All Chapters of Chronicles of Aetheria : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
90 chapters
Chapter 11; Bloody Dinner
Chapter 11; Bloody Dinner The cave was dark and silent, only the sounds of crickets could be heard when Eleven groaned loudly.“Damn!” he cursed, nursing his foot. He had stormed his foot on a rock and it tore immediately, causing him great pain.The pain seemed to connect with every other pain in his body as he collapsed on the rocky ground, tears streaming from his eyes.‘Are you stupid? It's a dead end,’ his subconscious mind told him, and he started having second thoughts.“But I have to save him,” he said to himself. “He's the reason I'm still alive.”‘And you're the reason he's still breathing?’ his subconscious mind pressed on as he crawled forward, using his hands as a guide.‘What assurance do you have that he isn't dead yet?’“Enough!” he screamed, banging his fist on the hill. His voice echoed through the cave. He squeezed his face, trying to withstand the pain before advancing forward.Suddenly, the cave started shaking, particles of rock began falling down. He had alerte
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Chapter 12 : The Matrix
Chapter 12 - Matrix Eleven groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, his body aching all over. He blinked, his eyes adjusting to a surreal, otherworldly glow surrounding him. He wasn’t in the cave anymore. Instead, he found himself in a vast, ethereal landscape, shimmering with vibrant colors and strange, floating symbols. It felt like being inside a living, breathing dream.He looked around, confused and disoriented.“Where am I?” he wondered aloud, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness.SYSTEM INITIALIZING... A voice boomed inside his head, causing him to flinch. WELCOME TO THE AETHERIAL MATRIX. He felt a rush of energy coursing through him, the pain in his body dulling as an unfamiliar presence seemed to meld with his consciousness.Eleven spun around, looking for the source of the voice. In the distance, a magnificent dragon, scales glistening with hues of gold and silver, emerged from the mist. Its eyes, ancient and wise, locked onto him."May I inquire as to your identit
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Chapter 13: The System
Chapter 13 - The System ‘Oh no. The Trollocs are still here. They are going to devour me. I should've listened to the Dragon. I can't believe I came back just to die.’ He pondered, his gaze on the Trolloc who kept on advancing towards him.His both legs were seized by the Trolloc and he was raised from the ground, his head slapping the floor.‘So this is how it ends. I'm sorry Brakor. I couldn't be of help. I couldn't make it. Now, you have to die for my own failure.’SYSTEM NOTICE: A SKILL HAS BEEN FOUND. SYSTEM ANALYZING… THE SKILL ESSENCE ABSORPTION HAS BEEN UNLEASHED A robotic voice echoed as the Trolloc threw Kael up with great force, causing him to twirl in the air.“That voice! I can remember hearing such a voice when I was in the matrix. I thought it was the Dragon.” Kael asked himself as gravity pulled him back towards the Trollocs who stretched his arms ready to tear his meal into two.SYSTEM NOTICE: THE FLOWER VAITRNIM PURPULAE HAS BEEN ABSORBED. HEALING PROCESS HAS BEEN
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Chapter 14: Snake Intimacy
Chapter 14: Snake Intimacy Arctic, the esteemed ruler of the Loctrum clan and the Commander of the fearsome army called the Reapers, could be observed in a state of serene repose upon his majestic throne, his eyes shut in contemplation as a sinister aura enveloped his entire being.He was not alone in the throne room; his servants, the formidable Reapers, stood in pairs before the throne. Their eyes fixed on the ground, hands clasped behind their backs. Three heads lay on the ground amidst the Reapers, belonging to the Elites slain by their formidable master, Lord Arctic of the Loctrum clan."Shouldn't it be five?"His voice resonated throughout the room, prompting one of the Reapers to swiftly bow."I eliminated one, but another managed to flee,"the Reaper who had clashed with Yuri and Giyu moments earlier explained."How dare you?"Lord Arctic thundered, his fist tightening on the throne. This action caused black blood to seep from every orifice of the Reaper's body. "Find him."The R
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Chapter 15: The Savior
Chapter 15: The Savior She struggled to break free, but her efforts were in vain. The only recourse she considered was biting into the snake's flesh, yet she knew better than to attempt such a dangerous act. Aware of the snake's poisonous nature and her vulnerability to its venom, she hesitated.Before she could formulate her next move, Yuri appeared before her, assuming a poised stance as he held the sword horizontally in the air, aiming for her heart. With a swift motion, he thrust the sword directly towards her chest, producing a sharp, piercing sound that reverberated through the air. Surprisingly, she did not cry out nor feel any pain."Ouch, that stings a bit,"Yuri heard a voice, his gaze following the sound. Looking up, he was met with the sight of a monstrous being standing before him – a Trolloc, a fusion of man and beast. It became evident that he had mistakenly struck the Trolloc's hand instead of the Princess.Retrieving the sword, Yuri directed his next thrust towards t
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Chapter 16: Rescuing the Elves
Chapter 16: Rescuing the Elves ***A FEW MOMENTS EARLIER***"I instructed all of you to resume your tasks. Do you believe that someone will miraculously come to your aid? Tsk tsk tsk... Arm yourselves and begin working," the Guard shouted loudly, but the Elves paid him no heed. Their attention was solely fixed on the elderly man who was on the brink of death."I had forewarned you that the Black Boy wouldn't survive. Who knows what fate has befallen him?" questioned one of the Elves, addressing no one in particular."I am confident that he must have perished or fallen prey to one of those formidable creatures. This is all the more reason for you to labor," he chuckled and blew a whistle. Almost instantly, three guards entered the cave and began lashing the Elves, who were too intimidated to resist. They hastily retrieved their weapons and commenced breaking down the stones."And what about you, Old Man? Will you not rise from your position?" the guard sneered, referring to Brakor, who
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Chapter 17: Shadow Movement
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Shadow Movement "Are you of the human race?" He inquired, to which they shook their heads. "Humans are prohibited from entering this region. Their realm lies to the far north," one of the guards replied with a tremor in his voice. "In that case, what lineage do you belong to?" "We hail from the Dworgin lineage," they all exclaimed, causing Kael to cover his ears. Enraged, he swiftly struck each of them with the back of his hand. 🗣️He's truly remarkable 🗣️His appearance is captivating; if only I were a lady 🗣️We are deeply indebted to Mr. Red 🗣️Our lives are owed to him Kael smiled in response to the accolades from the Elves. The praise was reassuring and calming. He closed his eyes briefly, sensing a presence behind him. When he turned, it was too late, as a sword pierced his lower abdomen. To his bewilderment, it was one of the guards. Kael couldn't comprehend how the guard had appeared so swiftly without his notice. Still in a state of shock, Kae
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Chapter 18: The Brawl
ALEXA: THE SPIKES ARE POISONOUS. NO SKILL IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TO RESIST IT."Elf magic: Obsidian Shield!" A commanding voice rang out as a cerulean barrier enveloped them, deflecting the incoming ice shards. The duo turned to behold Rose, standing with outstretched arms and radiant blue eyes.As the shield dissipated, the resounding laughter of Lord Arctic reverberated throughout the labyrinth. "How does it feel to be rescued by a lady?" he taunted, forming intricate hand gestures as he advanced towards the trio."She is not merely a lady. She is the Princess of..." Brakor's sentence was abruptly cut off as Lord Arctic unleashed a devastating blast upon them. Reacting swiftly, Rose intertwined her fingers, causing the blast to detonate midway, while Kael vanished and reappeared in the shadow of Lord Arctic. Despite his efforts to push Lord Arctic away, Kael found himself overpowered and flung from the crust of Aetheria."Lord Arctic excels not only in magic but also in physical co
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Chapter 19: The Party
They stopped a few feet away from the Elves, who were surrounded by dozens of Reapers, impatiently awaiting their rescuer.Just as Yuri had predicted, the Elves were encircled by the Reapers, waiting for their savior, and here he was. "Waiting for someone?"Kael shouted, capturing the attention of all the Reapers, before turning to Yuri. "Keep her safe.""You do not need to remind me of my duty, Dwarf,"Yuri replied, tossing his sword to Kael, who caught it effortlessly. "Dwarf..."he thought to himself. 'He believes I am from the Dwargon clan.'Kael gazed at the sword for a moment before turning to face the Reapers. 'I am uncertain of my ability to wield a sword. It feels weighty in my hand.' "Alexa, what is the likelihood that I can wield a sword?"ALEXA - THE PROBABILITY OF WIELDING A SWORD IS 10/100.Kael sighed upon hearing Alexa's report. This system had been delivering bad news lately. "Activate Shadow Movement,"he commanded, and promptly disappeared from his position, reappearing
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Chapter 20: Dying Twice
"Brakor, Jun, Damien, Ugarth, Mowen, it is a pleasure to see all of you, especially you, Brakor,"King Jade remarked upon settling into his seat."I cannot fathom the fact that I will have the pleasure of seeing you again, Your Majesty."Brakor bowed slightly and the King clenched his teeth"Then you should not have returned with your eyes intact,"King Jade quipped, eliciting laughter from the crowd. One of the maidens poured red wine into his cup and offered it to him."Here's to life,"he declared, raising his cup in a toast. "Cheers."The guests responded in unison, raising their own cups and downing the wine simultaneously."Bring me more,"the King commanded as the feast continued. The atmosphere was jovial, with the conversation transitioning to light-hearted topics. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, except for the Princess, who remained quiet. She scanned the room with a contemplative gaze, as if searching for someone."Your Majesty, the feast is prepared,"one of the maide
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