Slowly, Logan got into the helicopter, he was very nervous and also excited to be in there. He hadn't flown in a chopper before, it was his first time.

The butler had him strapped in and handed him a headphone for the loud rumbling of the engine, then he settled down beside him and told him that they were heading to the hospital.

"We have to make sure you're in perfect shape, going master," the butler said at the top of his lungs so that Logan could hear him over the loud rumbling of the chopper. Logan didn't want to be a crybaby. He guessed he would be able to take the pain and tough it up, after all, he'd gone through worse. But the old man refused, saying that he needed professional medical care.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital. Logan looked down with wonder, he knew the hospital that they had arrived at and it was one of the best hospitals in the city. It was also the most expensive and no one could afford it without being freaking wealthy.

Logan was shocked but he didn't s
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