All Chapters of The Revenge of the Disguise Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 chapters
Looking back at the sequence of events that had led up to this moment, Logan was left in absolute awe at the entire situation—In his mind, all of these still seemed like a dream sort of. First, he took in view of the entire building that was nothing like what he had thought it was. For one, It was far-off too elegant, and captivating enough that he felt breathless pondering all about it. “I’d go get the bags." It took Butler speaking to get him back to himself, as it was at that moment he was left dazed.In a way, he found himself reminiscing on the past, as for the next few seconds that followed he sensed the need to ruminate on the entire situation—There’s time to relive the memories of them and enjoy the thrill it left in his soul as he shuts down the dark thoughts of anxiety and doubts as he makes steps- stopping just short of the glass wall that overlooks the city. “What am I doing here?” he whispers to himself. He stares at the surrounding building that stands out broad an
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Logan took a deep breath and then looked around the office again, was all of this going to be his? he just couldn't believe his ears and eyes. He would have jumped up for joy if he was alone in the office but he had company so he wanted to behave himself. Still, that didn't stop the feeling of excitement coming from within. "Logan" The butler called to get his attention and he turned to him, the look of excitement varnished and was replaced with seriousness. "I promise that I will take revenge on the Richmonds" Logan assured him and the butler smiled. "I will take your word then but before we make plans on revenge, we need to get you a new place to live," The butler said "A new place? I have a home" Logan was confused "You don't expect to still stay in the old house when you just found out who you are, you need power and so you need a house that would speak power," He said "And how?" "You ask too many questions, Logan, I have it all covered. Here is the key to your new home" Lo
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The phone buzzed and at first, the Butler eyed the number not feeling that bit of urge, calling it a feeling of uncertainty or perhaps seeing it was a strange number he hesitated two more times and only picked on the third ring. “Hello?" His voice had that bit of edge to it, gentle yet carrying the heavy weight of anxiety.“It is the driver." A trembling voice came from the other end." The driver?” He was a bit puzzled. " What is wrong… You sound a bit tense." He muttered.There was a bit of silence from the other end almost as if he was hesitating to speak.”" It is the young boss, he is … He is lost." He stammers.“Lost?" It was hard for him to process as he couldn't bring himself to believe the manner of scandal the matter could create, at the same time he was weighing the matter deep at the back of his mind, how was that possible?What could have gone wrong?The eerily silence persisted for over thirty-one seconds and was filled with nothing but his silent heartbeats.Each thud
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Taking a calming breath, Logan tried to figure out everything that was happening, at that moment it seemed to him confusing.He stared blankly at the young woman again with members of his memories rekindling every ticking seconds.Yes, he did know the woman— but as he’d just witnessed, he was not in control of the situation at the moment and silence at that moment most definitely was golden judging by everything that was happening.One must say that he was strong, dominant, and whatever made a man but at this moment he didn't have most of the thinking in his mind as he was being calculative about everything.When he finally spoke his voice was subtle, calm like a silenced wind. “I didn't do anything, Yes I must have been with her but I can't remember details about it cause… Cause I was drunk.” He hadn’t raised his voice at all, but his message had been as clear — he wasn't going to take the blame for something he did when drunk!No one would!“That is not my fucking question, answer
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Some facts are just too hard to consider and that was exactly the State of Logan at that minute when the reality of everything was dawning deep in him as it was he kept his face void of any expression as what he felt just definitely at that moment was a shock— It was just too hard to take in, as whatever this is was slowly becoming a torn part from his reality.“Wait what?" The word left his lips shredding the temporary cocoon of silence that had once enveloped him.“How is that possible, I barely know you… I '' At that moment more words fell out of his lips as he was totally confused about what to say to do at that moment.He could argue with himself countlessly but it was the factual truth, all of this wouldn't be happening if he hadn't just gotten himself too drunk.Well, that was in the past as it was, he had to fix whatever this was … Only if they would just grant him one phone call!“I don't know what all this is about, but I can't …" It was the only words he could utter befor
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Logan had viewed life from a whole different perspective, and as it was it felt like no one wanted to see through its lenses, he was still trying to understand something and that was what she was doing that moment.With adrenaline racing in his heart, Logan still with his decision uncertain- thought about the situation at hand, it seemed more like he was out of choices judging by the circumstances of things around him — He stopped thinking for a minute, this time he allowed himself to be drawn into the moment. “I can't do this." He stated firmly.As he did, he stood up and pushed the chair behind looking furious -“This is madness, I can't let you all impose this on me.” He spoke glamorously. Looking around he could feel the heavy gazes on him, but still, he was filled with so much rage than he could get rid of. As he stood right there in the Middle of the room, the moment seemed to him as though moving in a somewhat slow motion, as he could feel himself reliving the situation ove
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She had been left frustrated about everything that had happened most especially having to put up with the acts of recent acts. She had to— she had seen the way he looked at her like she was the worst being he ever saw and very much wanted to change that reputation but how?It occurred to her that she had wronged the Carp family once and doing that again was the last thing on Josie's mind.“You are doing well, love." She flinched when she heard the voice … looking back she saw her grandfather walking toward her.Josie sighs. “Don't you think I am doing too much of this?” She questioned.He could sense her frustration but knew definitely she had to keep up with that act -“What are you saying, don't you think of going easy on him, do you want to seem like a weakling?" He hollered.A feeling of anxiety crept through the room, and she could feel her heartburn from it.“I just feel,” she sighed." You feel that my dear is a flaw, that is why he ridiculed you the first time and I won't let
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Josie turned around quickly tracing the sound to a room where an expensive antique lay shattered on the floor.Logan stood a few feet away, his face pale and his hands trembling slightly. He glanced up at Josie and she could read the guilt in his eyes which infuriated him more."I'm so sorry, Josie," Logan began, his voice barely a whisper. "I didn't mean to—""How could you?" Josie cut him off. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"Logan swallowed hard, his gaze dropping to the fragments of the vase scattered across the floor. "It was an accident. I swear, I didn't do it on purpose. I just tripped, and—""Accidents," Josie interrupted, her voice rising. "It's always an accident with you. Every time you come near something important, you destroy it."Logan flinched at her words, the hurt evident on his face. "I know it looks bad, but I didn't do it intentionally. I care about you and your family. I would never want to hurt you like this."Josie shook her head. "But you have, Logan.
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Logan stared at her for a while. He didn't know what to expect but she seemed shy and he wanted to make her comfortable."Please come to Anna," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.“Hi,” she said softly, offering a tentative smile. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”“No, not at all,” Logan replied, trying to hide his frustration. “What brings you here, Anna?”Anna fidgeted with her hands, clearly uneasy. “I wanted to apologize,” she began, glancing around the room as if searching for the right words. “For how Josie acted. She’s my best friend, and I know she can be... intense sometimes.”Logan blinked in surprise. An apology for Josie’s behavior? After everything that had just happened? “What do you mean?” he asked, unsure of where this conversation was heading.Anna sighed and took a step closer. “I know she was upset about the vase, but it wasn’t fair for her to lash out at you like that. I just... I wanted to come and say sorry on her behalf.”Logan felt a deep pang in his chest.
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Logan at that moment paces around the room, he was anxious and pondered to himself if she had been able to go ahead with the plan, deep down in his soul he felt that bit of nudge telling him that he made trusting the strange lady with the number not still, there was that bit of certainty she would pull through.He halted right there at the door and peeped out of it, In a way the hallway seemed deserted-Like before he felt the need to strategize, her room was just down the hallway and all he had to do was prevent the errors he had made earlier. He wasn't Intrigued by everything that was happening and had paused, taking in the scene. While walking to where his destination which was Josie's door, he had stalled for a minute trying all she could take in the view of everything all at once -She made a non-strategic error of not closing her door properly so that from where he stood he could hear most of everything they had been saying, he was being careful about his actions, the last tim
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