All Chapters of Bucket List of the Apocalypse: Devour System: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
53 chapters
1. Bucket List of a Dying Man
‘A large-sized amphibian monster has appeared in the west side of Silver Lake City of Emmiton Province. All residents in the vicinity, please evacuate immediately.’ Jed watched as the breaking news appeared on TV. He sighed with relief that the monster appeared on the other side of the city. It’d be a pain in the butt to move out and evacuate now, as he was waiting for the result of his thorough medical examination. “Mr. Hunter,” someone wearing a white coat entered his nursing room. “Do you remember me?” Jed looked at the hospital staff who now looked through the papers he brought. “Sorry, I was in and out of consciousness while coughing nonstops for the last few days. But I’m fine now, really. I suppose you are my doctor?” “Gregory Johanson,” the doctor smiled, as if in pity, “I have good news for you. Your cough has disappeared completely, so your chest will not hurt anymore.” He sensed something was wrong. “But…” “You only have one year left to live.” Dr. Johanson explained
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2. To be Eaten Alive
Jed arrived at the EADF selection exam in Emmiton Province after an hour of riding the train. The exam venue looked like a mini EADF’s base, with a wide parking lot and anti-alien defence ready to be used.The first one was a physical exam. Jed was confident in himself. Even as he wasn’t perfectly athletic like the other participants, he wasn’t a walking stick with zero muscle mass. He hit the gym. At least once a month.Yet, he barely survived with ragged breath and sweat rolling down his face as he laid on the ground.He felt someone staring at him. Looking up, Jed faced a girl who was wearing a very bright orange jacket and wireless yellow headphones. “Can I help you?”The girl looked down at him, as if he were a bug she could stomp anytime. She huffed and turned on her heel.Frowning, Jed mumbled, “Seriously?”Then, a chuckle came beside him. “Don’t mind her, man.”“If I’m not spent, I’ll teach her some manners.” Jed turned to the blond newcomer who sat beside his lying form. “Who
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3. To Devour to Death
It was dark.Suffocating.There wasn’t anything he could do, but to accept death as it was.It was way less than a year, yet his death already came. Gruesome, unlike the peaceful deep sleep the doctor told about. Jed didn’t have that kind of luxury.Instead, he was eaten alive by a monstrous frog-like alien. Swallowed like a damn drug from a dark corner in the street. He didn’t want it.Trying to get air into his burning lungs, Jed could only gasp in horror at the end of his life. Choking on the alien’s innards, he felt a searing pain in his back. In the middle of his spine – excruciating.Even so, there was nothing he could do.[System activated.]It was dark.But, the white and blue letters framed by a bluish panel floated in front of his eyes. Did he not close his eyes already?Shouldn’t it be dark, in this suffocating stomach of a monstrous frog-like alien?Jed could no longer breathe.And he’c cry if only he could…But he’d die–Ah, he knew it.There was no way he’d accept death n
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4. Cross-Offed Alien
After being discharged from the hospital, Jed decided to do something from his bucket list.It was a sunny Monday morning, and Jed was dressed in a pair of jogging pants and loose t-shirt. Shouldering a worn bag, he made his way to the train station. As usual, it was crowded during rush hour. Pressed against other people, he was thankful that it’d be the last time he did this.Jed arrived at his office at the last minute before the working hour started. Apex Marketing Solutions located in the middle of Silver Lake city’s economics area. Sharing a ten floor building with four other companies, the entrance always appeared busy no matter what time of day.Riding the elevator to his floor, Jed was greeted by the security. “You sure you want to dress like that after your one week absence from work, Mister… Hunter?”“I see nothing wrong with my clothes,” Jed shrugged, giving a wink to the two receptionist girls who stared at him in confusion. “Is the jerky boss here?”“Ugh,” the security hes
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5. Public Punishment
“Hmm?” Jed looked at his reflection through the mirror. It had been three days since he resigned from the office and small alien monsters attacked out of nowhere. It also had been three days since his strange hallucination said he’d receive a punishment. [Warning.] [You have failed to use Ultimate Skill – Devour.] [You will be punished.] “Talk about time,” Jed snickered, wondering what would happen now. [Punishment: Public humiliation witnessed by ten people.] “Public humiliation? Nah, that’s not my cup of tea.” Jed walked out of his sparkling clean bathroom. “Let’s see, what shall I do for today?” He moved to his desk, where he wrote the bucket list in his notebook. For the last three days, he had added more things he wanted to do, and crossed off some of them. ‘9. Get a pet 10. Wear the EADF's cool combat suit X 11. Smoke a real cigarette 12. Watch a life football match 13. Sky-diving 14. Clean my apartment 15. Play video games all day 16. Shop witho
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6. The Freak and the Mute
Jed arrived at the Earth Allied Defense Force’s Emmiton Province Base minutes after the appointment ceremony was held.“Dude! You’re late! I thought you didn’t make it!”A blond man with one mole under his left eye approached with a cheerful face. They bumped fists, and Jed instantly remembered who this person was.“Ricky Mitchell, nice to see you again.”“Are you okay? I heard you stayed in the hospital for a week? I’m so sorry about that. It was my fault. If not because of me, you wouldn’t get eaten by the monster–““It’s fine, Ricky.”“Are you sure?” Ricky shifted on his feet uncomfortably, “Because if not, I’ll give you half two thirds of my monthly payment to make up for the horror and injury you suffered for the rest of my life.”“That’s just too much.”“I agree.”Jed faltered at Ricky’s shamelessness.“I mean,” Ricky rubbed the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly. “I have five younger siblings who live below my minimum wage working in the Monster Disposal Unit. I just, ugh, I
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7. Monster Disposal Unit Heist
“What do you mean you’d piss and shit yourself in public if you don’t eat an alien core now?”Jed never thought he’d tell anyone about this traumatising and humiliating nightmare even for once. Let alone only one day after the merciless punishment happened.Sighing in disbelief himself, Jed grunted, “It is exactly what it sounds like. What more do you need me to explain?”“Dude? Like, seriously? Everything!” Ricky crossed his arms. “Of course you need to explain everything. Are you even aware of the words coming out of your mouth?”“… yes?”“You must be joking!”“I know it sounds crazy–““Now you get it!”“–but the punishment for failing to do that already traumatised me. I can’t go through that the second time.”Ricky looked at him as if he grew a second head. “What do you mean by the second time?”“Do you really need me to explain that?”“I want to see it.”“Dude!”“Sorry!” Ricky turned away and held his stomach, shoulders visibly shaking. “…”“Please stop laughing at me.”Ricky did
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8. Ultimate Skill – Devour!
“Hands up or I’ll shoot you.” Jed felt the muzzle of a gun was pressed against the back of his head. He froze on the spot and did as told. “Who are you?” The female voice was achingly familiar, but Jed couldn’t place a name nor a face on it. “This is no place for a cleaning service. I’ll give you one last chance to tell me your name.” Jed gulped at the threat. “My name’s Phillip Youngs and I’m here to clean. If you don’t believe me, then why did my key card work to get me here?” “I’m sorry for my rudeness.” The gun’s muzzle was no longer against his head, but Jed had this urge to duck right about now– “Oh? You can dodge well for a cleaning guy.” Jed cursed as he crouched to avoid the girl’s attack. However, when he turned around and looked up, he didn’t expect to find Ellie Hawkins to stare at him with murder in her eyes. “Why are you attacking me?” “Because you’re a fraud.” “N-no, I’m not. I told you, my name is Phillip–“ “Youngs is dead.” Ellie started with an emotionless t
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9. Zero Gravity Dive
This was school. Every day, every hour of classes.Basic combat and advanced weapon training. Alien biology and technology. Tactics and strategies. Survival Skills. Communication and Coordination. Psychology. Standard Medical Training. Intelligence Analysis.Many things to learn.Jed worked as hard as anyone. All of them struggled for the first time in their lives. They better struggled here than against an alien monster.But the games – that was when the fun began.The Captainof the 9th Division, Henry Reed, introduced them to the game room in their second month. The arena was located in the northeast building of the base, far from where they lived. They walked to where the biggest diving pool Jed ever saw was built, about half of a football field. The floor was clear thick glass, so they could see what lay beneath the water.Jed was shaking with excitement. One more list he’d crossed off in his bucket list.“Let’s get you dressed first,” Captain Reed said, climbing down the stairs on
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10. Let Game Begins
Jed placed his feet on an uneven object as big as his previous office desk and pushed himself away. The impact made him dashed towards a red prism near the diving pool’s side.He didn’t know left or right, nor where up and down was. Before the game started, the way up was clear because the water was lighter due to the clear glass. However, once the game began on Captain Reed’s command, the clear glass was closed by a lid and everything became darker.The zero gravity environment in the diving pool also made everything feel the same. There was no pull towards the earth’s core, so one could easily forget where the way up was while being here.Nearing the red prism, Jed stretched his hands in front of him, bracing the impact to not make him face-plant against the hard object again. He saw one of the white cubes containing a gun headed there, so he’d get–“Not so fast, Jerky Jed!”Ryan Tanner appeared from behind the red prism and snatched the white cube away. It opened with a touch, show
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