Logan tried to run as the guards formed a circle around him. "You shouldn't have done that, you'll get the beating of your life!" The rich man sneered and nodded at the guards. 

Without a second wasted, they descended on Logan aggressively, dragging him by the head and pushing him to the floor. Fists fell on his head and shoulders and all he tried to do was protect his face. 

"You dared lay a hand on our boss?" One of the men snapped at him angrily and kicked him in the face.  

Rita stood there, not the slightest terrified or concerned over what was happening, she even had a pleased look on her face as did the man beside her. "He's getting what he deserves! Loser!" She said, urging the men to teach him a lesson. 

"What's going on?" One of the staff came to the lobby and saw the scene. Logan was already bloodied and bruised on the floor. He couldn't move, his hands shielded his face as the men continued to hit him, blow after blow, kick after kick. "You're going to kill him!" The staff said, her eyes wide with terror as he saw Logan's body. 

But the men didn't stop, their boss didn't tell them to and so they continued to beat Logan without caring about his bruises. The staff hurried away to call the manager, she didn't want anyone to be hospitalized in their hotel. 

The manager soon arrived and he bellowed angrily from the hallway as he strode to the scene. "Stop at once!" He snapped, frowning heavily. 

The guards all stopped as the rich man nodded at them. "Who are these men and why are they making a scene here?" He asked the rich man who was clearly the one in charge. 

"He needs to be taught a lesson! He's a stalker and a useless man," Rita replied and hissed. 

The manager sneered at her and the rich man. "I don't care who he is or what he did. You're causing trouble here, don't you know this is the Russel family hotel?" He asked angrily.

Mentioning the Russel family, the man was terrified, he stepped back a little and looked at the manager again. The Russel family was a very respectable family and he didn't dare mess with them. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that," he replied.

"But he's the one who did something wrong, he stalked us," Rita announced again. 

The rich man nodded, trying to exonerate himself. "He threw the first punch. He was trying to hurt me, I only defended myself," he replied. 

The manager snapped at him harshly, he didn't want to know what happened, he just wanted them to leave at once. "I don't care what he did, you have crossed the line. Take this elsewhere or you will face consequences from the Russel family," he said. 

"Of course, we will leave now," the rich man said and nodded to the manager respectfully. But he turned to look at Logan, his face morphed into a sneer as he said, "Thank your lucky stars, I would have made sure there's no part of you left for the doctor to fix," he spat. 

Logan groaned on the floor, his hands clutching his rib which was badly injured. He couldn't even get off the floor with the men still standing right above him. Rita smirked at him in that state, very pleased. 

"Be careful, don't ever cross my path again. If I ever set my eyes on you, I will beat you up again, mark my words," the rich man said. 

Rita sneered at Logan, looking at him condescendingly. "She yanked off a ring from her finger and looked at it like it was garbage. "This is the ring that you gave me as a gift," she said and scoffed loudly, looking at the jewelry distastefully. "You lied to me that this is a family heirloom of yours, but it looks like some cheap trash you got from the pawn shop, it's a toy!" She snapped and threw it back at his face. 

Logan looked at her silently, he didn't say anything to her. First, because she couldn't even begin to convince her that he wasn't lying and also because he didn't want to run into more trouble with the rich man. 

"You can keep your trashy ring, I'm sure if I left with it, you'd say I'm a gold digger," she said with a nasty scowl on her face. 

The rich man held her hands and gave Logan one last mean stare before he nodded at his guards who finally left him and opened the door for him to walk out. 

Logan sighed as they walked out, he finally stumbled off the floor and finally staggered to his feet. His sides hurt like crazy and he couldn't feel his left cheek. He had been badly bruised there.

"Are you okay?" The manager asked, Logan nodded wordlessly and tried to right his clothes but it was no use, it was ruined beyond repair. "Are you sure? You don't look too well," he insisted and tried to help Logan but he ended up hurting him more as he touched his tender ribs. 

"Ouch," Logan groaned as his ribs were being touched, he placed his hands there and hissed, closing his eyes. He tried to ease the pain but it stuck. 

"I think you need to be taken to the hospital, you need medical help, you've been badly hurt," the manager insisted and tried to hold him again.

Logan shook his head, bending down to pick up the ring that Rita had thrown in his face. "You don't have to, I don't have the money for hospital bills," he replied. 

But at this point, the manager wasn't even listening to him, his eyes were fixated on the ring that he had just picked up. His eyes widened and he looked at Logan again. "Is that really you, young master Logan Russel?" He asked in a trembling voice. 

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