All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
170 chapters
Chapter One Hundred and fifty-One
RoseOne thing I've learned is never to take your gut feeling for granted.It's never led me astray, always pointing me in the right direction, and right now, it's telling me that David's not up to anything good.I haven't been able to sleep properly for the past couple of days after he came to my house, and I've been wondering why he would have come and tampered with my laptop.David has been calling my phone incessantly, sending text messages in hopes that I'd pick up but so far, I couldn't bring myself to reach out.My next plan of action was to tell Donald about the incident, needing his expertise on this matter, and also I wanted to know if his research into David's past has yielded anything.However, I hesitated.The last time Donald and I parted ways, it was on cordial terms but I had no way of knowing if that meant that our broken relationship had been repaired.Sighing, I covered my face with the duvet, burying my head into the pillow.After I screamed out my frustration, I t
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Two
Donald's POV It was one of those days that I ventured into the office that was where I heard it.To think that a couple of hours before, I was lounging on my bed contemplating the decision to go to work today. I had called him enough sick days that it was starting to look suspicious but my team was getting close to discovering what David had hidden away and how he was able to get away with the crimes he had committed.Instead of spending all my time holed up in the office, I decided to stop at the cafeteria for lunch which was where I overheard the gossip. For all the time David spent here, he only had one friend he was close to aside from Rose.Surprisingly, it was a female.Rumor has it that they were fighting shortly before he got arrested.Now the lady’s on a personal mission to rub his name in the mud.“I can't believe I ever trusted that asshole!” She spat out angrily, her voice carrying as we shuffled on the line to grab some food. “Do you know it actually crossed my mind to
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Two
24 hours earlier…David's POV You don't get to roll with criminals and not pick up a thing or two.One of the things I noticed about Boone as I watched him expertly control his empire was that he never allowed room for mistakes or errors.Seeing that he was in a dog-eat-dog world where his colleagues eagerly stepped over his head to get to his position, Boone ensured he was five steps ahead of every situation.Since I was aware that I now had enemies, I followed in his footsteps.Rose and Donald were out to get me even though Rose said she had relented but I knew the moment she found out about what I was planning to do to her, I would be on her hit list.Donald…well, that one needs no explanation.I've been watching him for the better part of a week and I must say…he is quite obsessed with the idea of nailing me to Justice.He might be up to something…there's no way for me to find out since I couldn't hack into his computer. I would be opportune to do that if he left the house but he
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Four
RoseIt got to the point that I couldn't take the harassment anymore, and I started to retaliate, having grown annoyed at the entire situation.I charged at the cops with intent to attack- even though I was aware that I could not do much damage- but unfortunately, I didn't get far before too heavily muscled arms wrapped around my slender body and hauled me off the ground.Of course, I started to scream. “Hey!! Get your hands off me, let me go!!” I beat at the arms, entering to be placed back on my feet but the man behind me seemed to be like an immovable rock.As he dragged me unwillingly, I heard the front door open and then suddenly I was placed on my feet. I whirled around, ready to lash out at him when I realized I was standing in the hallway, the door to my apartment firmly shut.“What are you doing?!” I panted, my hands folded into fists beside me.The officer faced straight ahead, ignoring me. “You're interrupting an investigation ma'am. Any tampering with evidence is to be de
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Five
Donald's POV I was hiding in my office, busy contemplating several decisions when Rose's call came in.My team was waiting for me.So far, we had gathered evidence to take David to court but it wasn't enough to make him stick in jail.The only way to get that would be to break into his home or sneak into the company's system and if we were caught, that would mean serious jail time for all of us, most especially since I was the mastermind.I declined to go to work the next day, locking myself up in my office while I tried to decide if it was the right thing to do.On one hand, it would mean that David would not be able to get away with his crime and the damage he wrought on us ... .and on another, well, neither would we.“Urgh!” I exclaimed, sliding my fingers through my hair. I was confused yet excited…a strange mix, I know.A knock sounded on the door, dragging my attention from my thoughts. I raised my head up from the table, taking a proper posture on the table and re-arranging th
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Six
David's POV “Hey, David what's up?” someone called out from behind me.I spun my chair around to have a good look at him and I realized it was one of Boone's men. “Jackson, what can I do for you?”“Have you seen the news?” He asked, popping out a chewing gum. “No, I haven't. I've been here all day waiting for Ramone to come back…why did something happen?” I tilted my head in confusion. “Yeah, your plan worked perfectly.” He smirked. “I think you should switch on the TV to check it out.”Taking his advice, I reached for the remote, switching the TV on.At first, I didn't see anything worthwhile, and then…“We’re reporting life from Madison Avenue a couple of blocks over where Miss Rose Waters, formerly Rose Green used to live, bringing you exciting and juicy updates. Just when we thought the drama between Miss Waters and her ex-husband, Donald Greene, the CEO of a top-notch marketing company from here in New York was over…we were surprised by another news. Last night, the police we
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Seven
Rose After I ended the call with Donald who promised to come over and help me as soon as he could, I paced the length of the hallway, waiting for them to conclude their search and let me back into my house.As I walked to and fro, I just kept hoping that they wouldn't find anything or that David wouldn't have the opportunity to plant something in my house while I was watching/ paying attention.It would be the nightmare of a lifetime if he did because there is no way in hell I wanted to explain that away.Several long minutes later, my legs got tired and I sat hopelessly in the middle of the hallway, my back flat to the floor and my eyes fixed on the ceiling.Through the door to the building, I could see a little crowd gathering outside the apartment as people muttered and speculated about what was going on given the police cars parked out front.Groaning, I slapped a hand over my eyes, imagining the kind of rumors that were spreading around about me now.Sincerely, I hoped that ther
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Eight
Rose After I ended the call with Donald who promised to come over and help me as soon as he could, I paced the length of the hallway, waiting for them to conclude their search and let me back into my house.As I walked to and fro, I just kept hoping that they wouldn't find anything or that David wouldn't have the opportunity to plant something in my house while I was watching/ paying attention.It would be the nightmare of a lifetime if he did because there is no way in hell I wanted to explain that away.Several long minutes later, my legs got tired and I sat hopelessly in the middle of the hallway, my back flat to the floor and my eyes fixed on the ceiling.Through the door to the building, I could see a little crowd gathering outside the apartment as people muttered and speculated about what was going on given the police cars parked out front.Groaning, I slapped a hand over my eyes, imagining the kind of rumors that were spreading around about me now.Sincerely, I hoped that ther
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Nine
Donald's POV I was standing in the kitchen taking a sip of my coffee when Hayley walked into the room and switched on the TV. “There’s this movie that I've been dying to watch and I think it's going to be really fun!” She says, twisting her upper half to tell me.I grunt in response, my lips occupied with coffee.Hayley flipped through the channels, humming under her breath. I was just about to turn around and face the window while stewing in my thoughts when the news caught my attention.“Wait, hold on.” I blurted out. “Go back, I want to see something.” Hayley pouted but did as I asked, changing the channels so I catch the news.My jaw dropped open when I realized that I was right. It is Rose.“Please can you turn it up? I'm not hearing so clearly.” I instructed, setting my cup down.A blonde reporter was standing outside an old run-down apartment building that I recognized to be Rose's new place and she was talking, staring directly into the camera. “A new update on the Rose Wa
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Chapter One Hundred and Sixty
RoseI don't know how long I spent in the room they dumped me in but staring at the four, white walls for hours nearly drove me crazy.I did almost everything to distract myself from the impending possibility that my life could take a nosedive.While they were moving me here, I couldn't hear much of what they were saying but I caught snippets of the conversation and I must admit it…things weren't looking well for me.Even though I might be given a state lawyer, the evidence piled up against me was definite.I tried to tell Officer Mark the truth and the detective assigned to my case but they turned a deaf ear to my pleas.I tossed and turned as I tried to sleep, my mind not at ease.Even sleep became a wasn't until I was about to start screaming at the guard stationed outside my door that the door opened.A stoic-looking man with a scar on his upper lip walked in, giving him this Terminator look.It's obvious that he's a detective…one sent by the police department to ‘work
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