All Chapters of Revenge of the Apocalypse surviving Heir : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 chapters
Chapter 21: A Billionaire
Carlos stood up from the sofa he previously sat on. "I don't understand any..." He paused his utterance after remembering what Eureka said to him. "I get it now, thanks for the info" "In addition to that, Sir Clement asked me to give you this" Carlos collected the Debit card from Hillary and smiled "Contained in that card is the sum of eight hundred dollars. It is all yours, feel free to come to the office so that we can discuss better our companies within and outside Neon City" "Companies?" Carlos questioned "Yes! Currently, DMO has three branches and five drilling sites established here in Neon City. We also have eight branches in eight different countries and a sum of twenty drilling sites within and outside Neon City and you are the owner of these companies" Carlos couldn't smile or cry. He imagined himself being the richest guy on earth. "Thanks for this, I will be at the company soon" Hillary smiled and left. Claire entered the scene and saw Carlos smiling
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Chapter 22: Payback time
Diego and Rhea's wedding was successful. A lot of guests were invited.Claire and Rhea embrace each other as Claire makes Rhea promise to take care of Diego.Calother was still embracing the guests and bidding them goodbye when a call entered her phone. It was from Hillary"Hi, Hillary"Hillary didn't allow Calother to utter further words when she said"I will just go straight to the point, Calother. I am happy to inform you that whatever partnership our companies have come to an end. This includes all the contracts we signed with you, they are all terminated as well!""But how is this....."Clothes didn't allow her to finish her utterance when Hillary said"Goodbye, it was nice cooperating with your company!"She hung up the call"Hello... Hello!"Carlos smiled watching Calother dial several numbers on her phone but none of them answered her calls. She noticed Carlos watching her and pretended as if she wasn't bothered."And what are you doing here?"She dashed at him and Carlos wal
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Chapter 23: I love you
After receiving the call which confirmed that her company owes the sum of three billion dollars. This she couldn't explain how possible it was. She didn't remember borrowing or getting a loan from any entity. She sipped her juice and the next thing she heard was the doorbell.She opened the door and saw Rhea."What are you doing..."She paused her utterance when she saw Diego."What happened to you both?"She inquired and Rhea grabbed a seat leaving the explanation for Diego.After Diego narrated the entire story, Calother was shocked to the core."The worst happened to you and mine was double your problem!"Rhea was intrigued by her mother's utterance. "What do you mean by that?"She sat closer to her mom. Diego was also fascinated by her utterance."Mom, what happened?"Rhea added and Calother held her chin in thought."I received a call from Hillary, my companies were indebted with an accumulated sum of three billion dollars!"Rhea stood up and exclaimed"What the fuck!""But how
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Chapter 24: The truth piles up!
Calother doesn't know how to pay the debt she owes. The thought of losing so many amounts flashed on her head and she didn't get to have a good sleep last night. Diego on the other hand doesn't want to seek any help from his godfather so that he won't be disappointed in him. Calother had a clear thought and decided to put the companies on sale. Rhea wasn't pleased after hearing what his mom aimed to do. "Mom, you are putting your company for sale? It won't pay up for three billion dollars!" Rhea expressed but Calother wouldn't listen to her. The last thing she wants is her image to be ruined but there is only one way here... "I have to do something, else, my company will be compromised. I spoke with my lawyer and he told me that the rough check of the cost of my company is exactly three billion dollars" Calother said but Rhea wasn't convinced with her mom's utterance. "Is selling your company the only way to pay back the debt?" "Except another way!" Calother responded and gaz
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Chapter 25: Serving it hot!
"Yes, Me! Any problem?"Beatrice said to Claire who tried hard to remember where she saw Beatrice. She was still lost in thought as to where she had seen Beatrice when she said"You don't have any right to o barge into my lab!""But this is my dad's!"Beatrice locked the door and said to Claire"But now, it is mine!""What do you mean by that?"Claire asked trying to recollect what Beatrice meant by her utterance."What I meant was that your dad sold this lab to me. I am the new owner of this lab, am I clear this time around?"Claire nodded her head and walked away. She doesn't want to cause further problems."Remind my Dad that I paid a visit"Beatrice nodded and as Claire wanted to walk out, she asked Beatrice"For confirmation purposes, please what is your name?"Beatrice stared at her and observed her movement before saying"Sandra!""Okay then, Sandra!"She walked away and Beatrice sighed. She wouldn't want anybody to find out the truth, not even Claire. They have a long way to g
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Chapter 26: Zombie Spread out
"What will you gain by making us beg in the street?"Diego asked and Carlos replied"Peace of mind, Diego Roussel. One week of begging and I will postpone your deadline of paying your debt or have Calother's house at risk!"Calother gazed at Diego as if she would devour him. "What about me, Mr. CEO?"Calother inquired and Carlos grinned"When I said you all, I mean both the young and the old, and that includes you, old hag!"He hung up the call and Claire walked to him."Are you still exacting your revenge on them?"He turned to her before sitting down."Yes, I am making them pay for all the insult. I know that they deserve worse than this but this should be enough!"Claire patted his back and sat on his lap. She said to him"Carlos, you are the richest guy in the city. But at the same time, you have a mission that you haven't accomplished. The circa is still missing and you haven't received any vision from the crystal for the past few days. What exactly is wrong Carlos? Do you think
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Chapter 27: CEO'S Wedding
Calother had put on her most beautiful outfit, it was the only luxurious outfit she had left after she sold all her luxurious outfits. "Today, I will know if it is you who made our lives miserable, Carlos. I can't wait to slap you if indeed you are the CEO of DMO mining groups!"She and her family were taken to their reserved seats. Chloe spots them and moves to intimidate them."Uhm, Aren't you Mrs Shawn?"Calother smiled and nodded."My brother told me about you. So...."Diego cut off her utterance"Wait, the CEO is your brother?""Yeah, he told me so much about your misfortune. I'm sorry about all the properties you've lost!"Rhea was already feeling embarrassed. She tried to remember where she saw Chloe. Chloe was a teenager, she had the body of a model, tall and elegant. She also has a smooth voice which is sort of tiny.Someone interrupts their discussion."Aren't they the family we saw online begging to survive? I'm sure they are here to beg for food!"One of the girls said an
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Chapter 28: Explosion
The shooters entered the reception and started releasing bullets into the air. Calother hid under a table and covered herself.Alena sees Carlos and the robot in her body said "Target found, ready to attack...5,4...2,1"Alena kicked out a gun from a shooter's hand and it ended up on Carlos's grip. She kicked the shooter and he landed on the body of another shooter.Carlos stretched his hands and shot as many intruders as he could. Alena raced to a woman who was on the floor. To her utmost surprise, the woman was already a zombie. She broke the woman's head with her hands. She turned around and saw that people were turning into zombies. Carlos sighted a glittering object on Alena's body. He grabbed it and pointed it to the crowd of Zombies. They started coming after the object. The robotic voice said"Fifty-nine zombies approaching. Carlos kills four, you kill the rest!"As they were approaching them, Alena jumped up and landed on one of their heads. She twisted it and the green gulf
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Chapter 29: The Humanoid Truth
Carlos dived into the burning cliff. He didn't feel any pain from the fire, though his body was burnt. He looked beside the car and saw Claire's body. She was lying there unconscious. He touched her and his eyes shimmered in blue color.He touched her neck and her body started vibrating. The part of his hand where the zombie scratched started glowing and his eyes shimmered brighter. His head started twitching and Claire's hand started shaking slowly.Then she coughed out blood and opened her eyes. "Claire! You are..."She hugged him immediately and Carlos's shimmering eyes disappeared. He gazed up and held Claire."How are we going to get out of this place?"Claire inquired and Carlos closed his eyes.His legs started glowing and he carried Claire on his hands.Without his consent, his leg kicked off from the ground and started elevating.Claire was wowed! She gazed at the ground continuously as they continued ascending to earth.Claire was happy to be rescued by Carlos. She held his
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Chapter 30: Wedding Night Sex
THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT!!!Claire used the soapy water to massage her boobs as Carlos walked closer to the bathtub.He hopped in and continued kissing her. As he was kissing her, he used the soapy water to massage her p*ssy. She moaned out in Carlos's mouth but he didn't stop kissing her. He inserted his finger deeper inside her pussy and she screamed a bit. He bit her lips gently and she got hold of his hard cock.She massaged it from the tip to the balls. Carlos also moaned out and Claire gently massaged the balls. Her hands were soft but there was a finger playing deep inside her pussy."Do you love it?"Carlos inquired and she nodded. He continued kissing her and fingering her too while Claire played with his balls.Carlos spread Claire's lap wider and put his cock inside her pussy."Oh!"Claire moaned before Carlos started going in and out softly."Yes, I love it slow!"She added and Carlos continued fucking her slowly. While Carlos was fucking her, she used the s
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