All Chapters of Revenge of the Apocalypse surviving Heir : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 chapters
Chapter 11- New Villains
Auguste was disturbed about the missing Crystal. There is a possibility that the crystal might be with Carlos, a big mistake that should never happen. But at the same time, he wants to create a new virus. More fluid can help him terminate a lot of people at the same time."I can't let that boy get all the clues! Carlos is the only person qualified to possess the crystal. The new virus must be created to bring this world to an end!""Well, you don't have to worry anymore, because we are here!"Auguste turned back and saw Beatrice, Chris, and Jacob.Beatrice was young, Chris was a middle-aged man and Jacob was the same age as Chris.With her flexible appearance, Beatrice has a body structure that fits in for her profession- A scientist."Let's get into work, I also want to see this world under our captives!"Beatrice added and Jacob gestured in agreement with her motion."And that is why we secured a second option because we can't rely on the crystal to give us everything that we need!"
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Chapter 12- Sex and mystery
Carlos was in a very bad mood when he got home. Claire welcomed and served him but didn't receive any response from him."You see, I was tracking where I may be at this point if you didn't save my life. Goodness knows I will be in a...."She noticed that Carlos wasn't paying attention to her utterance."Are you even listening to me at all?"She touched Carlos and he gestured"Sorry for that"He took a bite of the pork served to him. Claire stared at him eccentrically. Her hands on her chin and her gaze focusing on Carlos, she realized that something was wrong"Are you okay?"She questioned and Carlos grinned"Perfectly good....""You don't have to hide it, Carlos"Claire uttered immediately after him"Just share it with me, is it about Rhea?"Carlos dropped the pork and busted into tears"I loved her, Claire. How could she do this to me?"Claire gave him a towel"It's okay, it's good to have heartbreak. You see, it is part of life! No one knows when it appears, no one knows when it di
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Chapter 13: System Identification of Carlos
The woman stared at the drip of sweat on her body before Carlos's voice echoed"Are you okay, Miss?"The woman looked up, she was Beatrice."You don't have to worry, I'm okay"She stood up, still surprised, she walked out immediately.Carlos hopped on his bike and drove away. Beatrice's heart beat faster and didn't stop until she got to the lab. Her colleagues questioned her strange behavior but she was speechless. Auguste handed her a cup of water "Here, have a glass of water"Beatrice drank some water but couldn't explain what she saw earlier."The crystal!"Auguste and the rest of them exchanged glances"What do you mean by that?"Chris questioned"The missing crystal, it is in his head!"Auguste picked interest after hearing this. He knew that the only person who had the crystal was Carlos, but a strange man? Who could he be?"Make all these clear to me. Who exactly did you see with the crystal? Was he holding it?"Beatrice stood up and stepped around"I connected with the crysta
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Chapter 14: The earth becomes motionless
"Negative Right, Positive left!"The voice started again with a squelching sound. This time around, it showcased a system. Carlos started screaming which attracted Claire's attention.Arriving at the scene where Carlos carried out his operation, everywhere was a big mess."Negative Right, positive Left!"Carlos screamed this leaving Claire baffled"The Circa, where is the Circa?"Claire screamed but Carlos was unable to respond.Meanwhile, Beatrice inserted Carlos's fluid inside the system."You know what to do?"Auguste inquired and Beatrice gestured"Transform him into a zombie ten times the way we did to the others!""Copied!"Beatrice responded and activated the systemThe sound became so excruciating to Carlos"The Circa!"Claire continued to scream but Carlos didn't hear that."This is the last time that somebody will dare to challenge us! Mr. Stranger, you will be the last person on this planet Earth to challenge our team!"Beatrice said in her mind with so much pleasure. She s
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Chapter 15: Planet Juno
The image of how planet Juno looked like flashed in Carlos's head. It had several crystals and the background was blue. The environment was so cool and freezing, everywhere was covered with crystals.Carlos gazed at Claire and said "Far from vengeance, the crystal wants another thing!""How sure are you about this?"Claire inquired and Carlos responded"A hundred percent sure! Because I heard a voice"All of Carlos's utterances baffled Claire. She seemed lost in his narration so she requested the full story.Carlos took the crystal and gazed at it carefully"The planet Juno was in great trouble, one of the most superior crystals was a traitor. The entire crystal is electrically produced, they are manually operated and more like aliens in crystal form. This special crystal is known as the Orchester Crystal! The same crystal in my head"Claire threw a question at him"But how is this possible? Planet Juno is made up of crystals?""Yes, beautiful crystal with special abilities to move!"
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Chapter 16: Humiliation 2
Carlos was on his way to secure a job. Holding his CV, he was convinced that he would be employed. By so doing, he can be able to keep himself busy from the crystal and its revelation. He was walking alongside the lonely street which had numerous potholes, some of which were filled with water. A car drove past him speedily, thereby, ruining his clothes with the dirty water from the potholes. He raised his gaze to see the car which was driving backward toward him. He thought the driver wanted to apologize, only for the driver to step out of the car and picked his CV which was wet. Carlos clenched his fists after seeing Diego step down from the luxurious car. "Why are you moody? I didn't mean to spoil your interview..." Carlos gazed at him as his head shook in anger. Clenching his fist more, his anger increased. "What now? You plan to retaliate just like you did at the club?" Diego added and Carlos continued staring at him furiously. His voice moving softly, he uttered "Apologi
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Chapter 17: Alena, Carlos and the giant!
"Mom!"Carlos exclaimed as he gazed at Virginia who was completely a Zombie. He couldn't cry as he gazed at his mom.He was surrounded by thousands of zombies, Zombies which diminished suddenly weeks ago. They walked to him to devour him but he was in the hands of his mother who wanted to bite him."Mom... Mom!"Only if Virginia had the idea that it was her son's life that was at stake. She brought her teeth closer to him to bite, Carlos stared at her as he was confused about what to do. Should he fight his mom or just leave her to devour him? But the entire world is relying on him.Before he could attack, someone landed on Virginia's back and flew down after giving her an excruciating kick. The whole zombies focused on the young lady that appeared there.As they walked towards her, she ran as fast as she could and passed through their center with a forceful pull.Carlos stood up and gazed at the young lady. The lady targeted the number of Zombies there and her lenses recorded seven
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Chapter 18: The Creston crystal
"It's as easy as ABC, give me the Circa and you will survive!" The giant said and moved closer to Carlos "I can do this!" Carlos muttered to himself and closed his eyes. One of the five men punched Carlos, another lifted him and threw him on the floor. The remaining three started hitting Carlos with their legs. Carlos was already bleeding in his nose when one of the huge men lifted him and stretched his arms; both hands were held respectively by two huge men while the remaining three punched Carlos in his belly. He poured out blood from his mouth as they continued punching him. The giant ordered them to stop, he gazed at Carlos and observed his systematic abilities "I am giving you one last chance, young man! Tell me, where is the Circa?" Carlos poured him spit full of blood and started laughing "You want the Circa? Go to hell!" The giant raised his hands and punched him. The giant's punch blew Carlos far away from them, but he later stretched his hands and pulled him closer t
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Chapter 19: The Circa is gone!
Alena took videos of Carlos helping out the children but his face was blurred. After notifying the parents to come pick up their children, Alena made the video viral.Many parents arrived at the scene that night and embraced their children"Thank you, sir, you are such a hero!"One of the kids said and Carlos grinned. What surprised Carlos was the fact that so many children were held captives. One of the kids he previously interrogated walked to him and said"Thank you, Sir, for saving us. You didn't save my friend but that is alright"The kid's utterance amazed Carlos"What happened to your friend?""He was taken away! Those bad guys took many of our friends away"The kid's mother was amazed after hearing this"Son, don't say what you are not sure of""No, Mom! Michael was taken away by those guys and even the Giants! They took so many of our friends away!"Carlos was interested after hearing the kid mention"Giants""Giants?"Carlos inquired and the kid nodded"Yes, Giants! There wer
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Chapter 20: The mysterious dream
Carlos clenched his fist and changed the mood of his face "How dare she?" He muttered with his head shaking profusely. Claire walked around and checked around the sofa Alena previously sat to see if she could see anything "I knew that there was something off about that Alena girl. See, she escaped! Not like we are criminals" "But what about the help that she offered me? Was that part of her plan as well?" Carlos inquired and Claire grinned "Of course it is! It is obvious that she was a spy! She got what she was looking for and vanished...Such a coward!" "Spy?" Carlos inquired and remembered how Alena fought with thousands of zombies just to save him! "of course she is! I am a counselor and a psychiatrist, I understand people's actions just by gazing at them. Alena didn't appear like one, she was trying to keep herself away from me. And this only means one thing, She doesn't want her identity to come to light!" Claire responded and Carlos saw a piece of crystal on th
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