As the lady walked out of the door and slammed the door, Logan pocketed the wad of cash in his pocket and began a search for his shoe. The hotel room was so big that he doubted he would find it. But thankfully he found it under the bed and quickly pulled it open. Buttoning his shirt too and heading for the door. 

The weight of the cash in his pocket couldn't help but remind him of the events of the previous hour. How did he just end up in bed with a stranger and somehow get paid for it? 

Just as he clicked the door behind him, he was faced with his girlfriend, Rita and the rich guy from the amusement park coming out of the hotel elevator too. He was shocked to see her but he quickly recalled that the man had mentioned that he would be going to have a great time alone with his new fiance. 

Logan looked at them with scorn. He was angry at Rita for the way she had just abandoned him. He blamed her for his drunken spell and what had just happened with the strange woman. If she hadn't brutally humiliated him and shattered his heart, none of that would have happened, nothing would have drawn him to the bar talk more of taking so much alcohol. 

Rita turned to see him at the same moment and their eyes locked. She froze in shock and they both glared at each other. But she beat him to it first, sneering coldly. "Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked nastily. 

"You really want to do this here?" Logan asked her to sigh gritted teeth. He was mad that she could even have the balls to talk to him after what she'd just done. She didn't seem to have any remorse in her, in fact, she was quite confrontational. 

"You're so shameless, I knew that you were a total pig head but I would never think you could fall so low," she said condescendingly. "Can't you see the clear difference between you and this man? I thought you would have realized yesterday that you both aren't in the same league and just back off! But no, you had to follow us here and make a fool of yourself, you must have slept outside the whole night, how  pathetic," she spat. 

Logan shook his head at her, he didn't even follow her there. He had no idea which hotel she and the man would end up at, all he did was drink and then wake himself in the hotel room. It was pure coincidence but she didn't know that. 

"Who is this?" The man beside Rita asked, confused over the exchange between the two. He looked at Logan and then his new fiance curiously. 

Rita waved a hand like Logan was nothing more than a housefly. "Oh, it's nothing important. He's just some psycho who thinks he is my boyfriend. He's a crazy loser, I'm just surprised to see him here, that's all," she replied. 

"Did he follow us here?" The man asked, staring at him with open disgust. 

Rita didn't even wait for Logan to defend himself, she nodded, "I'm sure that's what he did. He must have wanted to see me so bad that he slept in the cold, such insanity," she snorted. 

"You don't know why I'm here, so don't assume, Rita," Logan replied sternly. 

Rita waved her hands and laughed at him mockingly, "Why else could you possibly be here? We all know that you can't afford a place like this, it's either you slept on the front porch or hid in the parking lot, you're so desperate that it's nauseating," she spat. 

Logan was angry that she would address him as such. "I didn't come here to see you, it's just a__" 

"Shut up, Logan. I know that you did, don't even try to hide it. If you really didn't stalk me here, how did you find us, huh? Which room did you sleep in? Who paid for it?" She asked and crossed her hands. 

Logan was tongue-tied. He hadn't even looked at the number on the door as he walked out. He was mad at her words and daring attitude. Maybe he wouldn't have been so mad if she at least had the decency to say he was her ex, rather than try to put him down first.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, Rita, you have no standards," he spat. 

The rich man raised a brow at him, "Coming from nobody, are you crazy?" He inquired and Rita smiled and whispered to him that he was mentally unstable. 

"He's just a loser, I'm sure he'll back off now that he knows we're together, he will quit fawning over me like a lost dog," she said.

"You are the loser. You don't even know what you want, you cheated on me with," 

The rich man sneered at him furiously, "Cheating on you?" He looked at Logan from his toe up to his head and snickered, "Rita would never have anything to do with a scum like you." 

Rita smiled pleasantly and cocked a brow at Logan. Glad that her new man couldn't even believe that she had just dated and discarded Logan. "He's clearly lying, I would never date someone like this, he's a stalker and a loser," she said. 

" I believe you darling, a man like this can never know how you act in bed," he replied with a smirk. 

Rita smiled, she wasn't upset at his sexist comment, she laughed and lightly slapped his shoulder, giggling, his cheeks turning red, "You're so naughty," she said and winked at him. 

This only made Logan more furious, he couldn't help the anger as he threw the first punch and it landed right on the man's face. Rita screamed in shock and stepped back, her hands over her lips. 

The rich man clutched his nose and at once guards surrounded Logan. "You have just met your doom," he said. 

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