
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Ivan's Objection.
Ivan had just landed in Florida and thought to give Quinn a surprise visit.He had come to Florida with Eva so that the two of them could finally settle, and continue their relationship.As he arrived at the company, only a few people knew him, and after a couple of greetings, he made his way to the CEO's floor.On arriving there, he did not bother to knock on the door, he pushed it open, wearing a smile that died down immediately after his eyes were set up on the duo.Ivan stood in the doorway, his face, a mask of shock and fury. He was dressed in a dark blue suit, the tie perfectly knotted, the polished shoes gleaming. He looked every bit the successful professional, but his eyes blazed with anger.Eva, who could make out why he had suddenly halted, tipped on her toes and noticed Quinn with a man, whom she could not clearly describe."What is going on here?" His deep voice penetrated the room, causing the two to break their kiss.Her smile died down as she turned to see him, her ex
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Romantic Relationship.
Eva chased after Ivan, whose steps were faster than usual. He just wanted to leave the company and find somewhere peaceful to be."Ivan, Ivan! Wait," Eva screamed his name, but he didn't halt a step.She increased her pace and was right on time to get into the elevator with him."Ivan!" She called out, but his head was bent low, as he leaned on the wall.His hands were tucked into his pockets, his breath was uneven.Eva in her turquoise knee-length gown, walked up to him, placing a hand on his back, rubbing it carefully.He made him look up at her, and she pulled him into her embrace, and they remained that way for what seemed to be like five minutes or less.She cupped his cheeks, and began, "I know that you are upset, and you feel betrayed by what Quinn did, but I'm sure you know your sister more than I do. I understand that certain things happened in the past, but if Quinn had let go of it, I feel you should too."Ivan did not say a word, he kept staring at her, listening to all sh
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Manipulation Gone Wrong.
Quinn sat behind her desk, her posture composed, but a whole lot was running through her mind, which no one had any idea of.Only she knew the many unsettled thoughts that ran her mind.The office was a peaceful sanctuary of order and stillness, now felt controlled by the storm of confrontation and threat. Although the sunlight was directly facing the tall window, the light filtering in seemed cold, as if even the sun had turned away from the confrontation, leaving the two to do whatever they wished to. Mrs. Jack, dressed in a sharply tailored dark green suit that mirrored her sharp tongue, stood confidently before Quinn. Her eyes gleamed with malice, and a thin smile played on her lips as she spoke, her voice dripping with false sweetness. “You know, Quinn, the truth about your relationship with Harrison is bound to come out eventually. And when it does, it won’t just be us who are hurt. It will cut through the company, shaking its very foundations, and certainly, you know what t
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Broken Trust.
Ivan adjusted his tie as he stood outside Quinn’s office door.He had resumed his position as the COO of the company, and therefore, had his own office. He looked down, reflecting on his tensed expression, his usually warm eyes now clouded with a mix of disappointment and hurt. He took a deep breath, raised a hand to knock, then hesitated. He had not spoken with his sister since the day he met her with Harrison.Although he was angry at her, he was expecting her to come around, but seeing that she neither called nor tried to reach out to him, he felt disappointed.Whatever was going to happen, he was somewhat prepared for it, as he raised his hand to knock.Quinn’s voice called out from inside, “Come in!”He entered, the door creaking slightly as it closed behind him. Quinn engrossed in a report on her screen, looked up, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of her twin brother standing in the doorway. She quickly masked her shock with a nervous smile.She was so busy that she
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Let's Meet Up.
Quinn sat in her office, the weight of her brother’s disapproval pressing down on her like a rock. She stared out of the window, her thoughts spiraling like the rain that threatened to spill from the heavy, dark sky. Her brother’s harsh words still echoed in her mind, causing her to feel uneasy. It wasn’t like Ivan to be this way, but then again, she knew exactly why he was. Their bond had always been strong, stronger than her bond with any of her family members. After all, they were twins—two halves of a whole. So why did it feel like that bond was breaking?If it did, George would be happy.She sighed, rubbing her temples as if that could somehow ease the ache in her heart. She was torn between her love for Harrison and her bond with Ivan. Both men meant the world to her, yet they were at odds, and it was tearing her apart. Could she really have them both in her life, or would she have to choose?A soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She turned to see Harrison stand
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He Is Back.
Harrison arrived at the coffee shop on Cross Road, earlier than the time they had agreed on. Harrison felt the atmosphere shifting from what seemed to be warm to a cold one. The past had a way of haunting the present, and today, it was coming for him.Now, he understood that just apologizing because of a past does not mean it won't come back at him, haunting him like the Grim Reaper.He ordered a black coffee and took a seat near the back, where he could watch the door, and where he could hardly be seen.The minutes ticked by, and his mind replayed the conversation he had had with Ivan the day before. He knew today would be awkward, but as he waited, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.The bell above the door jingled, and Harrison looked up. Ivan stepped inside, his expression guarded and his eyes hard. He spotted Harrison, like he knew where he was, and made his way over, sliding into the seat across from him without a word.“Thanks for coming,” Harrison began, t
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Public Confession.
“How the hell did he escape?” Harrison asked, his voice low, almost as though he lost it."I'm sorry, sir. He fought through, and we tried to stop him, but he was able to escape."Harrison's anger was boiling. He ended the call, his fingers coiling into a ball, trying to hold off his anger.As he left the coffee shop, his mind was clouded with thoughts."Go to James Street," he instructed Hardy, who immediately veered the car to the left.The air was thick as Harrison stood at the corner of the street, the night’s chill biting into his skin. He was not sure why he had accepted to meet up with this guy in such an isolated, cold spot, but something told him that he had to. The man before him was a shadow of his past, reminding him of an ugly memory.The man exhaled a plume of smoke, a smile creeping onto his face. "So, you came...""How did you escape?" Harrison asked, ignoring him.“Let’s just say I have my ways. They thought they had me, but I’m smarter than they think. Got a few c
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Calling Quinn.
Harrison gripped the phone tightly, as the hangup tone resounded in his ears.He knew that just the call could change everything. Everything in the surrounding felt muted, as though something had sucked up the noise."Harrison."He hesitated a bit, before raising his eyelids, his hand still gripping his phone tightly. He needed to lie and buy himself time to think clearly. He could not afford to make a mistake.The truth was too messy, that he needed to clean it up before it was exposed. Harrison forced a look of urgency onto his face, a look that would justify the words he was about to speak.“Ivan, I—I’m sorry, but I have to go. It’s an emergency,” Harrison stammered, his voice sounding urgent.The tension was so thick that he tried all he could to avoid Ivan's deep stare.Ivan’s expression was unreadable, but he nodded slowly. “Alright, Harrison. Take care of whatever you need to.”Harrison muttered a thank you and turned away, hurrying out.***The door swung open, revealing Iva
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An Ugly Past.
Quinn’s heart pounded as she watched Ivan leave the room. His usual expression had softened, but the non-communicable tension between her brother and Harrison did not go unnoticed. She turned back to Harrison, who sat opposite her, his face masked with concern. Harrison's eyes met hers, searching for her fears. “Quinn,” he began softly, taking her hand in his. His voice was steady, but she could feel his anxiety. “I want you to tell me what happened. What happened with your ex? I want to understand. I want to help.”Quinn felt a shiver run down her spine at the mention of her ex. She had tried so hard to keep the memories buried, to forget the fear and the trauma. The look in Harrison’s eyes was one of genuine concern and not pity. She knew she owed him the truth if they were going to move forward together, and there were no hiding secrets.She took a deep breath, her voice trembling as she began to speak. "I need to know what happened with your ex. You've told me bits of it, but
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