The Revenge of the Disguise Heir
The Revenge of the Disguise Heir
Author: Dave Pee

Logan adjusted his bear doll costume and continued to gesticulate in front of the amusement park. It was his part-time job to dress up and stand at the entrance to entertain the kids and visitors who came to the amusement park. 

Logan had decided to buy a nice ring for his girlfriend because he finally wanted to propose to her the next week. Their relationship was what he wanted forever and he just couldn't wait to tie the knot. 

With a smile on his face, Logan pulled off the mask and decided to give her a call. He wanted it to be a surprise, he wanted to make her happy with the best gold ring ever. After the first ring, she didn't pick up and Logan decided to call her again. "Hello, honey, how are you doing today," he said happily and she just hummed. 

"Why are you calling me, Logan? I'm still at work," she replied flatly, not even bothering to exchange pleasantries with him. 

"I was hoping that we could meet," he said softly. 

"You should know that I'm still at work, Logan," she replied heatedly. 

Logan apologized for bothering her and asked if she could come over for a date later that day. "I would love us to hang out later tonight, like a date," he said. 

"A date?" Rita asked, she sounded surprised over the phone and he affirmed that he wanted them to have a date. 

"Yes, I could meet you up after__" he started to plan but she cut him in, saying that she wouldn't be able to show up. 

"Don't bother, Logan, I won't be available tonight," she replied impatiently. 

Logan sighed and asked why, he really wanted to meet her and pop the question and although he didn't know how much he had for the ring, he was sure he wanted to propose to her soon. "Why? Are you sure you can't make it, I could wait__" 

"No, Logan, I told you before. It won't work today, I'm going to work late," she said rudely and then added that she had to go back to work and he should quit bothering her. 

Logan ended the call and shrugged, "Maybe she had a bad day. Work can be pretty stressful," he mused as he looked down at his own outfit. 

The bear costume was very warm as he stood under the heat of the sun. But he couldn't help it, he needed the extra cash to get the kind of ring that Rita deserved. 

He walked to the stool by the door and sat down to count the money he had. Pulling out the crumpled notes, he sorted through the change and then counted all he and. "I can't get anything good with this," he said disappointingly. 

Logan had hoped that the job could get him enough money for the sort of ring that he wanted for his girlfriend. But he needed more if not, he was going to have to settle for a cheaper ring. 

Still musing and worried over his lack of cash, he didn't see one of the staff at the amusement park run to him until he was already right beside him. "Hey Logan," he said hurriedly and Logan jerked a little, shoving the cash into his costume pocket. 

"Hey, Sam, what's up?" He asked, trying to put on his costume again. The management didn't like anyone slacking on the job. 

"Do you have time for some gig?" Sam asked him in a rush. Logan looked at his costume. "I'm still on shift though," he replied. 

Sam shook his head, "Come on, it doesn't matter. It's still in this park, it will only take a couple of minutes and you'll get an extra 100 dollars tip," he replied. 

Logan's eyes widened, 100 dollars would help him get a much better ring and the job was quite easy too. "I'm in, what do I need to do?" He asked excitedly. 

Sam handed him a bunch of flowers. "Here, all you have to do is hand over these flowers to a girl. There's a very rich man that's here to propose and he needs someone to hold the flowers for his girl, that's your job," Sam instructed him.

 "That's all I have to do for 100 dollars?" He asked incredulously. 

 Sam nodded, "We don't have much time, are you in?" He said impatiently. 

Logan nodded eagerly, of course, he was in. He couldn't believe someone would pay so much for just holding a bunch of flowers. That was actually a very easy task for such a huge amount of tops. He couldn't wait to get it done and get his money. He was already visualizing the ring that he would buy for Rita once he had enough money. 

Sam led him to the Ferris wheel and that was when he saw the couple standing under it. The man got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. 

"Oh my God!" The girl gasped as the man dropped to his knees. Everyone was attracted to the scene and they all cheered as the man took her hands. 

"Will you marry me?" The man asked, smiling lovingly at her. The crowd erupted in cheers and some of them pulled out their phones to take pictures and videos of the scene. 

The staff nudged him and whispered to him that it was time for him to do his job. "Hand her the flowers now," he said. 

Logan held the bouquet and walked close to the couple. He could see the excitement on their faces as well as those around them. Everyone seemed really thrilled at such a grand proposal. 

The man held her fingers and slid in the ring just as Logan held out the bouquet to her. It was right at this moment that the girl in question raised her face and Logan gasped as he looked into the eyes of his own girlfriend, Rita.

Another man had just proposed to her and she said yes and behold, he was the one handing her flowers. 

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