All Chapters of Chronicles of Aetheria : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
90 chapters
Chapter 21: Lady Rose Handmaiden
..... "Kael Sir, please come and join us for today's training," a guard called out."I've heard that the Dwargons are skilled in swordsmanship. Please come and train us," another Elf requested."I've heard stories of you defeating multiple Reapers at once. Please come and share your techniques with us," another Elf chimed in.The Elves were quick to remark on Kael's presence as he passed by. His reputation within the Elvarin clan had skyrocketed, and everyone aspired to match his strength."Kael," Yuri interjected before Kael could respond to the guard's request. He turned to see that he was surrounded by four Elves, including Yuri, all armed with swords.ALEXA: NOTICE! THE FOUR ELVES ARE ELITE GUARDS OF THE ELVARIN KINGDOM UNDER THE COMMAND OF GENERAL THALRIC. THEY'RE IN THE RANK 4 OF THE CELESTIAL NOVICE."Rank 4?" Kael pondered silently as he observed the Elves, particularly Yuri, who wore a warm smile."These are my comrades. I want to showcase your power to them," Yuri boasted,
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Chapter 22: Lady Rose Handmaiden II
"What? Are you still preoccupied with thoughts of your lineage?" He pondered, while Kael rubbed his head."Stop pretending, young man. You cannot deceive me," he added."You are already aware. I suffer from amnesia. I cannot recall my place of origin, but I have a sense that I belong to the Dwargon kingdom," Kael responded."Indeed, you have mentioned it before, but I simply wished to verify. Take this," Brakor said, handing him a parchment. "I have an acquaintance in the Dwargon kingdom. If you present this to any guard, they will escort you to him," Brakor explained as Kael promptly folded the parchment."Thank you sincerely, Sir Brakor," he expressed with a slight bow."I am merely repaying a fraction of my debt to you," he responded before turning to depart. He took three steps forward, then suddenly halted. "I forgot to inquire of you Kael, but what sorcery did you employ to thwart my assault?""It is not sorcery. It is a skill. The Ultimate Predator skill. It allows me to consu
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Chapter 23: King Jade's Judgement
Chapter 23: King Jade's Judgement... "What's happening, Alexa? Why am I so weak?" ALEXA: OBSERVE. AN UNIDENTIFIED SUBSTANCE IS COURSING THROUGH THE PHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEM. I SUSPECT THAT IS THE CAUSE OF THE BODILY WEAKNESS.A blow was struck against him for the umpteenth time, resulting in his collision with the wall. The wall fractured under the force of the impact as he sank to the ground, his eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment."You vile nuisance. You inflicted harm on the innocent maiden."The resonant voice of General Thalric reverberated as he charged towards Kael with frenzied velocity. He extended his left foot in an attempt to strike Kael's countenance, only to have his attack thwarted as Kael seized his leg.His grip faltered almost instantaneously, compelling him to release General Thalric's foot.A smirk played on General Thalric's lips as he gazed at Kael, well aware of Kael's weakened state and seizing the moment.He grasped Kael by the neck, hoisting him
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Chapter 24: The Core
Chapter 24: The Core It was the early hours of the morning, the sun had not yet begun to rise. The forest resounded with the chirping of birds and the chorus of crickets. Ordinarily, those sounds would be the only ones to fill the forest, but on this particular day, when Kael was exiled from the Elvarin Kingdom, the forest echoed with the sounds of whimpering. Kael was observed crawling deeper into the forest in search of any remedy that could alleviate his condition. Moments earlier, he was informed by Alexa that he had less than two hours to live. Now, he was uncertain if even an hour remained. Exhausted, his body unresponsive to his commands, he attempted to move forward by grasping a root with his arm, but to no avail. His limbs betrayed him. "Is there nothing within this forest that can provide me with healing?" He inquired aloud. ALEXA: UNFORTUNATELY, NO. THERE IS NO SIGN OF A HEALING FLOWER OR MAGIC ORE. "What of my abilities? Is there no skill that can counteract
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Chapter 25: Arctic Palace
Chapter 25: Arctic Palace A cloaked figure was observed bowing before the throne of Lord Arctic of the Loctrum clan, concealing his visage beneath the dark garment.The throne of Lord Arctic was situated in the dim recesses of the palace, rendering him invisible, yet his imposing presence was palpable not only to the figure but also to his four chiefs in attendance."My Lord, King Jade of the Elvarin Kingdom has rendered his final decree. The boy has been exiled from the Elvarin Kingdom, never to set foot there again," the figure announced, breaking the silence that had enveloped the Palace for over thirty minutes."Exactly as you foresaw, My Lord. The poison swiftly ravaged his body. I am certain he has perished by now, his remains likely devoured by a Direbrinbare in the vast Aethralis forest.""Why did it take you so long to eliminate that nuisance?" Lord Arctic's voice reverberated through the ground, prompting the four chiefs to kneel before him. His authoritative tone rendered
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Chapter 26: Magical Monsters
Chapter 26: Magical Monsters Narrowly avoiding the tree that crashed down in his path, Kael found himself in a heated pursuit by the formidable Direbrinbare. This red-furred magical creature was determined to inflict harm upon him. As they continued to run, Kael's stamina waned, and the monster drew ever closer."How can I overcome this formidable foe?"Kael pondered as he ran. He was acutely aware that the Direbrinbare would not cease its pursuit until he was defeated, and he lacked the necessary skills to vanquish it."I must rely on my own abilities to emerge victorious,"he realized, a determined expression crossing his face as he approached a tree and propelled himself into the air.Mid-leap, he pivoted and extended his hand towards the airborne Direbrinbare, which mirrored his motion. "Ultimate Predator Skill: Poison Breath,"he intoned, feeling a searing heat emanate from his throat as a gush of hot air expelled from his mouth, forcing the Direbrinbare to crash to the ground, wh
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Chapter 27: Magical Monsters II
Chapter 27: Magical Monsters IIKael, with great difficulty, tried to stand up amidst the deafening cries of the Direbrinbare echoing through the forest. The creature fought desperately to break free from its entrapment, but all its efforts were in vain. Kael's body was covered in painful bruises, his skin so darkened that he was barely recognizable. Standing there, he observed as the Direbrinbare eventually stopped struggling and surrendered to the encroaching darkness. Suddenly, a voice from Alexa rang out, alerting everyone present that the Direbrinbare had shown no signs of life.ALEXA: NOTICE. THE DIREBRINBARE SHOWS NO SIGN OF LIFE."Do not feign ignorance, Alexa, regarding your familiarity with the technique of Earth manipulation,"he inquired, as the scorching breeze relentlessly assaulted his skin.ALEXA: UNAWARE OF SUCH A TECHNIQUE..."What? How is it possible that I was able to utilize it?"He exclaimed loudly.ALEXA: I DON'T KNOW"I believed you held the key to all knowledge
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Chapter 28 - The Guardian of Aethralis
Chapter 28 - The Guardian of AethralisThe blade moved at the speed of sound, aimed directly at Kael as he deftly dodged the attack meant for his head. Looking around, he was surprised not to see anyone. He felt no presence and Alexa did not alert him."Something must be amiss,"he thought to himself as he quickly bent down to avoid the same blade passing over his head. It was a star blade, gleaming brightly.Kael let out a breath when he straightened up, caught off guard by the unexpected assault. Who would anticipate a blade moving backward and then forward? He turned his head to see if there was a reason the blade rebounded towards him, but found none.As he shifted his gaze, another star blade approached from the left. narrowly evading it, though it left a small cut on his lower abdomen. Holding his stomach, he scanned the area to find dozens of blades surrounding him."Who are you? Show yourself!"he demanded angrily, but received no response. The blades advanced slowly towards him
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Chapter 29 - A human
Chapter 29 - A human"I know you're awake. Stop pretending."The werewolf's voice reverberated through Kael's ears, compelling him to open one eye. He was suspended from the thatched roof, hanging upside down in the middle of the room, his head swaying back and forth. His blurred vision fixed upon the werewolf, who stood next to a woman proclaiming herself the Guardian of Aethralis—a figure she believed he had annihilated, though he had no knowledge of who or what Aethralis was. To his right stood a man with two small horns protruding from his forehead, his face devoid of emotion. This sight elicited a fleeting smirk from Kael, which vanished almost instantly. These were insignificant adversaries, he thought, closing his eyes once more, savoring the remnants of his interrupted slumber."You can't be serious," the werewolf growled, and Kael's eyes snapped open. The word "fucking" had been echoing in his mind since he first emerged from the ocean, a word whose meaning eluded him. He loc
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Chapter 30 - His Regret
Chapter 30 - His Regret👀 Kael's POV 👀A lot has happened prior to my arrival in this world known as Aetheria.I woke up beside an ocean, cold and tattered, with no memories of how I got there. The last thing I recalled was drowning in the middle of the ocean. I began my quest, a search for fire. The first edible item I consumed in this world was from an unknown source.I was knocked out by some gruesome creature, which I later found out from my fellow captive to be Trollocs. I managed to free Rose from her chains, and she freed us from the hands of the Trollocs.Unfortunately, we fell into the hands of some deadly armies called the Reapers. That was where I learned that Rose is a princess of the Elvarin Kingdom.We were taken to the Loctrum clan. I was beaten, humiliated, and stoned by the villagers. I was different. I don't even know what I am. I was to fight for my freedom alongside other captives. We fought and won by luck. We were just two remaining, and I was told to kill my s
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