All Chapters of Revenge of the Apocalypse surviving Heir : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
50 chapters
Chapter 1- Apocalypse Breakout/ The cheating
The sirens became louder as everywhere was tattered and noisy.The zombies started increasing in quantity and further attacking individuals. They appeared unexpectedly and From nowhere."Mommy, is the world coming to an end? Why are these zombies disturbing everyone?"A little girl cried gripping her mother's clothes as they hid behind a tumbled car on a lonely expressway.The mother further covered her eyes and patted her back."The world won't end now, these are just zombies. No one can tell when they will leave, calm down okay?"A figure that appeared to be a zombie approached the mother and daughter from behind without their knowledge. It silently moved towards them as its cloth was filled with worn-out blood. Carlos, who was running to save Rhea, his girlfriend saw the zombie which was almost close to the mother and daughter.He wanted to leave but his conscience doubted him.If he makes any noise, he will attract more zombies to come there. So he slowly moved and signaled the d
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Chapter 2- New powers
As Carlos' head vibrated and twitched profusely, he started seeing some blurred images that appeared fainted and fuzzy. They flashed rapidly on his head like a strobe light and hard to discern clearly. He couldn't control his thoughts and imagination. The images that flashed in his head started becoming clear. It appeared like a small, rounded object like a ring which had an opening by the side and also a curved structure at the top. "The circa!"Carlos yelled out and opened his eyes only to see the small rounded object that he imagined on the floor. He stood up as the twitching head stopped."What is this? How did it appear here?"He was baffled and found everything mysterious. He remembered battling with the zombie earlier and collapsed after noticing the scratch on his hand.He gazed at his hand and saw the glow which covered the bruise. The glow wasn't lengthy as it only covered the bruised part of his hand.He touched the glow and it diminished instantly as well as the bruise
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Chapter 3- Quick to the rescue
Carlos continued driving recklessly, hitting any zombie that came his way. He aimed to save his mom and sister. Afterward, learned the mystery behind his imagination which turned into reality.The zombies continued increasing in numbers. Once bitten by a zombie, a person collapses and further wakes up to another creature. His head twitched profusely not abiding by any mission but to quench his taste for blood.Sounds especially noise attract zombies, so Carlos's bike made more and more chase after him.Auguste moved to his supernatural machine and stared at it persistently.He picked up a fluid contained in a white experimenting bottle."Virginia Rodriguez! Let's see if you are alive or not"He smiled and poured the fluid Inside his detector. A machine small and square in shape. It looked more like a microwave oven, specially meant for experimenting with human brains as well as fluids that he had absorbed for future purposes.Virginia's whitish fluid was more of his target."Your mort
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Chapter 4- Mission Accomplished
"Are you alright?"Middle-aged Virginia inquired out of fear."Mom, how did this fluid end up here?"Carlos asked and his mom was intrigued by the glow in his hands."What is this, Son?"Virginia inquired but Carlos neglected her question."Well, I came out only to see you in an unstable manner. I tried to help out but this fluid came out from nowhere. At the edge of hitting me, it fell on the floor!""That was exactly what I saw in my visions"Carlos said immediately after his mother"Really? You have started imagining the future?"Virginia questioned with a smile on her face."No Mom, we have to leave here. It is not safe here"As they wanted to leave, the glow on his hands became brighter and even painful."Ugh!"Carlos exhaled"What's the problem?"Virginia said and held his hands but was shocked by the glow."I have a bad feeling about this, Mom!"He added and asked his mom to hide."I think that this glow appeared because something precarious is about to occur! I will have a loo
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Chapter 5- Negative Left! Negative Right!
Where are you going to?"Virginia questioned after grabbing Carlos's hand.Carlos held her tight and closed his eyes. "Don't worry, Mom. I will keep you safe""All we have to do is follow the direction of the glow!"Carlos said and Virginia held him back"How are you so sure that this glow means good and not harm to you? I have a strong feeling about this, let's go to your sister "Virginia said and Carlos hugged her tight"You have to understand what I am feeling now. The torture is too much! I have to abide by what these visions tell me""How are you sure that the visions are correct? How do you know the right place to be at the right time?"Virginia asked in fear of the future"Mom, the glow will lead me. Let's go"Carlos and his mom walked away and straight to an abandoned building close to the petrol station."I think it's here "Carlos said and followed a route inside the tattered house but the glow disappeared."Mom, I think that we are following the wrong route!"He said and
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Chapter 6- It is all connected
Carlos held his head and closed his eyes. His teeth were chattering as his face squeezed. He appeared to be in great pain as the voice continued"Negative - Left! Negative - Right!"Carlos screamed as he envisioned where a crowd instantly turned to zombies."Negative - Left! Negative - Right!"The voice continued. Carlos's scream increased when a squealing sound mixed with the electronic voice."No!"He screamed and collapsed instantly."Carlos! Carlos!"Virginia screamed and Claire asked her to move aside so she could examine him.She checked his pulse and they were vibrant and active as well."What could have happened to him?"She murmured to herself.Carlos regained consciousness immediately and stared at Claire without a wink. Observing this, Claire moved aside but Carlos continued staring at her initial squatting position."Negative - Left! Negative - Right!'Carlos said and stood up immediately"I have to go Mom ""But wait, what is that in your pocket?"Claire asked pointing at
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Chapter 7- The missing Crystal
"Shit!"Carlos said to himself as he saw the zombies walk closer to him.He wanted to drive off but they surrounded his bike. He was at this point in the middle of all the zombies.Without dictating the exact number of zombies around Carlos. There were more than one thousand. It seemed as though they were all waiting for his arrival. Both male and female, children and even pregnant women, were all there as transformed creatures.The further approach of the zombies made Carlos trip. They fell on his body and hustled for who would take a bite of his body first. Knowing fully well that he couldn't survive the attack of all the zombies, Carlos closed his eyes and envisioned the total number of zombies on his body."1642!"Carlos yelled out and forcefully stretched his hands, pushing out multiple zombies on his body. He stared at them as they approached him, fiercest than ever. He delivered his kick on ten zombies at the same time and landed on his bike. One of the zombies, a female docto
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Chapter 8: Sudden Transformation
Auguste couldn't believe his eyes! He walked and checked every corner of the golden room but didn't see it."All my life, I have stored this crystal for so many years. How can it just go missing? Everything I worked for will be destroyed!"He muttered to himself and moved to his lab after hearing the beeping sound on his soul-counting machine which was more like television but medium-sized.It has a blinking status portraying a yellow inscription "Diminishing!"Auguste switched off the machine and threw his goggles away."How come are they diminishing? Once diminished, I can no longer bring them back to this world. Something must be done about this!"He said and grabbed his phone*********"Do you mean to tell me that you were scratched by these monsters before today?"Virginia questioned and Carlos gestured."But how are you still alive and even healthy?"Claire added and Carlos stood up."I don't know, I am as surprised as you are. But I know one thing for sure, my hand started glow
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Chapter 9- Humiliated
Virginia ran out of the house to keep herself far from her son and not to cause him further problems.Everything seemed mysterious to Carlos. He remembered clearly that all that the crystal had done for him was help and never to hurt someone.Claire passed him a cup of tea and asked"Tea?"He took it and grinned, "Thank you"He added and Claire sat down."Tell me Claire, why did that happen to Mom? You heard what she said, the crystal was behind this""But we are not aware of what crystal your mother was referring to. Could it be that there is a..."Claire added and Carlos was further confused"A crystal? In my brain? Stop kidding me, Claire ""Anything can be possible, can't you see everything that happened? They are all connected, maybe the crystal is in your brain and has been the reason why all these happened"Claire responded and Carlos inquired immediately after her"Including my mom's transformation?""No one can tell, Carlos!"A knock on the door interrupted their conversation
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Chapter 10- Mystery behind the Circa
The discovery they had wasn't enough to answer all of their questions. Carlos sighted the Circa still increasing in size. "Are you sure that the Circa increased because of the green gulf? I mean look at the Circa, it has been increasing in size for a while now. No longer small but a flower vase size!"Claire said and Carlos noticed that the Circa had stopped increasing in size."It stopped increasing in size, that's clear. The green gulf can affect the Circa not just the first time of their encounter, it can be after a few minutes or even days""I am sure that the Circa has something to do with the artificial intelligence in your brain because all these are connected. I think that the answer is left to us to answer. That is why no matter what it takes, we must be able to help you get the crystal out of your brain!"Claire added immediately after Carlos and he grinned."People may call me weak but I won't stop until I make this crystal pay for making me an orphan. First, I will get it
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