Chapter 18: The Creston crystal
"It's as easy as ABC, give me the Circa and you will survive!"

The giant said and moved closer to Carlos

"I can do this!"

Carlos muttered to himself and closed his eyes. One of the five men punched Carlos, another lifted him and threw him on the floor.

The remaining three started hitting Carlos with their legs. Carlos was already bleeding in his nose when one of the huge men lifted him and stretched his arms; both hands were held respectively by two huge men while the remaining three punched Carlos in his belly. He poured out blood from his mouth as they continued punching him.

The giant ordered them to stop, he gazed at Carlos and observed his systematic abilities

"I am giving you one last chance, young man! Tell me, where is the Circa?"

Carlos poured him spit full of blood and started laughing

"You want the Circa? Go to hell!"

The giant raised his hands and punched him. The giant's punch blew Carlos far away from them, but he later stretched his hands and pulled him closer t
Author Promise

Hi my readers, please don't be annoyed that I made the chapter short, please bear with me. I promise to always maintain the normal word count of 900-1000. Thanks for your understanding

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