All Chapters of The Revenge of the Disguise Heir: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
13 chapters
Logan adjusted his bear doll costume and continued to gesticulate in front of the amusement park. It was his part-time job to dress up and stand at the entrance to entertain the kids and visitors who came to the amusement park. Logan had decided to buy a nice ring for his girlfriend because he finally wanted to propose to her the next week. Their relationship was what he wanted forever and he just couldn't wait to tie the knot. With a smile on his face, Logan pulled off the mask and decided to give her a call. He wanted it to be a surprise, he wanted to make her happy with the best gold ring ever. After the first ring, she didn't pick up and Logan decided to call her again. "Hello, honey, how are you doing today," he said happily and she just hummed. "Why are you calling me, Logan? I'm still at work," she replied flatly, not even bothering to exchange pleasantries with him. "I was hoping that we could meet," he said softly. "You should know that I'm still at work, Logan," she rep
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Logan was stunned as he looked at the man and his girlfriend. He was frozen, staring at them with wide eyes. He was so stunned that he looked down at his bear costume and thought he had appeared to them - like a clown, dressed in some outfit just to entertain the crowd. His hands froze and despite the whispers from the staff for him to hand over the flowers, that it was time, he couldn't hear anything. He couldn't feel anything at all, he went numb."Of course, yes!" Rita replied with a wide smile, she didn't even look at Logan, she simply snatched the flowers from his hands and everyone cheered. "Such a beautiful couple," someone gushed from the crowd excitedly. They all looked at them with smiling faces. "Kiss her!" One man hollered and then the crowd all cheered, "Kiss her!" They chorused. Rita smiled lovingly at the rich man who grabbed her by the waist and bending to her height, sealed her lips in a deep kiss. Logan felt his gut tighten. He wanted to throw up, he had never b
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Logan watched the staff walk away. He was interested in going to the restaurant and eating some expensive meal that was bought by the one man who took his happiness away. He felt dead inside and no food or money could make it any better. To think that he'd been very thrilled to find some job to give him enough money to buy the ring, now he just looked at the dollar bill on the floor and couldn't bring himself to pick it up, he simply walked away from it and left the amusement park. Logan looked like the Walking Dead. His body was still coated with sweat from wearing the costume all day and he felt like a freaking zombie as he trekked down the streets aimlessly, hoping that anything could take his mind off the hurt and pain that he felt inside. At this time, he wandered close to a bar and decided that maybe drinking would help with his pain. He leaked through the doors and could see that the place did have a lot of patrons. "Perfect, I'll be at peace here," he said softly and leaped
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Logan finally came to consciousness. His head was banging like a South African gong. He didn't know where he was or what had happened to him in the past hours. "What time is it?" He mumbled to himself and then rolled over. How could he make it to work when he was feeling like a man but by a train? Groaning, he turned to the edge and that was when he felt a body next to him. He jerked up and blinked his eyes open. Right there on the bed was a lady and she was still. The woman stirred in her sleep as she felt a hand on her stomach. Her head was so fuzzy that for a second she didn't even want to wake up. Heavily came open her and she nearly curled back into bed when she felt a presence to her left. She flinched and sat up at once, her eyes widening as she saw him, "Argh!" She screamed and threw her hands up in shock. "What are you doing in my bed?!" She snapped and grabbed the pillow on the bed, throwing it at Logan. Logan grabbed the pillow as it fell on his shoulders. He looked at
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As the lady walked out of the door and slammed the door, Logan pocketed the wad of cash in his pocket and began a search for his shoe. The hotel room was so big that he doubted he would find it. But thankfully he found it under the bed and quickly pulled it open. Buttoning his shirt too and heading for the door. The weight of the cash in his pocket couldn't help but remind him of the events of the previous hour. How did he just end up in bed with a stranger and somehow get paid for it? Just as he clicked the door behind him, he was faced with his girlfriend, Rita and the rich guy from the amusement park coming out of the hotel elevator too. He was shocked to see her but he quickly recalled that the man had mentioned that he would be going to have a great time alone with his new fiance. Logan looked at them with scorn. He was angry at Rita for the way she had just abandoned him. He blamed her for his drunken spell and what had just happened with the strange woman. If she hadn't brut
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Logan tried to run as the guards formed a circle around him. "You shouldn't have done that, you'll get the beating of your life!" The rich man sneered and nodded at the guards. Without a second wasted, they descended on Logan aggressively, dragging him by the head and pushing him to the floor. Fists fell on his head and shoulders and all he tried to do was protect his face. "You dared lay a hand on our boss?" One of the men snapped at him angrily and kicked him in the face. Rita stood there, not the slightest terrified or concerned over what was happening, she even had a pleased look on her face as did the man beside her. "He's getting what he deserves! Loser!" She said, urging the men to teach him a lesson. "What's going on?" One of the staff came to the lobby and saw the scene. Logan was already bloodied and bruised on the floor. He couldn't move, his hands shielded his face as the men continued to hit him, blow after blow, kick after kick. "You're going to kill him!" The staff
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Logan was very confused. He looked at the manager oddly. He didn't know what he was talking about. His name was Logan Russel and he wondered how the man knew that. "How did you know my name?" He asked the manager who was still too stunned to speak. He just looked at him oddly and then shook his head, as if still in shock. "I know that a ring can only belong to one person, and you have possession of it," he replied. Logan sighed, he had already run into enough trouble by talking to the rich man and Rita, and the last thing he wanted was another round of trouble. "You really are the young master," the manager said, his eyes wide with both surprise and excitement. "I'm not the young master, don't worry, I'll get out of your hotel, I'm sorry for causing a scene," Logan said and was about to walk out but the man stopped him. "You don't have to leave. Please don't leave, I know who you are. You're Logan Russel." The manager stated. Logan shook his head, "I think you have mistaken me
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The old man walked to Logan and hugged him tightly, he had his eyes filled with excitement and joy. He looked at Logan again and then turned to the manager. "It really is him, I can't deny the resemblance, it's uncanny," he stated happily. Logan was still very confused, he didn't even know who the old man was or how he ought to take the information that he was now a very rich member of some family. "I don't know what to say, this is all strange," he had to admit. The old man smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and told him that everything was going to be fine, he would explain everything to him. "First, we have to get you back home, you have been away for such a long time," he said. "Who are you?" Logan asked. It was the anger that spoke next. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce him to you, young master, this is the butler of the Russel family, he's your butler, and has been with your family for such a long time," he stated. The butler nodded, "Yes, I have been with your parents. I watc
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Slowly, Logan got into the helicopter, he was very nervous and also excited to be in there. He hadn't flown in a chopper before, it was his first time. The butler had him strapped in and handed him a headphone for the loud rumbling of the engine, then he settled down beside him and told him that they were heading to the hospital. "We have to make sure you're in perfect shape, going master," the butler said at the top of his lungs so that Logan could hear him over the loud rumbling of the chopper. Logan didn't want to be a crybaby. He guessed he would be able to take the pain and tough it up, after all, he'd gone through worse. But the old man refused, saying that he needed professional medical care. Soon, they arrived at the hospital. Logan looked down with wonder, he knew the hospital that they had arrived at and it was one of the best hospitals in the city. It was also the most expensive and no one could afford it without being freaking wealthy. Logan was shocked but he didn't s
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In a matter of seconds, the video became an Internet sensation. Everyone was eager to find out who had just stepped out of the chopper and if he was truly the heir of the Russel family. While some bloggers said that he was the heir, others asked if he was really back and what led to his sudden reappearance. The video became quite popular within half an hour because for over a decade, the Russel family had not appointed an heir despite the pressure for them to do so. Everyone wanted to see who would be named the heir to the richest family in the city. They all wanted to find out who the man in the video was. His face was not clear and this only made it even more suspenseful. Meanwhile, in the living room of the son of the Richmond family, Moise Richmond, Rita's new lover was lounging on his sofa, his eyes fixed on the television screen as he munched on a slice of apple. Right beside him was Rita and she seemed very pleased with the news on the television screen. "Could this really
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