All Chapters of Bucket List of the Apocalypse: Devour System: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 chapters
11. The Last One Standing
00:03:23That was the time left before Captain Reed stopped the game. Jed only had less than four minutes to hide as best as he could and arm himself with a Lightlock.He had fallen into Ricky’s trap like a fool. He underestimated the blond and unknowingly mocking him like their other teammates, that he didn’t consider any other possibility. When Ricky pulled that Lightlock out of nowhere and shot him dead in the chest, he felt so betrayed like an idiot. However, he felt relieved because it’d be a fair fight.00:02:07Time was ticking down and Jed’s win slowly seemed so unreal. Ducking behind a yellow prism, he hid from the living menace who strolled around like a predator.“Where are you, little fish snack?” Ryan looked around while singing a tune. “Come here, come here, Jerky Jed.”That was the second time Ryan Tanner called him that. Now, Jed wondered why he was a jerk here. As long as he re
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12. The Holy Search for A Chocolate Ice Cream
Jed never imagined that his hunt for a chocolate ice cream would lead him through the throng of people dancing in waste in a nightclub called Goddess’ Virtue. But here he was, spending his first off-day from the Force to cross one of his bucket lists.He heard a rumour in the dining hall about Smokey, the night club’s owner who trades on the black market. It was the only place he could think of concerning the rare chocolate ice cream that stopped being produced when the last factory was destroyed about three decades ago. Even though he knew the method to make it himself, to get cocoa as the main ingredient would be impossible.Alien monsters attacking one place after another in random outbursts caused the supply chain around the world to be restricted. Besides, the government and leading figures often disregard anything else besides eradicating the remaining alien monsters on Earth and strengthening the military force in preparation for another invasion in
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13. Win, Win, Chicken Dinner
After finding out who Max Petrovich was, Jed took a daring plan in mind. He went to the station and rode a bullet train heading straight to Brexton, a neighbouring city with an enormous alien monster rampaging wildly. All for the sake of meeting EADF’s strongest captain to deliver a ridiculous message and get his prized chocolate ice cream.Jed grinned, imagining how the legendary rare chocolate ice cream would taste in his mouth.However, due to the ongoing alien attack at the centre of the city, the bullet train stopped three stations before its actual destination. In fact, all train stations from there on stopped operating, as the protocol when alien monsters strike a city.“Do you need a ride, sir?”Jed turned to a taxi driver offering from the station’s exit. He nodded and got in the yellow car. “How close can you get me to the alien attacked area?”The driver looked worriedly from the rear view mirror, but his mouth couldn’t lie. “D
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14. Bloodstone Shards
A fucking flying heavy-duty tank was above them.Jed reflected on his misserable life. He would be dead in less than seven months peacefully, hopefully. But, the freaking tank probbaly would kill him any seconds now.Fuck.There was a way to escape this instant death, but Jed wasn’t sure it was a great idea. It’d cost him to reveal something he’d like to keep in secret. Although, it was way better than being a crushed potato.Shit. Shit. Shit.Using the Threxian Exosuit was the only way to keep his body intact, but he wasn’t alone. The strongest Captain in the Earth Allied Defense Force was here. If Jed’s strange power was found out, he could end up locked in a secret facility with chains and straightjacket, enduring many inhumane experiments day and night until his last breath.Of course, unless they found a way to revive him and keep on experimenting. Or they’d just use his dead body for it.Jed c
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15. Frogsbane Coil
“Bloodstone Shards.”Jed felt a warmth blooming from the centre of his spine that travelled to his left hand. A sliver of red appeared from the cracks of his exosuit, like an angry vein that burst out instantly. It formed a crystalline red shard that broke into seven jagged fragments. Sharp arrows as long as his forearm.[Skill – Bloodstone Shards was activated.]The crystalline arrows circled around Jed’s left hand, hovering obediently. Ready to be shot anytime he commands.And so he did.“Fire.”Jed shot his left hand forward and the seven crystalline red arrows shot out to the enormous ape-like alien that chopped off Max’s arm. In that distance, it took less than ten seconds for the arrows to hit right on the monster’s left eye.The monster roared in pain.Max used that opportunity to grab his warhammer. Using his left hand this time. He didn’t know why the ape-like monst
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16. Gravitation Trap
Jed was fully horrified by the cut off limb dripping blood, rather than from Max’s malicious killing intent. He didn’t know why the captain pursued him instead of getting his mutilated arm fixed. Was he okay with losing a limb?The warhammer suddenly swung on his face. Jed’s quick reflex from his passive skill, Aerial Grace, played a big part in his survival. He leaped backwards, getting some distance between them. But, Max didn’t stand still. He dashed forward, a warhammer lifted high above his head.Jed knew what would happen if that heavy duty weapon hit his head, it’d be game over for him. Eyes widened behind his white and jagged exosuit, he swiftly backed away from the powerful attack. Bam!A crater formed on the ground from the heavy impact. And Max wasn’t done. He followed Jed with eagle-sharp eyes, muscles bulging in preparation of another mighty strike. Jed had to get away quickly. For someone as tall and big as Ma
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17. Crow vs Serpent
Jed was back in the cavern, dressed in his team’s white diving suit with grey linings on it. He waited for the water to fill up before it opened to the zero gravity diving pool.Ricky stood on his right, panicking despite his earlier declaration. While on his left, Ryan the menace checked on his Lightlock, still disgruntled for his unexpected loss to Jed. Today, both of them had to be Jed’s little soldiers, just like the other five people in this team.On the other side of the pool, Ellie Hawkins impatiently gripped her Lightlock. She had this unexplained anger directed at Jed, growing each day due to something he didn’t even know.“I’ll explain the game’s rules now.” Captain Reed stated through the built in communication device. He wasn’t present in the cavern, but monitoring from the control room of the diving pool. “The game’s objective is to get your team into the opponent's cavern in thirty minutes
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18. Heavenly Prize
He lost the game. No surprise.Jed knew fair well that he wasn’t meant to be a leader, nor a winner.Having a shooting fight against Ellie wasn’t as bad as he initially thought. He was more agile and had a great perception of where the obstacles were to use as his advantage. Furthermore, with Aerial Grace’s never ending effect, he could easily dodge her shots even in zero gravity area.Not only that, but the status points that only he could see from the floating white and blue panel told of his dexterity. It was pretty high, in his opinion. Apparently, it affected his ability to handle weapons, and in this case, the Lightlock. His final shot count almost caught up to Ellie’s stellar points, but he lacked the experience in fighting so he still lost.In the end, all of Ellie’s soldiers crossed the diving pool and into Team Crow’s cavern, while they shot at Ricky and Ryan who foolishly fell into their trap.At least
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19. Torture Chamber
A steel chair was bolted in the middle of a cold room with white tiles as walls. Two people were there. One was wearing a lab coat and knee-high boots, taking something from the black-mated rolling table with a frown on his old face. While the other was cuffed to the chair, dishevelled with lack of sleep and some bruises.It was Jed. He nodded off.But the man in a lab coat looked up and slapped him in the face. “Don’t sleep.”Jed’s eyes were blank with dark circles under. The lab-coated man pulled at his hair and flashed him with a light, jerking him to wakefulness.“To endure this level of torture for three days... “ the white-coated man wondered, lifting up a syringe with unknown liquid inside. “However, there’s sure to be a limit.”Jed couldn’t do anything but see as the white-coated man injected him with unknown drugs. “…ugh.”“I’ll ask again.&rdq
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20. Meersyn Coast Neutralization, Start!
True to what Max said, they did meet again the next day.Jed didn’t expect it to be so soon. He tried to shy away from meeting the strongest captain of the EADF’s eyes and walked past him without notice. That made him bumped into Captain Reed.“Watch with your eyes, soldier.”“S-sorry, Captain!”Henry Reed glared at him, but didn’t chastise him more than that. Instead, he asked, “Did your personal training with Captain Petrovich go well?”“What?”In his confusion, Jed turned to said captain and met his glare. He whipped his head around, refusing to meet Max’s eyes. So, that damn arrogant prick said he was having a personal training instead of torturing, huh?“Ah, that..” Jed chuckled, trying to play it off like nothing. “It went well. Though, I wonder why I receive that special treatment alone?”Captain Reed didn’t suspect anything. “You did a good job helping him during the last alien attack in his jurisdiction. It’s his way o
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