The old man walked to Logan and hugged him tightly, he had his eyes filled with excitement and joy. He looked at Logan again and then turned to the manager. "It really is him, I can't deny the resemblance, it's uncanny," he stated happily. 

Logan was still very confused, he didn't even know who the old man was or how he ought to take the information that he was now a very rich member of some family. "I don't know what to say, this is all strange," he had to admit. 

The old man smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and told him that everything was going to be fine, he would explain everything to him. "First, we have to get you back home, you have been away for such a long time," he said. 

"Who are you?" Logan asked. It was the anger that spoke next. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce him to you, young master, this is the butler of the Russel family, he's your butler, and has been with your family for such a long time," he stated. 

The butler nodded, "Yes, I have been with your parents. I watched you grow up," he answered with a happy smile. 

Logan sighed, he was forced to believe the two men. How could they possibly play a prank on him for so long? He had to finally believe that just maybe it wasn't a case of mistaken identity, just maybe he really had a family. "Do I really have a family? I'm not an orphan?" He asked. 

The butler looked like he was shocked at such words. "Orphan? No, you are not an orphan," he replied eagerly and shook his head. "Your parents are abroad now and I am here to take you home," he replied. 

"My parents, who are they? This man said something about being in the Russel family," Logan said. He was still very confused. 

"Yes, you are the heir of the Russel family and I'm so glad that he found you. Your family is the richest and most influential family in the city, you are now part of it," he stated, smiling. 

Logan's eyes began to brim with tears. How could it be that his family was the richest family in the city and he had just faced the most humiliating moment of his life with his ex-girlfriend and her new man? "Is this real?" He asked, his eyes watery. 

The butler nodded excitedly and assured him that it was real. "You are the heir of the Russel family, it's a long story but I'll tell you all about...." He said and then trailed off as he saw the mark on Logan's cheek. 

He grabbed his chin softly and turned his face to the left and then to the right. "What is this mark? Why does it look fresh?" He asked angrily. 

"He was hit," the manager replied shakily. He was afraid of what the butler would do to him for witnessing the young master being beaten and doing nothing about it.

"Hit?!" The butler snapped angrily, he glared at the manager as he looked at the bruises. He also noticed that Logan was clutching his left side and his hair was a mess where he had been lying on the floor to take the blows. 

"I'm so sorry," the manager said and fell on his knees to the floor. "I apologize, I had no idea who he was. It was after the incident that I saw the ring and was able to recognize him as the young master," he tried to explain. 

The butler scolded him on the floor, "Have you seen what they did to him? Who is responsible for this?" He thundered. 

"It was the son of the Richmond family, he didn't know who the young master was, I think they had an argument and it ended this way," the manager tried to explain. 

"It's okay, that's all..." Logan tried to explain but the butler shook his head, saying that he wouldn't take such treatments. 

"You are the heir of the Russel family, any harm done to you is a direct slap on the family, I will not and cannot allow it to be unrevenged!" He snapped. 

Logan was shocked and slightly amused at the intensity of the man's words. "Revenge?" He asked. He didn't know how he could ever get even with the rich man. Rita was with a very wealthy man. He was from a Tier-1 family in the city. He was very filthy rich and also well-connected. He has also promised to make Logan's life miserable if he ever showed his face anywhere close to him. He didn't want trouble. 

"Yes, revenge, I will also make sure he pays for daring to lay a hand on you, I will teach him a lesson that he won't forget!" The butler replied stiffly. 

"That won't be an easy task, I know that he is from a very rich family and you can't just destroy him," he replied, mumbling. 

The butler smirked at Logan. "That means you have no idea how powerful your family is," he stated. 

Logan looked at him in surprise, was he trying to say that his family could take out the rich man? Was the Russel family richer?

"Yes, the Richmond family is like an ant here your family is being mentioned. I will smoke him out and deal with him mercilessly. He can't ever try to hit you again," the butler assured him. 

Logan really wanted to argue but he noticed that the man was so self-assured and he refused to speak anymore. Hews is so shocked at the revelation that his family was higher than that of the rich man who had just bullied him. 

"But the most important thing right now, young master, is to make sure that you get to the hospital," he said. 

Logan scratched his head, "I don't have enough money to settle hospital bills, I'm sure I'll be fine," he replied. 

The butler smiled, "Please follow me, let's go to the hospital, money isn't a problem, you never have to worry about money ever again," he said respectfully and led him into the helicopter. 

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