Logan was very confused. He looked at the manager oddly. He didn't know what he was talking about. His name was Logan Russel and he wondered how the man knew that. 

"How did you know my name?" He asked the manager who was still too stunned to speak. He just looked at him oddly and then shook his head, as if still in shock. 

"I know that a ring can only belong to one person, and you have possession of it," he replied. Logan sighed, he had already run into enough trouble by talking to the rich man and Rita, and the last thing he wanted was another round of trouble. 

"You really are the young master," the manager said, his eyes wide with both surprise and excitement. 

"I'm not the young master, don't worry, I'll get out of your hotel, I'm sorry for causing a scene," Logan said and was about to walk out but the man  stopped him. 

"You don't have to leave. Please don't leave, I know who you are. You're Logan Russel." The manager stated.  Logan shook his head, "I think you have mistaken me for someone else," he replied, "My name is Logan Russel but I'm not a young master, I don't know what you're talking about." 

"I know, the ring says it all," he said and looked at the ring again, "Where did you get this?" He asked. 

"It's just some ring that the director at the orphanage gave to me, I decided to give it to Rita as a symbol of our love but clearly she doesn't value it," he stated plainly. 

"The orphanage?" The manager asked curiously. 

Logan nodded, "Yes, I told you I'm not the young master or whatever you think I am, I'm just an orphan. I grew up at the orphanage and the director gave this ring to me a few years after," he narrated. 

The manager nodded and looked at him with fascination, asking him how he got to find the ring if he had been abandoned. 

"The director gave it to me. He said that he'd found me in front of the orphanage and the ring was right there with me, also there was a paper with the name Logan Russel on it, that's all," Logan explained. "I don't have a family so I clearly am not this Logan that you're looking for, sorry." 

The manager was tearing up even as he spoke. He held Logan's hands and looked at him intently. "You are the young master of the Russel family, I am very sure of that," he said softly. It was as if the more Logan spoke, the less the man understood. He was still looking at him with wonder and joy. 

Logan was so confused, he couldn't understand how he was on the floor one minute and the next he was being called the master of some unknown family. "How do you know this?" He asked the man, still in disbelief. 

"Because we have been looking for you for the last 20 years. The Russel family has been looking for you," he said and gave him a watery smile. 

Logan was too confused to even argue with the man who seemed pleased to meet him for some reason. He looked genuinely happy and immediately pulled out his phone. 

Staring with confusion, he watched the man dial a number and soon, an old and crisp voice came on the phone. "Why are you calling? I have important things to attend to," the voice said sharply. 

The manager quickly apologized and said that he had great news that the old man would be interested in. "I know you want to hear this," he stated. 

"Go on, what is this about?" The voice asked. The manager looked at Logan again, he was beaming as he said. "I have found the young master." 

There was silence on the line for a few seconds and the manager had to look at the screen to make sure that the man hadn't hung up. "Can you hear me?" He asked loudly. 

"I heard you, I just came to believe it," he said with a trembling voice. The manager was very pleased to repeat himself. "I'm sure, he really is the young master, his name is Logan Russel," he said excitedly. 

The voice became high-pitched and excited, "Could this really be true?" He asked no one in particular and then said that he would come and make sure of it himself. "I'll be there in the next 5 minutes, I have to see him myself," he said. 

"Of course, he is right here, come to the Hotel," the manager replied eagerly. 

"Can you tell me she's going on?" Logan asked the man as he dropped the phone. The manager smiled and said the same thing that he'd said over the phone, leaving Logan even more confused. " You are the missing son of the Russel family, the only heir." 

"I don't get it. How come I don't even know who that is? I've never heard such a name. I only know that it's my surname, I  don't know if it belongs to a family or what family that is," Logan replied. 

But the manager nodded. "Yes, I understand if you've never heard of them. They are only known by the upper class. The Russel family is very respected and they also control a good number of companies and industries in the country," he explained. 

Logan was very curious, he wanted to ask more questions about this mysterious family and how the man had come to the conclusion that he was their son and also the heir. But he didn't get to speak when suddenly a loud sound came from behind and interrupted their conversation. 

Logan was very shocked as he looked outside and saw a helicopter coming down from the distance. He watched as an old man stopped down from the chopper and walked into the building. 

As the old man's eyes fell on Logan, his eyes widened and he teared up, walking to Logan briskly. "You look just like the old master..." 

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