All Chapters of The Revenge of the Disguise Heir: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
171 chapters
The shaking of the van as it moved jerked Logan away. He tried to open his eyes but he couldn't see anything. He felt a blindfold around his eyes and knew that he was still in trouble. He could hear the sound of the van so he knew they were on the move. "Where am I? What is going on? Am I in a vehicle?" He thought all at once but there was no way for him to know the answers to those questions. Suddenly the van stopped moving and Logan realized the too. What the hell is going on? Why did we stop moving? He wondered. He heard the sound of the door opening but before he could say anything, he was roughly dragged out of the van. "Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?" He asked, hoping that whoever was manhandling him would give him answers to his questions. "Keep shut. Another word from you and you'll get the beating of your life," his abductor said to him. Immediately, he shut his mouth and did not speak anymore. He had no idea who he was dealing with. They could probably kill
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While that was happening at the warehouse, Josie was back at the mansion in her room. Her best friend, Anna, had come to pay her a visit and they were talking about a lot of things concerning Don Monero's death and other related stuff. Suddenly, Anna deviated and asked, "So what's going on with you and Logan? Do you still hate him with your guts?" Josie did not say anything but she had a look on her face that said it all. Anna gasped in surprise. "Josie? Don't tell me you're falling in love with that guy?" Anna asked. "I won't tell you then," Josie said with a smile on her face. "What??? I can't believe this," Anna said, still in shock."I know right? I, myself, can't believe I fell in love with him," Josie replied still smiling."But wait a minute, do you think Logan would love you back after all you and your family had done to him? I believe he still holds great resentment against your family," Anna said.The smile on her face slowly faded away. Anna was right. The only way Lo
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Illuminated by the moonlight he should find his way so easily-Whoever said wealth couldn't buy life spoke in fallacy at least that was what he felt this moment as an unmarked vehicle dropped him off just a few distances away from his private residence. Logan had thought about the first place to be after all the madness of trying to get him killed and where else than home, he had walked in through the door tired and all -The hallway was brightly lit as Logan wobbled through it, a lot appeared to be going through his mind, he could literally feel his soul erupting in that state of animosity that he was in— heading to his room ready to just slump into bed, he forged on with that last bit of energy in him, As his legs carried him through the hallway, his mind took him back to the meeting he had and how it had gone."Good afternoon sir." Two guards bowed to him as he walked past. He waved to acknowledge both who seemed unaware of his plight, as he walked on He didn't give an answer,
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Andre looked at Logan for a while before bursting into laughter. To him, Logan wasn't serious about what he had just said. Meanwhile, Logan, on the other hand, looked at him with a confused expression on his face. Upon seeing that Logan wasn't laughing with him, the smile on Andre's face was wiped off immediately. "You're serious?" He asked Logan. But there was no reaction from the man however, Andre got the answer he needed. "Oh hell no. I'm not doing that. You must be crazy to think that I'm going to agree to such a ridiculous offer. I am not including Josie in this deal. Just forget about it and let's get on with you signing the contract," Andre said, not a smile on his face. A smirk then appeared on Logan's face before he spoke. "Then I think there is no need to push this any further."Andre's face scrunched up in confusion as he asked, "And what do you mean by that?""What I mean is, I will not be signing this contract if Josie doesn't come with me," Logan finally said. "W
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Home?Josie wondered if there was another description for it, or if she was just overthinking the entire situation, the more she tried to understand it, the more his words were shrewd at the back of her mind.What else could she do at this moment?All through that while, she couldn't quite comprehend all that was happening, all she did was stand right there motionlessly.Fluttering her eyes, she was hesitant at first about moving.If she was asked the question, she would say that he was trying to get rid of her at that moment, she would call this a plot by him to get rid of her -If there was anything she wanted to do at that moment, it was most definitely to find a way around all of this, she wanted to be all alone by herself to think. The fact before now, was that she had never thought that she'd be away from this place, still, it was hard to understand — He was everything her body thought it needed and everything her brain knew it didn’t, if she really wanted all of this, it was
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Try all she could, the situation seemed more or less critical than she had initially thought about it, she was confused about all this was happening and there had to be anything at all that was left at the back of her mind, it was all down to hope.Josie walked out of the building in need of air, she needed it that moment as it seemed most important, if she had always wanted to know why he would want her as part of the deal, but as it was the entire situation was glaring. It all seemed confusing to her at first when she had thought about it initially, but as it was, she Could put the pieces and pieces together in place.It was only a matter of minute before he Walked out and was standing not too far from where she was, Logan had expected that she wouldn't take much of his time, she had wanted them to just sign and leave but looking at the situation, it was looking more or less like he had more to do about the situation.It left a feeling at the back of his mind, one that he was not s
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Logan had just one thought at the back of his mind and that was how much things were getting according to plan. For an hour straight he had stood there on the terrace looking straight into that moonset in deep thoughts about his next line of actions.Of course, Logan had heard what she said earlier about him being all about himself - At the moment he smirked, his mind was drifting slowly through all that was happening, he had thought again about the reply he had given to her.‘Josie, everyone isn’t like you, and she willingly admits it'And she had accepted or, she had accepted it because that was the last she said about anything, instead, she had sat down right there not saying anything else than just standing probably pondering through it over again.She’s more uncomfortable around him and has trouble getting along so far but still, he could understand where she was coming from, if there were anything that he could do most definitely to help the situation out he would.“Thinking ab
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Breakfast that morning was steak and it was just a moment before she was making her way downstairs amidst the gazes of his maids to the table.Logan, seated at the table, looked up at her taking in her immersed beauty, one that had deceived him on occasion, she was the two — a devil and an angel, and the thought of that alone left a strange feeling at the back of his mind.“You took a while." He muttered slowly.She ignores them and is going to sit when he grabs her. “, You'd listen to me and not ignore."It was the first time he had treated her that way and she could feel that burn from his hands when she sat back, she could still feel that best as she watched him.He turned away from her, too angry to look at where she was as both ate in silence.As she walked away from the table after breakfast her stomach churned as she walked back to her room to shy herself away for the rest of the day.‘Was this how her life is hinting to be from hence?’The question ran through her mind as she
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Logan made his way away slowly, he could hear his heart rattling, his heart grieved at the thought that he felt sympathetic to this woman that had him like trash along with the rest of her fucked up Mafia family.If there was anything he had wanted all his life it was power and perhaps love, he thought that he had the two but both had nearly been stripped away from him, what more!All through the whole while all that filled his mind was a way to fix all of this, it was frustrating at some point but there wasn't much he could do either.Six… He had made it certain, that he was going to do what he hadn't done since he had been with her, and that was to go out publicly without a mask this time.He smirked at the thought that Don Moreno’ would be cringing In his grave at the sight of what was happening, but who to blame?He sat with a thud right there in his study, his attention turned to the safe which he opened and took out the case that had the flash.Seating back he watches the video
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He was certainly the last person anyone was expecting to see at the party, as he made his way in all attention was turned to the woman right there with him to see who it was they were expecting to see at the moment who he was as they stood there still dressed in the party wear, the maid that got the door could hold her excitement. “Glad to see that you are here sir." She muttered before making way for them to walk in. He barely nodded his head in her direction turning his attention to her, he held the woman's hand tightly as they both walked in.Logan and Josie just arrived at the event, and it was more thrilling than what she had expected.As soon as she alighted from the car, they were met with a lot of paparazzi as everyone took a picture of them, he had a smirk on his face as he walked away-Soon the only noise that filled the room was that of her heavy heartbeat and that of the man who was with her coupled with the orchestra.“Can I go to the restroom?" She whispered.For the f
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