Chapter 28: Explosion

The shooters entered the reception and started releasing bullets into the air. Calother hid under a table and covered herself.

Alena sees Carlos and the robot in her body said

"Target found, ready to attack...5,4...2,1"

Alena kicked out a gun from a shooter's hand and it ended up on Carlos's grip. She kicked the shooter and he landed on the body of another shooter.

Carlos stretched his hands and shot as many intruders as he could. Alena raced to a woman who was on the floor. To her utmost surprise, the woman was already a zombie. She broke the woman's head with her hands.

She turned around and saw that people were turning into zombies. Carlos sighted a glittering object on Alena's body. He grabbed it and pointed it to the crowd of Zombies. They started coming after the object. The robotic voice said

"Fifty-nine zombies approaching. Carlos kills four, you kill the rest!"

As they were approaching them, Alena jumped up and landed on one of their heads. She twisted it and the green gulf
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