Logan was stunned as he looked at the man and his girlfriend. He was frozen, staring at them with wide eyes. He was so stunned that he looked down at his bear costume and thought he had appeared to them - like a clown, dressed in some outfit just to entertain the crowd. 

His hands froze and despite the whispers from the staff for him to hand over the flowers, that it was time, he couldn't hear anything. He couldn't feel anything at all, he went numb.

"Of course, yes!" Rita replied with a wide smile, she didn't even look at Logan, she simply snatched the flowers from his hands and everyone cheered. 

"Such a beautiful couple," someone gushed from the crowd excitedly. They all looked at them with smiling faces. 

 "Kiss her!" One man hollered and then the crowd all cheered, "Kiss her!" They chorused. 

Rita smiled lovingly at the rich man who grabbed her by the waist and bending to her height, sealed her lips in a deep kiss. Logan felt his gut tighten. He wanted to throw up, he had never been so hurt or disgusted in his entire life. It felt like he was going to lose his mind at the sight. 

Logan's jaw clenched and his eyes watered, he knew he might cry if he didn't get himself in order. He couldn't breathe, he was grasping for air at the sight before him. He loved Rita dearly and they had never spoken about breaking up. His mind wandered to the ring that he had planned to get for her. 

He had worked the whole day just to make sure he could afford it. Now, he had no one to propose to, he was betrayed in the most ruthless manner. 

Rita was oblivious to his presence, she was still locking lips with the man who gave her a very sloppy kiss and she didn't seem to mind, as a matter of fact, her eyes were closed blissfully and she giggled as he pulled away. 

"You're now mine, Rita," the man said and pulled her into a very tight hug. Logan felt his words shatter like that was the last straw that would ruin everything for him. He could feel a wet trail down his chin but it was so warm outside he couldn't tell if it was sweat or tears. 

Rita screamed in excitement as the man pulled her on his shoulders and then spun her around. The crowd all took pictures and videos of the scene as the petals of the flowers swirled all around her. 

Looking so happy and pleased with the proposal, Rita didn't even spare a second to look through the crowd, because maybe if she did, she would have seen that he was right beside her.

Logan began to pull out of his costume. He took off the furry outfit and stepped out of the heavy bear suit. 

As Logan took the suit off, no one paid any attention to him, they all trailed the rich man to his car, their phone cameras flashing as he carried Rita to his luxurious vehicle. It was a grand proposal indeed and everyone wanted to share it on social media. 

Finally, when everyone had surrounded the car and were waiting for them to get in, the man carefully dropped Rita on the ground and that was when their eyes met. 

It didn't matter how large the crowd at the amusement park was, Rita still managed to catch his eyes the moment that he saw her. His eyes strained on her and she gasped, panic clear on her face. Logan could tell that she was very shocked to see him there. They had just spoken on the phone and she said she would be at work. She had also mentioned that she would be working late and they couldn't go out on a date. But that was all lies clearly. 

Rita froze as their eyes met but the man she was with barely even noticed the change in her demeanor, he shoved her into the vehicle playfully and then turned to the crowd that was eager to hear what he had to say. "It's been a nice time. I'm glad you all helped with the surprise. I've booked the best restaurant in the city to take care of everyone who helped out with the surprise, just head there and have the best meal, it's all on me," he stated. 

The crowd erupted in loud cheers and everyone clapped at the announcement. The most expensive restaurant in the city was worth a lot of money for one meal and it would be an honor for them to eat there. Some of them had never even been to the restaurant before. Suddenly, someone in the crowd called out, "If you won't be at the restaurant, where will you be?" 

Others laughed knowingly. The man replied, "Of course I'll be spending the night at a hotel with my beautiful fiancee." 

The crowd erupted in loud laughter and they all cheered him on. He got into his vehicle and then sped off as everyone began to laugh and happily talk about the proposal and the meal that they were looking forward to. 

Logan's legs gave out under him, he plopped on the floor as everyone around him continued to ask questions and chat happily. He was in denial, he couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. But clearly, no one cared about him. They all walked by him without a second glance. 

It was Samuel who finally walked to him, "Although you were a little late, here, you did a good job," he said and threw the 200 dollars in his face. "Are you going to the restaurant later?" He asked. 

Logan was still stunned to say a word, he was still looking in the direction of the luxury car that had just sped off, wondering what he'd ever done to Rita to be discarded as such. "Whatever, you should come to the restaurant, I'm sure you won't be able to afford such a great meal by yourself," Samuel added and walked out. 

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