All Chapters of Revenge of the Apocalypse surviving Heir : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 chapters
Chapter 31: Vision About His Death
"The Orchester Crystal?"They exclaimed to themselves. Claire tried her best to understand why the crystal was connected to Fred's system."Wait, the Orchester Crystal is in your brain but how is this even possible?"Chloe inquired and Carlos tried to think about this."Wait, let's trace this back! Could it be that the crystal is electrically operated?"Claire asked and Fred said almost immediately"Or maybe it is a system on its own?"This was a question that they can't even give a response to."Whatever this crystal is, I don't care. I have to train and prepare myself to fight the unforeseen circumstances!"Carlos said and walked away. He went to his gym room and started practicing. Every push-up he did increased his quest for protection.He went to his boxing bag and started punching it. Every hit piled up with a drop of sweat. He was sweating profusely but didn't stop. He continued punching the bag even when the punch hit had surpassed three hundred times. He continued and didn't
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Chapter 32: New powers unleashed!
Alena was conscious but when she woke up, her body was disconnected from the Amazon System. Fred explained that Alena was finally free from Beatrice's clutches. Carlos arrived at the scene thinking he would get further information from Alena. He learns that she'd lost her memory. l including her identity.Claire touched Alena and said to her"You don't have to worry about your identity, leave all that to us. The city is very bad to inhabit. I mean the apocalypse is spreading everywhere and finding your family will be very difficult!""Yes, Alena! But you don't have to worry, we will be your new family. We will be here to guide you and teach you a lot of things that you don't know about. I can be your sister for now!"Alena hugged Chloe and Carlos smiled. He said to himself"Now that Alena won't be any help to me, I will do this alone. I don't care about the vision I had last night, I will protect the world myself!"*****Beatrice was working actively in the inventory room. She aimed
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Chapter 33: Carlos's Death
Fred's system started beeping. They all rushed to check it. They were shocked to see that the crystal was vibrating and many powers were unleashed. The system displayed "Extraordinary Powers unleashed!"All the green gulf that came out from Carlos's body gathered and entered his body and immediately, his body started glowing!Carlos stood up immediately and kicked Auguste. His whole body was glowing including his eyes. They glowed in blue color. Auguste and his team were shocked to the core.Rhea pleaded with Diego to help Carlos out but Diego pushed her away and walked to the lab.Carlos pulled Beatrice up and slapped her to the wall. Auguste attempted to escape but Carlos ran like a flash to him and pulled him back."You think you can escape huh?"He used his elbow to hit Auguste's head. Auguste fell on the floor and Carlos grabbed the zombie gun and stretched it towards Auguste. "You should be the one saying goodbye to yourself, Auguste Roussel!"He was about to pull the trigger w
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Chapter 34: The Funeral
They cleared the mess and kept the crystal in storage!Jacob asked what should be done to Diego and Rhea. Auguste walked to Diego and cried.He remembered his brother whom the fluid killed.It was Auguste and Ben's dream to bring the world to an end. They both know the history of the crystal. They studied the crystal for Twenty-five years and decided to create the fluid.Ben sent his family abroad because he knew what the apocalypse would be like. After inventing the fluid through the crystal, Auguste invented his machine which transfused the fluid into people's bodies.Ben wasn't aware of this. Auguste took the fluid and inserted it into his system which automatically transforms people into Zombies. He typed his brother's name on the system, his age, location, and complexion, and the fluid automatically transformed Ben into Zombie.He buried Ben beneath his lab floor.He wanted to use Ben for another invention. He used Ben to create the apocalypse freezer and he is also one of the f
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Chapter 35: Arrival Of A New Superhero
~Three days later~Claire couldn't stop missing Carlos. It's been three days but she still lives in the shadow of her husband. She was lost in thoughts when her eyes turned green.She started seeing a smoky area filled with dead bodies. She saw Carlos's body removing green gulfs. She dropped the frame she previously held and dived deeper into the vision.There were systems everywhere and some which increased in the figures. Then there were several rooms in the huge lab. In one of the rooms was the circa which was in storage and removing green smoke.She opened her eyes and the shimmering disappeared! Her eyes started dancing as she was lost in thoughts of how possible it was for her to have visions similar to those of Carlos."So I have the power to envision the future? This is strange!"She thought to herself adding"Not just this, I have to save the Circa! I had the vision which means that I am fortified to continue Carlos's mission!"She picked Carlos's headshot and said "I will f
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Chapter 36: Rico Is Back!
The zombies groaned as they fell in Claire's body. Claire doesn't have any idea of how to save herself. Then there was light, the light increased and continued to increase.The zombies were weakened by this light. They turned and Claire managed to get on her legs. The light shunned her sight. She had to cover her eyes.The zombies were falling on the floor as the glow continued. Beatrice was shocked to see this."Who could this be?"She inquired from herself as she had lost the view of the CCTV footage because the glow covered it all.She pressed her system and released more aggressive Zombies. She has them order to go and stop the glow.This set of zombies was equipped not to fall prey to the glow!The glow gradually stopped and Claire watched out to see who it was. She could see a bit and was baffled to see a young man with short heightened hair and an eye patch on his left eye. He was putting on black attire and his whole body was glowing including his eyes and eye patch!The aggre
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Chapter 37: The Crystal Is Fake
Auguste was disappointed in Beatrice. He hadn't only lost his skilled Zombies but also the Circa. He wouldn't be mad at Beatrice for long because she was the root of his investment. She helps him a great lot. He only yelled at her for being so reckless with her decision."And who destroyed all of our skilled Zombies?"Auguste asked and Beatrice stood up from where she previously sat."That's what amazed me the most. It seemed as though he was equipped with many skills. He has a lot of superpowers. What's more? He had powers more than Carlos. He took the Circa along with him""But what's his connection with the Circa?"Auguste asked"That's a question that I can't even give a response to. He seemed superior to....""Well, not more than our precious Orchester Crystal!"Auguste cut off Beatrice's utterance. They all grinned at each other. It was like a dream come true to them all. Who'd imagine that the long-awaited mission will finally come to an end?Chris brought the Crystal and they
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Chapter 38: The Gigantic Robot
The robotic transformation dragged the attention of the neighborhood. Everyone was terrified and cameras were ready, set and go!Rico dashed off immediately and lifted the robot. It ran off like a flash and took the robot to the center of the city - an express road, so as not to destroy Claire's home.The robot moved and everywhere Shook. Rico was like a stone in the sight of the robot. It raised its legs to step on Rico but he dashed off as fast as he could. Rico took off and flew high to the robot's face. It punched the robot but it was a waste because that didn't even affect the robot.The robot pushed Rico away and Rico sailed on air. The robot took off from the ground and stretched his arms to grab Rico's feet but Rico twisted his leg and had it around the robot's hands!He squeezed his legs and tightened his grip on the robot as they continued flying high. The robot stretched his other hand and scattered Rico's twisted legs. Rico was now standing in the air, and so was the Robot
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Chapter 39: Mountain Seizco
Rico raced to Claire's house. Luckily, she was safe. Claire said to him"Tell me, Rico, why are you doing this? The circa has no connection with you, why are you fighting so hard for the circa?"Rico doesn't know how to respond to Claire. He pretended to be hurt badly by the injuries. Chloe approached him with a first aid box and started dressing his wounds."Rico, you are such a superhero! You fought really hard with the gigantic robot and even came home victorious!"Rico grinned as Claire didn't want to give him a friendly look."That's me for you. I kept the faith and came home victorious!"Fred patted his back and said"That's great, dude"He chuckled back at Fred. Seeing that Chloe was through with dressing Rico's wounds, Claire stood up."Rico, I think it's time for you to go home! You can't stay here for long"Chloe was astonished at why Claire seemed unpleased by Rico's presence."Claire, give him a chance to at least stay over tonight""Aside from that, Claire, I won't be lea
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Chapter 40: Valentino, mother of the murfs
Rico took off from the mansion to mountain Seizco which was two hundred meters away from his previous distance. It took him one minute to get there. When he got there, the transformed zombies were already attacking the normal beings.His body glowed and he whistled to draw the attention of the Zombies.The Zombies faced him and were triggered to attack him. He purposely didn't allow his body to glow.As the Zombies were staring at him, Rico said"Come on, beautiful and handsome zombies, attack me if you can!"They approached him speedily but he stood still and waited for them to come closer. Then his body started glowing. It affected the sight of the Zombies.He said to them"My beautiful Zombies, I want you all to fight me but don't want to torture you at the same time. I am ready, come and attack your precious gem!"The Zombies groaned and Rico grinned at them. His body stopped glowing and the zombies shared all parts of his body.They bit it and fell flat on the floor. His body sho
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