Logan finally came to consciousness. His head was banging like a South African gong. He didn't know where he was or what had happened to him in the past hours. 

"What time is it?" He mumbled to himself and then rolled over. How could he make it to work when he was feeling like a man but by a train? 

Groaning, he turned to the edge and that was when he felt a body next to him. He jerked up and blinked his eyes open. Right there on the bed was a lady and she was still. 

The woman stirred in her sleep as she felt a hand on her stomach. Her head was so fuzzy that for a second she didn't even want to wake up. Heavily came open her and she nearly curled back into bed when she felt a presence to her left. She flinched and sat up at once, her eyes widening as she saw him, "Argh!" She screamed and threw her hands up in shock. 

"What are you doing in my bed?!" She snapped and grabbed the pillow on the bed, throwing it at Logan. 

Logan grabbed the pillow as it fell on his shoulders. He looked at her with shock, wondering what she was doing in his bed. "Who are you?" He asked. 

The lady looked around the place, wondering what she was doing in a strange room, "Where are we?!" She asked angrily. 

Logan looked around the room. The blankets and sheets were so smooth and soft that he knew without a second thought that it wasn't his house. His house couldn't be so nice. As much as he kept his place tidy, his sheets could never be so luxurious or the walls so wide. "I don't know where this is, is it your place? Did I bring you home from the bar?" He asked. 

The lady was honestly shocked. She looked at him like he'd lost his mind. "My place? Why on earth would I bring you to my place?!" She asked incredulously and fumbled out of bed, trying to find her clothes. 

Logan couldn't recall any incident after the bar. Just that he'd thrown down shot after shot at the counter and then stumbled off the stool before a kind man helped him. But from there, he had no idea what had happened. "I don't know where this is, I don't recall  being with you," he stated. 

The lady rubbed her head aggressively like she wanted to pull out her hair. How could I be in bed with a strange man and have no memories of the previous day? "How did we get here? Say something, tell me what happened," she asked him pointedly. 

Logan shrugged, "I have no idea what happened either, I'm just...I don't know," he replied. But he looked at himself and then her, there was no way that he could have slept with her. He was too drunk to even function. "All I recall is having a drink at the bar. I might have taken a little too much and then I don't know what happened next, I don't recall your face from the previous night at all," he replied. 

Hissing, the lady began to thrash, looking for her clothes which were everywhere, on the bed, on the floor, and around the room. "I don't recall you either and I wasn't at any bar! There's no way you could have picked me up from some cheap place!" She snapped aggressively. 

"I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding, we can figure out what happened," he tried to make her relax. 

"I can't relax! I want to know what happened to me, did you bloody touch me?" She asked. 

"Calm down, I mean didn't lay a finger on you, I'm so sorry, I wasn't myself last night so I have no memory of what happened," Logan assured her. It didn't make it any better but he was sure he didn't do whatever happened on purpose. He was too wasted too. 

Trying to calm herself, she inhaled deeply and decided to regain her composure. Although she didn't know what was going on, she couldn't just flare up. "This has to be a conspiracy," she mumbled to herself. 

Logan looked at her curiously, "Is something wrong?" He asked. The lady hissed at him, "Of course everything is wrong, I am in bed with a strange man, how could you even ask me that?" She snapped at him. 

Sighing, he rolled off the bed too and grabbed his shirt which was hung on the nightstand, pulling it over his head. She picked up her stilettos, pulling it over her bare feet. The lady already decided that she couldn't have gotten into bed with a strange man, especially someone who looked like Logan. From his clothes, he didn't look important at all. She decided that someone had tried to frame her and succeeded. 

"You must talk to anyone about this," she said. Logan nodded weakly. He didn't have a reason to talk to anyone about what had happened, he didn't know what was going on himself. "You aren't saying anything, I said you mustn't speak to anyone about what just happened or there will be consequences!" She hissed. 

Logan held up his hands, "I've heard you, I'm not going to tell anyone about what happened," he agreed eagerly, nodding his head. 

"Where is my bag?" She suddenly muffled in frustration and started rummaging around the bed. Logan looked about too and found that her bag was on the floor. At that same time, she saw it and reached out, picking it up. She looked through it and pulled out a wad of clean dollar bills. 

"Take this and buy something nice, I don't want you to go running your mouth," she said. 

"Why are you giving me money? I've told you I won't tell anyone about it," he replied. 

The lady rolled her eyes and handed her the money. With shaky hands, Logan took the cash from her, she gestured at her lips, doing a zipper motion with it. "That's hush money," she added. 

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