All Chapters of Chronicles of Aetheria : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
90 chapters
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 1: The Beginning One could begin with the tumultuous sea of swirling crimson clouds or the golden sun reflecting on the blue ocean. One might even begin with the rhythmic whisper of waves retreating and advancing.He lay on the cold, wet sand, his mind filled with various thoughts and his eyes watery.He slowly sat up, his head pounding and his body aching. Consciousness fully gripped him, and he then looked around.“Where am I?” he couldn't help but ponder. He looked up just to see the golden sun almost vanishing from the crimson sky. It didn't look like anything he was familiar with.He struggled to get to his feet, but before he could stand upright, the waves transferred energy to the ocean, pulling him back to the wet sand.He groaned heavily and started crawling forward, realizing the sand was different from what he was used to. The sand was white and crystal clear; if one looked closely, one could even see his reflection in it.But what was he used to?The more he gazed
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Chapter 2: The Chase
Chapter 2: The Chase The creatures, now recognized as Trollocs, suddenly stopped following their leader's movements.“Let's search for treasure. Taitrum, Neptrum, watch the carriage,” one of the Trollocs ordered, spreading out with two others, leaving behind Taitrum and Neptrum, the one who captured the boy.Within minutes, they heard a loud bang in the carriage. They ignored it, but the bang came again, louder. Neptrum signaled his companion to check it out.He marched to the back of the carriage and forcefully opened the door. Since it was dark, he had to peep inside. His eyes widened when they met the blue eyes of the Elven lady. She wrapped her hands around his left horn, broke it effortlessly, and stabbed it into his right eye before he could pull his head out.He screamed loudly, green blood flowing from his eye. His screams alerted Neptrum, who rushed to the back, seeing Taitrum struggling with the horn in his eye.Neptrum reached into the carriage and forcefully dragged out a
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Chapter 3: Captured by the Reapers
Chapter 3: Captured By the ReapersThe forest was so dark that not even the faintest sliver of moonlight could pierce through. The canopy of trees was so dense that the forest floor was plunged into an almost tangible blackness. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, and the silence was only broken by the occasional rustle of unseen creatures and the cries of the prisoners walking through this darkness. They moved in a rhythmic order, carrying a heavy log of wood over their shoulders.It was hard to decipher what they looked like, but upon closer inspection, one could see crimson eyes piercing into the heart of this darkness.None of the prisoners had crimson eyes, so where did the eyes come from?They belonged to their captors, a fearsome race that moved silently, their presence barely known apart from the faint whisper of their cloaks brushing against the foliage. Their features were obscured by deep hoods, and their eyes glowed a malevolent red, piercin
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Chapter 4: The Eleventh Captive
Chapter 4: The Eleventh CaptiveMemories flooded his mind; he could hear the screams and wails of various voices. He held his head, feeling as if it might detach from his neck. The pounding was relentless as blurred visions continued. He saw himself coughing up blood and, in a flash, found himself in the middle of an ocean.The visions cleared, and he collapsed abruptly onto the wet sand. Every part of his body ached terribly, making it impossible to move."Why am I having these visions? What's happening to me?" he couldn't help but ponder. He tried grasping the information his visions were passing, but it all seemed blurry. He gave up trying and then gazed at the sun.The sun, which had shone golden the day before, now turned crimson. The once crystal-clear sand now caused him sharp pain every second.It was unfortunate to say, but he was now by the ocean—the same ocean he never wanted to leave. Now, he wasn't alone. He was a captive of fearsome creatures, their features visible but
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Chapter 5: Their Fate
Chapter 5; Their Fate. Loctrum Clan - Palace of ArcticThe Palace of Arctic was dark and filled with eerie silence. The crimson sun couldn't penetrate it. Its jagged towers reached toward the sky, clawing at the heavens like the talons of a beast. The outer walls were adorned with dark runes and ancient symbols.Skulls of ancient creatures mounted on the walls seemed to follow every movement with their hollow eye sockets. Obsidian statues of demonic beings stood guard, their expressions frozen in eternal snarls.At the end of this palace sat Arctic, exuding an aura of supremacy. His eyes were dark, matching his skin, which was marked with dark tattoos snaking around his muscular figure. His hands, adorned with rings of dark stone, rested on the armrests of his throne, fingers tapping rhythmically.The throne itself was a monstrosity of blackened steel and bone, adorned with dark tattoos and glowing sigils that pulsed with life. The high back of the throne was crowned with the horns
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Chapter 6: The Undead Vagnar
Chapter 6 - The Undead Vagnar The village square of the Loctrum clan was an expansive arena encircled by tall, weathered stone walls, remnants of an ancient battleground. The ground was hard-packed dirt, marred by countless clashes and soaked with the memories of past combats. In the center stood an enormous, ornate hourglass, its sands dark and foreboding, signaling the ancient timer that would dictate the captives' fates. To the side, an array of primitive yet lethal weapons lay on a wooden rack: swords, spears, axes, and daggers, each glinting ominously under the fading light of the crimson sky.Almost all the villagers were present, apart from the slaves and the Reapers who were assigned duties. The chief was present, and even Lord Arctic had not been left behind. Seated next to him was Rose, whose heart was in her mouth. The fear for her people put her in despair.Everyone's focus suddenly turned to the clanging of the gate, and soon enough, the Reapers began leading the captive
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Chapter 7: Kill or Get Killed
Chapter 7: Kill or Get Killed “Vagnar, you don’t have to do this,” said the tenth Elf, trying to negotiate with his opponent after discovering his identity.“I can't stop, Brakor. I've been ordered to kill you all,” Vagnar replied and launched at Brakor. He had successfully eliminated six of the Elves. He swayed his gaze, which Brakor dodged by moving backward, but the step he took was uncalculated, causing him to lose balance and fall hard to the ground.“Elven magic: Sigitta Firannea!” one of the Elves chanted, and a fiery arrow appeared in the air. He directed it towards Vagnar almost immediately.Vagnar noticed this impending attack and quickly turned away from Brakor, catching the fiery arrow with one hand. He sent it back to the caster, and it sank directly into his chest.This was the time Brakor needed to get on his feet. He clasped his hands together, and the force pushed Vagnar backward, causing him to crash on his butt.Brakor charged at Vagnar, mustering all his strength
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Chapter 8: Who is Arctic?
Chapter 8: Who is Arctic? LOCTRUM CAVE The banging sounds of metal rent the air as Eleven, along with other laborers, hammered the cave walls, searching for hidden treasure.Lord Arctic of the Loctrum clan, upon discovering the existence of hidden treasure in the Loctrum cave, arranged for a group of laborers to work every day, chipping away at the hills in search of the treasure.Most of the laborers consisted of prisoners, slaves, and those who defied his orders.Eleven fell into the third category. Three days ago, he defied Lord Arctic's order to behead Brakor during an all-out war against the resurrected Vagnar.Brakor played a crucial role in the fight; without him, none of them would have survived. Eleven couldn’t bring himself to decapitate him, so he dropped the sword as soon as he raised it.His action cost him his freedom but also saved Brakor’s life. Both were now in the Loctrum cave, working as if their lives depended on it.“Gosh! I'm tired,” Eleven muttered, breathing
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Chapter 9: Vaitrnim Purpulae
Chapter 9; Vaitrnim Purpulae Chief Damien glared hard at Chief Mowen as the tension in the room rose.“Your Majesty, my lady is held captive in Arctic’s palace. His plans for her remain unknown,” General Thalric concluded.“We have to get the Princess out of there as quickly as possible,” Chief Kai voiced out.“We can’t let her die. She’s the future of our kingdom. If Ellcrys is to be awakened, she’s the one capable…”“Still, we can’t go to war,” Chief Kai replied.“We don’t need an all-out war. We can go undercover,” Chief Jun stated, looking at each chief before finally staring at King Jade.“Thalric, send five of your best soldiers on an undercover mission to the Loctrum clan to rescue the Princess. They must bring her back at all costs,” King Jade ordered, getting to his feet.The four chiefs stood up almost immediately as General Thalric bowed.“The meeting is over,” King Jade announced and walked out.“Nothing must happen to the Princess, Thalric. We need the Ellcrys now more t
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Chapter 10; The Rescue
Chapter 10; The Rescue “Yuri! Where do you think they might be keeping the Princess?” asked one of the Elves in a low tone.“I can't really say. It might be a safe room,” Yuri replied as they advanced through the dark hallway. Night had fallen, and the light that was supposed to be in the fireplace was absent. This caught Yuri's attention, and he stopped his partner almost immediately.“The night has gone pretty far, and they haven't put on the light, Giyu.”“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” Yuri added, and they both drew their swords from the scabbards when shadows dropped from the sky.“They know we are here.”In no time, they were surrounded by a group of Reapers whose shiny blades reflected in the night.“Giyu, you take the right while I take the left.”“But the right has fewer Reapers compared to the left,” Giyu protested.“Now,” Yuri cried out, and they both charged in opposite directions, heading towards the Reapers, moving at the speed of sound.Giyu raised his sword for
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