Chapter 13: System Identification of Carlos

The woman stared at the drip of sweat on her body before Carlos's voice echoed

"Are you okay, Miss?"

The woman looked up, she was Beatrice.

"You don't have to worry, I'm okay"

She stood up, still surprised, she walked out immediately.

Carlos hopped on his bike and drove away. Beatrice's heart beat faster and didn't stop until she got to the lab. Her colleagues questioned her strange behavior but she was speechless. Auguste handed her a cup of water

"Here, have a glass of water"

Beatrice drank some water but couldn't explain what she saw earlier.

"The crystal!"

Auguste and the rest of them exchanged glances

"What do you mean by that?"

Chris questioned

"The missing crystal, it is in his head!"

Auguste picked interest after hearing this. He knew that the only person who had the crystal was Carlos, but a strange man? Who could he be?

"Make all these clear to me. Who exactly did you see with the crystal? Was he holding it?"

Beatrice stood up and stepped around

"I connected with the crysta
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