All Chapters of FROM STREETS TO SUITES : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
174 chapters
Ivan And Eva.
Eva stood there for more than two minutes, as though she had been frozen to the spot. She never thought that a day would come when she would be standing in front of Ivan.Although she knew that one day she would meet Ivan again, she did not think it would be this sudden and unexpected. "Eva, what's wrong? Who is there?" Quinn asked, getting up to check up on her.As she reached the door, she, too, was surprised to see Ivan at the door."Ivan?" She called out with a frown, wondering whether or not she was dreaming or hallucinating."Princess!" He exclaimed, wearing a smile, "Surprise!" He walked past Eva like there was no one standing there. He hugged Quinn tightly, before letting her go."I've missed you so much," he added.Every other person in the room stared at the two of them, wondering what was going on.Quinn realized that all eyes were on them, so she coughed and cleared her throat."Everyone, this is my Siamese twin, Ivan. The one I've been telling you about," she introduced
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Resigning From Ingot Inc.
Eva cleared her throat, "Ivan, I know that you are angry at me. You might not even want to talk to me. First, I want to apologize for keeping it away from you. You deserved to know, and I made a mistake."She glanced at him and was satisfied when he gave her listening ears.She continued, "My father wanted me to get married to him for business purposes, and I was not in agreement with them. On the day of the wedding, I ran away, and my father disowned me. I relocated to Spain and tried to live again, hoping that I would find a way to contact you. I tried to move on, but it was hard to do so.""I met Quinn at the company where I worked, and that was how I knew you were in Houston. Every time you talk to her, I wish I could tell her to hand over the phone to me to speak with you, but I was too ashamed to even say anything. I didn't mean to make you feel worthless at all. I don't know if you have moved on already, but I just want to say that I missed you so much." She concluded, letting
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Going To Houston, Texas.
Eva wore a gloomy face as she walked beside Quinn to the CEO's office to submit her resignation letter.It was not news to the CEO that she was resigning, as they had had a deal. She walked inside, her heels resounding in the office. As soon as she reached the table, she shoved the envelope slowly on the table."RESIGNATION LETTER" was boldly written on it.The CEO raised his head and looked at her. He had a smile on his face, as he took the envelope, and tore it open.He took out the paper, and then brought out his pen, and signed below the letter."It was a pleasure to meet you, Senorita Ro. I do not ever regret working with you. I hope we make good partners now and in the future," Mr. Ingot said, stretching his hand for a handshake.She smiled at him, "gracias, senor. I'm grateful for all your assistance."After that, she left for her office to pack. As she placed the big carton box on the table, slowly taking everything that belonged to her, she reminisced about when she started
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Telling Grandfather.
"What are you talking about?" The old man asked, wearing a frown on his face.George turned immediately to her, "what? What are you saying? How can you say you are the CEO of Ro Groups? Are you dreaming?"Quinn chuckled. She knew George would try to say something about it."Let's say I am not the CEO of Ro Groups. Can you tell us who the CEO of Ro Groups is? I'm not sure it is you," Quinn said, giving him an expression that she knew what he did."Quinn, what are you talking about? What do you mean by George is not the CEO of Ro Groups?" He asked, obviously looking confused.He turned to George, "What is she talking about?""Grandfather, do not mind Quinn. You know so well that she has always wanted to take over the company. This is nothing but a fabricated lie!" He whined, darting his eyes between his grandfather and Quinn.There was a sense of confusion, as Mr. Ro did not know who to believe, or who was telling the truth.He looked at Quinn, and then at George. The more he thought ab
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Welcome, Chairwoman Quinn.
"Quinn!" Vera yelled, as soon as she opened the door.She had no idea when they planned to come back, so she was not expecting them to be the ones at the door.The moment she saw Quinn, she jumped on her like she was her lifesaver, causing the bag she held to slip and fall."I've missed you so much!" She said, releasing her from her embrace. "Are you back to Florida or did you just come to visit?" She asked."I'm back in Florida now," Quinn responded, wearing a huge smile on her face.It had been months since she last saw Vera, and she could not explain how much she had missed her.She stared at her face, as though there was something different from the face she used to know."Did you forget me here or did it look like only Quinn came back," he paused, "or am I just too invisible for you to see?" Ivan cleared his throat, addressing the questions at Vera.She turned to him, "Oh, Ivan! You are here, I didn't know.""What? I was literally standing next to Quinn. You even pushed me while
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First Meeting As The CEO.
She walked past him and got into the elevator. Of course, she knew that her words had struck a chord and he would be more careful with his choice of words with her.She gave him one last look as the elevator closed. As soon as it closed, she heaved out a long sigh and leaned on the wall of the elevator.He was the last person she wanted to meet that day, but unfortunately, she did. She did not mind. As long as she was strong enough not to let any of them bully her again, she was ready to face them.Moving into the office, it seemed like Ivan had everything ready for her. The office was redecorated to her taste, just like the way she wanted.She smiled at how thoughtful Ivan was and made her way to the table. She stared at the name on the table that was inscribed in a glass solid case of black and yellow."Quinn P. Rodriguez, CEO, Ro Groups." That was exactly what was written on it. She caressed it and moved to the leather swivel chair. She sat on it and realized how comfy it was.On
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Quinn's Shopping List.
"Argh! Today was hectic, George is really lazy, you know? I cannot believe he did not review all those documents in the office, and he called himself a CEO," she complained, taking off her shoes as she entered inside to find Ivan in the sitting room."How was work?" She added."Work was fine, I will be transferred to the branch in Spain." He said, wearing a smile, as he thought of the possibility of meeting Eva again."Oh, that's great! So, you are going to meet your lover again. How interesting! I'm sure you would not want to come back again," she teased, and all he did was chuckle."So, what happened today at the office? Tell me every single thing," he said, sitting up to listen to her.She sighed, "Well, the staff there seems new. I could only recognize a few faces, but I'm sure they won't recognize mine. I met Mr. Hardy, and he sent his regards, though. I'm surprised that he is still working in the company. I thought by now, he should have resigned or something.""That's Mr. Hardy
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Stuck In The Elevator.
Her position as the CEO had made the company begin to see progress. Not only that, the investors that promised to invest in her company did not fail to keep to their promise.They had a few meetings, and most of them invested in her company. The last company that was supposed to partner with hers to make their company stand out was Ingot Inc.Mr. Ingot had sent his wife as a representative to represent the company in Florida. As the meeting was about to begin, the door flew open, revealing Harrison.Quinn frowned, wondering what Harrison was doing in Ro Groups. Although she had questions, she kept them in, hoping to ask them after the meeting.Throughout the meeting, Harrison's gaze was on her, which made her feel uncomfortable. Seeing his presence alone made her heartbeat increase.She felt some butterflies in her belly when he walked in, in his white shirt and black two-piece suit.She could not deny that he was really handsome, and looked like a model, but she was not supposed to b
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Partnering With Gerald's Conglomerate.
"I know you are happy to go to Spain. I feel so jealous right now. I know you won't miss me," Quinn stated, accompanying him to the airport. "Oh, c'mon. You know I will definitely miss you. Besides, I'm not going for any vacation. I'm going there to work." Ivan countered. She playfully hit his arm, "we both know that that is a lie. I can only imagine how your face was when your boss told you that you would be going to Spain." There was a short silence, before she added, "Well, it's for the best. At least, you will be able to see her and fix your relationship with her. You two really have a long way to go." "How about you? Won't you find someone to make a partner?" He asked. "Me? I don't need a partner. I'm fine that way." Ivan sighed, "The one for you will surely come." "Passengers leaving for Madrid, Spain, your flight will take off in ten minutes." Quinn turned to Ivan, "I wish you could stay in Florida, and help me with the company, but I know that your work in Spain is more
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First Plan.
"Good morning, everyone. I would like to introduce to all of you here my assistant. Her name is Veronica," Quinn introduced, beckoning Vera to come to the center.She smiled, adjusting her yellow knee-length straight gown. She walked up to Quinn and stood beside her.Turning to the rest of the employees, she watched their expressions before talking."Hi, everyone. It's a pleasure to be here and to work in this prestigious company. I want you all to know that you are always welcome and you can ask me and talk to me about anything you want to. With your cooperation, I believe we can move this company forward. Thank you, as you accept me and work with me."She bowed out and they all applauded her. She felt welcomed, as some employees began to greet her and introduce themselves to her."Argh, I didn't think they would be so nice." She voiced out, as they got to the office."Well, they are, except for a few seniors, which, of course, are on George's side," Quinn responded."Your first task
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