6. The Freak and the Mute

Jed arrived at the Earth Allied Defense Force’s Emmiton Province Base minutes after the appointment ceremony was held.

“Dude! You’re late! I thought you didn’t make it!”

A blond man with one mole under his left eye approached with a cheerful face. They bumped fists, and Jed instantly remembered who this person was.

“Ricky Mitchell, nice to see you again.”

“Are you okay? I heard you stayed in the hospital for a week? I’m so sorry about that. It was my fault. If not because of me, you wouldn’t get eaten by the monster–“

“It’s fine, Ricky.”

“Are you sure?” Ricky shifted on his feet uncomfortably, “Because if not, I’ll give you half two thirds of my monthly payment to make up for the horror and injury you suffered for the rest of my life.”

“That’s just too much.”

“I agree.”

Jed faltered at Ricky’s shamelessness.

“I mean,” Ricky rubbed the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly. “I have five younger siblings who live below my minimum wage working in the Monster Disposal Unit. I just, ugh, I’m really thankful that you saved my life, but… will you be okay to get only half of my payment?”

“Listen, I don’t want your money, okay?”

“You don’t?” Ricky was somehow doubtful.

“I have plenty of it. I think. Besides, I saved you because that felt right. I wouldn’t be able to live normally if I didn’t do anything back then.”

Ricky’s grin brightened like a light bulb. “You really are my saviour, Jed. I’m forever thankful to you.”


“That’s right.” Ricky looked like he got an idea in his head. “You can order me to do anything you want for the rest of my life. As long as you don’t take my money or hurt my family. That is.”

Jed chuckled, “You’re going too far.”

“I mean it.” Ricky grumbled and spit on his hand. Then, he offered that hand for Jed to shake.

“Yeah, I’m not going to do that.”

“But that’s how Spombop sealed the holy agreement with Petrack.”

“That's a cartoon.” Jed backed one step away. “I’ll accept your gratitude if we don’t do it.”

“Okay. Deal!”

Jed sighed a relief.

But then, he heard someone scoff from behind. He turned to find Ellie Hawkins with a disapproving frown on her face. Even wearing the formal uniform, the wireless yellow headphones were still around her neck. He didn’t know they were allowed to wear such earphones in a place and time like this. Was this favouritism?

“Do you have a problem with me, princess?”

Ellie glared at him, “You’re just lucky to be here.”

“Well, that’s true.”

“Don’t think you can joke around and take things lightly after this, Hunter.”

The corner of Jed’s lips quivered, “You remember my name?”

“Of course I’d remember the soldier with the lowest synergy force in history who was eaten by a monster like a fool.”

“I’m a survivor, you better remember that, princess.”

Ellie turned on her heel and placed her wireless yellow headphones on, leaving him flabbergasted at her cold treatment.

“What’s wrong with her?” Jed asked the loyal blond.

“Dunno, man. I wouldn’t go near her when she’s that pissed.”

“At me?”

“Well, yes… considering you don’t even thank her.”

“For what? Mocking me every time I breathe?”

“Dude, she’s the one who saved you!”

“…” Jed narrowed his eyes in confusion, “Huh?”

“Did no one tell you?” Ricky sighed and face-palmed. “She’s the one who found you near the alien monster’s corpse and helped you to the medic. If not for her, you’d stop breathing from the amount of stomach liquid in your lungs.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner, you dumbass!”

After hearing Ricky’s half-hearted explanation, Jed rushed to catch Ellie. Thankfully, he spotted her bright yellow headphones in the hallway. Running after her, Jed tried to grab her shoulder, but almost got hit instead.

“Careful there, princess!” Jed ducked, grimacing at the sheer speed of her punch. If he was even one second late, his face would have an additional black and blue colour.

“Don’t sneak up on me, idiot.”

“Pretty sure my footsteps are loud.” Jed straightened himself, “Besides, how can you move so fast?”

Ellie glared, “That should be my question. How can a three percent like you dodge without a scratch?”

“Ugh, you want me to get punched?”

“I want to have a match with you.”

Jed blinked in confusion. “I’m sorry?”

“The training starts tomorrow, so we’re free today. Meet me at the training room 1G at nine.”


“It should be impossible for you to dodge my punch just now. So we’ll have a rematch with the combat suit on. Let’s see what trick you’ll use.”

Jed gawked at her proposal, “But I just wanted to thank you for helping me while I was unconscious at the selection exam. I didn’t know about it earlier.”

“Save your thanks,” Ellie sternly stated, “Training room 1G at nine tonight. Don’t run away from me.”

It was decided.

Final. There was no way to make her reconsider it.

He was screwed.

He only wanted to thank her, but got challenged to a match with her. How wonderful.

“Dude,” the familiar voice of Ricky Mitchell made him turned. “I’m sorry to hear that, but you’re royally fucked.”

“Don’t tell me about it.”

“Not only the top three in the physical exam with the highest synergy force for a rookie, but she also scored the highest in the third exam. To be precise, she single-handedly defeated five monsters before she came to help you.”

Jed’s eyes widened, “She’s that powerful?”


“Fuck me.”

“I can only give you moral support, but I doubt that’s enough.”

[Failure to use Ultimate Skill – Devouring for the next 1 hour will result in punishment.]

Jed’s heart skipped a beat. He stared in horror at the floating white and blue panel only he could see. The traumatising public punishment that happened yesterday played like a broken record in his mind.

“You okay, buddy?”

He exhaled in tremble. “I don’t think so.”

“Understandable.” Ricky paid him condolences. “I’d feel the same if I was in your position. Besides, it’d be pretty–“

“You said you worked in the Ministry of Planetary Affairs Monster Disposal Unit, right?”

Ricky faltered at the sudden change of subject. “Why are you asking?”

Placing both hands on the blond shoulders, Jed looked at him in the eye. “What I will tell you is a secret you have to bring to your grave. Can I trust you with it?”

Chest puffed, Ricky put his right hand where his heart was located. “I swear on my life, you can trust me with anything. I owe you my life, so I’ll do whatever you order me to.”

“Good. Because I need to eat an alien core right about now.”



“… what?”

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