All Chapters of The Belittled Delivery Guy : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 chapters
Name Your Price...
The salesman nodded in agreement with Paula's words, believing everything she said without giving Matthias a chance to speak."It's obvious he is just here to waste everyone's time," Rafael shouted, trying to make the man see reasons and kick Matthias out.Pointing a finger at Matthias, the salesman said, "If you know what's good for you, get out of the store now.""You're just a gutter rat pretending to be something you're not. Embrace your poverty and stop bothering actual customers who are here to buy something," He said when he noticed Matthias wasn't moving an inch towards the door yet."Don't forget to take your trashy beggar friend along with you," he added, referring to Maya.Matthias bowed his head at the insult, feeling the sting but remaining calm.His anger fumed inside of him, but he knew better ways to handle the situation than engaging in a futile argument. He raised his head and gave the man a tight-lipped smile. "I would have forgiven you for insulting me, but I can'
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Who's Boss?
Maya gasped, still unable to speak, only staring eyes-wide...Before the man could fully comprehend what was happening, Matthias asked for his account details.Within 30 seconds of tapping on his screen, Matthias forwarded the sum of $900,000 to the CEO's account. The CEO raised his head from his screen after seeing the alert, his eyes widening in shock. He stood up with shivering legs and walked over to Matthias with the owner's documents.He handed Matthias a pen to sign. After Matthias signed, he turned around to see both Maya and the man frozen in shock.Matthias smiled. "Now, you'll have to follow me downstairs," he said to the CEO and he nodded.The CEO was still in shock, unable to comprehend how a student who looked so poor could pay a huge sum of $1,000,000 as if it were just a mere $1.He led Matthias and Maya down the stairs to the store where the Samsung phones were sold. Arriving, Matthias smiled when he saw that Paula and Rafael were still standing at the counter, abou
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You're Fired!
Seeing Paula harassing Maya, pulling her hair, and trying to embarrass her, Matthias frowned.He whispered to the CEO, "Please record the scene and send it to Harribug University’s official school page to notify the school that Paula is fighting another student.""Oh, that is exactly what I will do to this mean young lady. She needs to be disciplined," the CEO said, thinking it was a good idea.Matthias knew there was a rule against students fighting both on and off school premises. He wanted to get back at Paula for conniving with Rafael Vicenzo to get the school management to kick him out of the dorm for punching Rafael.The CEO did as instructed, especially because he also wanted to get back at Paula for slapping him earlier.Matthias rushed to the spot where Paula was fighting with Maya.“Enough, Paula!” Matthias said sternly.He held Paula's hand and pushed her away from Maya, then pulled Maya up from the floor and held her tightly.“Are you okay?” Matthias asked Maya, who was s
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Nia McGrath
Matthias didn't waste any more time at the phone store. Though he nearly took an iPhone 15 Pro Max, he decided against it, not wanting to draw too much attention.The sheer amount of wealth he now had was overwhelming.Glancing at his watch, he realized it was already 7:45 PM."Wow, I have to go home. Grandma must be worried," he murmured to himself, relieved that the next day was Saturday and there was no school."I don't have to worry about waking up late tomorrow," he murmured as he walked out of the main entrance of AZ Super Phone Store.Everywhere was quiet and lonely until suddenly, a screeching sound of a car caught his attention."What the hell?" he murmured, raising his head.He saw a girl frozen in shock in the middle of the road, screaming as the car approaching her seemed to have lost control.Matthias' eyes widened as he saw the car speeding toward her.He shouted, "Move!" but the girl remained frozen."What are you doing? Get out of the way!" Matthias yelled to her, but
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The Poop Cleaner
Matthias rode in his grandmother's car to the towering structure of the fifth branch of just one of his businesses under the Nelson Consortium.Everything still seemed unreal to him, but he reminded himself that this was only the second day of being incredibly wealthy. Maybe soon, he would fully realize that this wasn’t a dream and he was going to be forever rich.As they stepped out of the car, Matthias sighed, taking in the beauty of the structure. "Wow," he said.His grandmother chuckled. "If you're amazed by this structure, I wonder how shocked you'll be when you see the first branch at Renic City."Matthias turned to her, stunned. She nodded. "Yes, the one in Renic City is four times bigger than this."Matthias's mouth dropped open. She told him that he would eventually get to see and control everything, but to avoid overwhelming him, he would need to take it gradually. Matthias nodded in agreement, already feeling a bit overwhelmed.As they walked toward the entrance, his grandm
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The True Heir
She shook her head irritably. "The mere sight of you irritates me. I just hope that when I meet the new CEO, I can get close enough to ask him to fire you."She added with a seductive whisper, "I’m sure he'll notice me. After all, I'm beautiful, and as the CEO's new personal assistant, I'll have his ear."Matthias stood there, absorbing her cruel words. He was, in fact, the new CEO she was so eager to impress and had dressed so beautifully for, but she had no idea at all. Matthias shook his head without saying a word, disappointed at her foolishness.Despite the humiliation, he tried to maintain his composure and remain calm. He knew that soon, the tables would turn, but for now, he had to deal with Nia's arrogance.Suddenly, a voice interrupted their confrontation. "What’s going on here?"Both Matthias and Nia turned to see a tall man in a sharp suit approaching them. It was Mr. Jefferson, the company's HR director. He looked from Matthias to Nia, noticing the tension in the air.He
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Nia's Downfall
Nia was shocked when she realized she had slapped the CEO, thinking he was just a janitor. "H-How... How... How i-is this even possib—" she stammered. She couldn't even complete her question. How did things change so fast? How did the Matthias the pauper become the CEO of N-TECHNOLOGIES and even advanced to the position of the owner of the Nelson Consortium?The room went quiet, and everyone was stunned. Nia's heart was pumping fast as everyone left her to her thoughts for a while, waiting for her to realize the weight of what she had done.Matthias stayed calm but looked disappointed. He didn't say anything at first, letting Nia understand the seriousness of her mistake. Mr. Jefferson, who had just come in, was also surprised by what happened.After a moment, Matthias spoke firmly. "Nia McGrath, your behavior is not acceptable and there will be consequences," Matthias said gently.Nia's heart jumped to her throat as she realized the gravity of her actions. She remained silent, s
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The Challenge
It was finally Monday...Matthias walked out of his cab, paid the driver, and made his way to the school gate. He sighed, feeling like he hadn’t been to school in a month. This time, he was coming as a different person, and it felt like a fresh start. He chuckled at the thought as he stood at the gate.Two girls, Hayley and Lana, who Matthias knew well, happened to pass by and stopped when they saw him chuckling to himself.Hayley, one of the campus’s classy girls, pointed at Matthias and whispered to her best friend, Lana, “Look, the trashy delivery guy has finally gone mad.”Lana agreed, “Yeah, maybe his extreme poverty has finally touched his senses, and now he’s losing his mind." Matthias heard them but just turned to look at them. They both hissed at him and walked past, almost shoving him out of the way. Matthias let them go without saying a word and continued on his way. "Oh my, I wonder what Paula is doing with that thing. He is is useless, not deserving of even the poore
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The New Vice President
Kimberly bowed her head at what Paula said. Unable to endure the insults any longer.She told Matthias and spoke to him in a whisper, "Maybe we should go back to our seats."Matthias nodded and followed her to their seats. The entire class broke into another round of laughter, seeing them retreat. Paula shouted, "The two rats in the class seem to have run back into their holes." Everyone laughed out loud again, knowing she clearly was referring to Kimberly and Matthias.Matthias ignored them completely and turned his attention to Kimberly, who subtly pinched him. "Is there a problem?" Matthias asked.Kimberly raised her head and said, "They’re still laughing at us."Matthias replied, "So?"She sighed, "Maybe I shouldn’t have invited the class. I should have just gone to the park, blown a candle by myself, even if there was no cake. I could have saved myself this shame."Matthias brought out his phone and started browsing the internet.Kimberly wondered why he wasn’t responding unti
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Let Us Bribe Professor Donald
Matthias seemed stunned, but he nodded gratefully at Phillip Bryan.Phillip smiled at him warmly. "You are indeed a good person who cares about the well-being of people, Matthias," Phillip said. "You’ll be the perfect fit for the role. And because you’re from a humble background, you’ll likely pay attention to people from similar backgrounds."Matthias smiled lightly and nodded, amused that Phillip still thought he was poor, while in fact, he was now filthy rich."Thank you, Phillip," Matthias said."I’ll do my best to live up to the expectations."As they spoke, Paula had still not processed what was happening. She turned to Matthias and hurriedly grabbed his collar roughly, gritting her teeth."Why in the world are you trying to push yourself into anything that concerns me?" she yelled in his face."I dumped you, and now you're not strong enough to move on? I know you’ll never find anyone as beautiful as me, so you're frustrated and want to get me back.""But guess what? You're st
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