All Chapters of PHILIP SCOTT: THE LOST HEIR : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
192 chapters
Jessica remained frozen in her living room long after Andrew Lane had left. The weight of his threats lingered in the air, heavy and oppressive. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to run, to escape from the nightmare she had found herself in. But she couldn’t. There was nowhere to run, no place where she could hide from her father’s far-reaching influence.Slowly, she sank onto the couch, her mind spinning with fear and confusion. How had it come to this? She had known that opposing her father would be dangerous, but she hadn’t fully grasped just how ruthless he could be. The cold look in his eyes, the way he had calmly warned her to back off—it all terrified her more than she could have ever imagined.She knew she had to be careful from now on. Every move she made would be scrutinized, every word she said monitored. There was no room for mistakes. Her father’s threats were not empty; they were promises of what would happen if she continued down this path. And yet, despite the f
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chapter 91
Jessica could hardly sleep that night, her mind racing with all the possibilities and dangers ahead. Her father’s threats echoed in her head, mingling with Thomas’s words of caution. She knew she had to be careful, but the idea of playing the role of the dutiful daughter made her skin crawl. Every time she closed her eyes, she imagined Andrew Lane watching her every move, waiting for her to slip up. It was a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from.The next morning, Jessica forced herself out of bed, determined to keep up appearances. She dressed in her usual business attire, carefully applying makeup to cover the dark circles under her eyes. As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, she barely recognized the woman looking back at her. The confident, driven Jessica Lane seemed like a distant memory. Now, she was just trying to survive.She arrived at the Aton Empire building early, before most of the staff had even arrived. The security guards gave her respectful nods as she passed,
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Jessica barely slept that night. Every creak of her apartment, every shadow that moved outside her window, made her jump. The text from her father played over and over in her mind. She could hear his voice behind the words—calm, cold, and calculating. He wasn’t bluffing. He never bluffed. By morning, the exhaustion had seeped into her bones, but she forced herself to get ready for another day at the office. There was no room for weakness now. If she showed any sign of cracking, her father would exploit it. That was the game he played, and Jessica knew she had to stay one step ahead, no matter how impossible it seemed.When she arrived at the Aton Empire building, she felt the tension in the air immediately. The employees moved about in hushed tones, stealing glances at her as she walked past. News of Andrew Lane's maneuvering must have spread, and everyone was waiting to see how she would respond.Jessica entered her office and closed the door, trying to block out the weight of their
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Jessica barely slept that night. Every creak of her apartment, every shadow that moved outside her window, made her jump. The text from her father played over and over in her mind. She could hear his voice behind the words—calm, cold, and calculating. He wasn’t bluffing. He never bluffed. By morning, the exhaustion had seeped into her bones, but she forced herself to get ready for another day at the office. There was no room for weakness now. If she showed any sign of cracking, her father would exploit it. That was the game he played, and Jessica knew she had to stay one step ahead, no matter how impossible it seemed.When she arrived at the Aton Empire building, she felt the tension in the air immediately. The employees moved about in hushed tones, stealing glances at her as she walked past. News of Andrew Lane's maneuvering must have spread, and everyone was waiting to see how she would respond.Jessica entered her office and closed the door, trying to block out the weight of their
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Jessica barely slept that night. Every creak of her apartment, every shadow that moved outside her window, made her jump. The text from her father played over and over in her mind. She could hear his voice behind the words—calm, cold, and calculating. He wasn’t bluffing. He never bluffed. By morning, the exhaustion had seeped into her bones, but she forced herself to get ready for another day at the office. There was no room for weakness now. If she showed any sign of cracking, her father would exploit it. That was the game he played, and Jessica knew she had to stay one step ahead, no matter how impossible it seemed.When she arrived at the Aton Empire building, she felt the tension in the air immediately. The employees moved about in hushed tones, stealing glances at her as she walked past. News of Andrew Lane's maneuvering must have spread, and everyone was waiting to see how she would respond.Jessica entered her office and closed the door, trying to block out the weight of their
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Jessica barely slept that night. Every creak of her apartment, every shadow that moved outside her window, made her jump. The text from her father played over and over in her mind. She could hear his voice behind the words—calm, cold, and calculating. He wasn’t bluffing. He never bluffed. By morning, the exhaustion had seeped into her bones, but she forced herself to get ready for another day at the office. There was no room for weakness now. If she showed any sign of cracking, her father would exploit it. That was the game he played, and Jessica knew she had to stay one step ahead, no matter how impossible it seemed.When she arrived at the Aton Empire building, she felt the tension in the air immediately. The employees moved about in hushed tones, stealing glances at her as she walked past. News of Andrew Lane's maneuvering must have spread, and everyone was waiting to see how she would respond.Jessica entered her office and closed the door, trying to block out the weight of their
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Jessica's hand trembled as she stared at the photo of Thomas. The sight of the red dot on his forehead paralyzed her with fear. It felt like the walls of the room were closing in, and every breath she took grew heavier. Andrew Lane had made it clear—this was more than just a struggle for power. He was willing to spill blood to get what he wanted, and she was the one who had to make a choice.For a long moment, she couldn’t think straight. The weight of the situation pressed down on her like a crushing force. She had to save Thomas, but how? What could she possibly do to stop her father? The overwhelming sense of helplessness threatened to drown her, but she knew she couldn't afford to lose control.She quickly stood up, pacing the length of the conference room as her mind raced for a solution. Calling the police was out of the question—Andrew had connections everywhere. For all she knew, he could have people within law enforcement itself. Even if she managed to get the authorities inv
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Jessica sat in her car outside the building, her hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white. The confrontation with her father was inevitable now. She had sent the message, drawn her line in the sand, and there was no turning back. But as much as she tried to steel herself for what was to come, she couldn’t shake the gnawing fear in the pit of her stomach.Andrew Lane was no ordinary adversary. He was a master manipulator, a man who had built his empire on a foundation of ruthlessness and deceit. He had never hesitated to crush anyone who stood in his way, and now his own daughter was daring to defy him. She knew the risks, understood the dangers, but it didn’t make it any easier to face.Taking a deep breath, Jessica finally stepped out of the car. The cool evening air bit at her skin, but she barely noticed. Her mind was focused entirely on the task ahead. As she walked toward the front door, her thoughts were racing. What would she say? How could sh
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Jessica sat in her car outside her father’s mansion, her mind racing. She had just come from an intense confrontation with him, one that had left her shaken but resolute. She knew the risks she was taking by defying Andrew Lane, but she also knew that there was no turning back now. Her father had made it clear that he would not hesitate to destroy anyone who stood in his way, and that included her. But Jessica was determined to protect the people she cared about, even if it meant going against the man who had raised her.The night was dark and cold, the kind of night that seemed to amplify the silence around her. She felt a chill run down her spine as she thought about the conversation she had just had with her father. His words still echoed in her mind, a stark reminder of the dangerous game she was playing. He had given her one last chance to walk away, to leave everything behind and start over. But Jessica knew that wasn’t an option. She couldn’t abandon the people who depended on
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Jessica sat in her car outside her father’s mansion, her mind racing. She had just come from an intense confrontation with him, one that had left her shaken but resolute. She knew the risks she was taking by defying Andrew Lane, but she also knew that there was no turning back now. Her father had made it clear that he would not hesitate to destroy anyone who stood in his way, and that included her. But Jessica was determined to protect the people she cared about, even if it meant going against the man who had raised her.The night was dark and cold, the kind of night that seemed to amplify the silence around her. She felt a chill run down her spine as she thought about the conversation she had just had with her father. His words still echoed in her mind, a stark reminder of the dangerous game she was playing. He had given her one last chance to walk away, to leave everything behind and start over. But Jessica knew that wasn’t an option. She couldn’t abandon the people who depended on
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