Logan took a deep breath and then looked around the office again, was all of this going to be his? he just couldn't believe his ears and eyes. He would have jumped up for joy if he was alone in the office but he had company so he wanted to behave himself. Still, that didn't stop the feeling of excitement coming from within.

"Logan" The butler called to get his attention and he turned to him, the look of excitement varnished and was replaced with seriousness.

"I promise that I will take revenge on the Richmonds" Logan assured him and the butler smiled.

"I will take your word then but before we make plans on revenge, we need to get you a new place to live," The butler said

"A new place? I have a home" Logan was confused

"You don't expect to still stay in the old house when you just found out who you are, you need power and so you need a house that would speak power," He said

"And how?"

"You ask too many questions, Logan, I have it all covered. Here is the key to your new home" Lo
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