All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
170 chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One
Donald's POV I practically waited by the phone for Rose to call me and when she did, I nearly jumped out of my skin.She only called to inform me of the date and venue of our meeting. It had been a couple of days since we last spoke, and I was starting to think that she wasn't interested in meeting with me anymore.I was vaguely surprised to hear that she wanted us to talk in her home.Usually, Rose was the kind of person who wanted to go out and explore, snatching up any means that she could to do that.On the fateful Thursday morning, I canceled my plans and schedule at the office in preparation for meeting Rose.I was so nervous that I changed my outfit twice, feeling giddy at the thought of meeting Rose, which was strange considering that I had been married to her for three years.Nevertheless, I ducked into my car less than an hour before our meeting, typing the address that she gave me into the GPS.As I drove I was surprised to see that it wasn't in one of the more obscene nei
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two
Donald's POV After comforting Rose over her feelings and how she felt about the situation, I wasn't so eager to go back home.This was the first time in a long while that I had talked to her or had an intimate conversation with someone and if I was being honest, I missed her too.Being away from her for weeks made me forget how she smelled, her touch…everything about the rules that made her uniquely who she was. “You know you didn't have to stay over right? I'll be fine.” Rose told me, plastering a smile on her face. “I've handled much worse things, I'm pretty sure that I can handle this too.” “I know.” I agreed with her and she looked up at me in surprise. “..that you can handle this alone, I mean,” I explained to her. “..but that doesn't mean that you have to handle everything alone.”“It's ironic…” she mused. “... That we hated each other so much but when the opportunity came first to live separate lives, we found out that it's hard to just do away with someone. Especially someo
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty- Three
Donald's POV After I left Rose's place, haven gotten what I needed, I went straight home to put another plan into motion.Unfortunately, I had to shift my plans a bit since rules could no longer give me what I needed but on the brighter side, it also gave me an idea.I internally fought over my decision, debating whether it was right or wrong. I had to accept that Rose was right on one thing though…no matter how hard we prepared or thought things through, David was smart and he's one person who would make sure to cover all his tracks which sadly, also meant that he could not be caught so easily.And that's just pissed me off. I wondered why he would be allowed to get away with such crimes even though we were the good guys.After two days of pondering over the issue, I made up my mind.There's no way I'd let him scot free. That idea planted in my brain, I spent the next three days creating a team…one that would investigate every inch of David Knight.If he so much as mumbles when he
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four
David's POV “To ensure that this works out the way we need to you need to do what I said.” Ramone rumbled, biting into a juicy plate of steak.Boone and his other guys sat around the roundtable, eating and joking like it was a regular Tuesday.Currently, we were discussing how to get me safely out of the country but to do so, Ramone brought up a suggestion that a distraction be created. In his words, “a burning fire sucks up all the attention around, leaving people to ignore the surroundings…”He said if there was a way to create distraction that will take up both the media and the police attention away from me then I need to work on it so I can disappear peacefully without anyone being the wiser.It would take at least a couple of months to figure out where I had run off to. “I am not sure what would be the right way to go about this,” I say to him, picking through my food.The thought of carrying the mission they wanted me to make my stomach curdle.“So what's the right way? Using
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five
RoseLeaving David in the restaurant has been one of my biggest power moves…it felt strangely exhilarating.The high from it took me a few hours before I felt remotely normal. From the first moment I got the call from him, I already knew what he wanted and I had a feeling it would not end well…at least, I got a good meal out of it.I chose one of the best restaurants, but it was still a shady place, so we weren't spotted by anyone. It's also been a long time since I had eaten a well-prepared meal like that.David's name flashed across the screen of my phone the moment I stepped out of the bathroom.For a moment I was tempted to pick up but I remembered why I walked out on him in the first place.The rude, condescending, and high-ended manner in which he spoke to me got me pissed off. He made it sound like it was a minor inconvenience that I was angry at him after what he did to me and that I needed to let it go…crazy right? Especially when he left me bleeding in his house while he ran
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six
Donald's POV “I got something!” Shawn yelled so loudly, I could hear it from where I sat in my office.I didn't bother asking what was wrong, instead I bolted straight up from my chair and ran down to the basement. “What is it? What happened?”Shawn, Hayley, and Tyler were crowded around the monitor and they turned around to look at me when I barged into the room. Sean spoke up first. “I managed to crack it! Remember I told you I've been trying to break into David's firewall-which is immensely strong might I add- luckily for us, I managed to break through and now, we're in.”I could hardly contain my joy. After the fights that we had a couple of days ago, I decided to do what they wanted, giving them space to work as they saw fit without trying to micromanage or pressure them and it seems to have worked!Poking my head through, I peered at the screen. “Okay, so what am I looking at right now?”Hayley pointed the tip of her fingernail at the screen. “That's David's e-mail, messages,
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Seven
David's POVWomen were like puppies. You had to handle them just right and they would sit pretty for you, wag their little tails, and follow you around, doing your bidding even before you opened your mouth.Some people would say my assessment of females was crude and baseless but I practiced the same thing on Rose and it was a little amusing and shameful how she came crawling back.I knew what encouraged her to return to me was major because of her lack of funds…the money I could give her.When we met at the diner, I didn't think that the situation was that bad but upon Rose opening up to me, that was when I realized how bad it was.Unfortunately, Rose's family had disowned her and cut her off the family funds and she's been thrown off the board of directors at the company…well, thrown off is a nicer way of saying that they were contemplating firing her.Right now, she was down to selling her expensive jewelry every week to survive since no company would want to hire her.I mean, her
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight
RoseThe last visit David made to my house made me feel weird. The entire time he spent here, he kept looking around, jumping anytime I came too close…almost like he was afraid to be caught doing something wrong.At the time, I didn't think much of it because I thought he was still shaken from the event that happened at his job.Now, a couple of hours later, while I watching my favorite series for the third time, I couldn't help but flashback to that moment.I knew that something was wrong, I just couldn't place my hand on what and it was nearly driving me crazy.What the hell do I need to do?Pacing around my small bedroom, I bit down on a finger, chewing it around while I thought about my next step.My first instinct was to call him but it's clear that I'm still a bit biased when it came to David.And I knew that David would shrug it aside, making up an excuse that would sound palatable to my ears, and I would believe it so instead, I picked apart what happened the entire time he wa
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Nine
Donald's POVDabbing the cotton wool over the bruise on my forehead gently, I twisted my head to the side to get a good place for the gash above my eyebrow.It was a nasty yellow purplish bruise that was already fading and it was a pain in the ass to deal with.I had to stop by the local supermarket to get some concealers and balm for the sore spot.Every morning before I stepped out of my room, I had to apply concealer to the spot to make sure no one raised questions as to what might have happened because I didn't have any answers to give to them.Actually, I did but it wasn't nearly as palatable as they might have liked.After the abrupt visits by David's unorthodox lawyers in the office, I had to be careful and watch my steps, realizing that he was smarter than I gave him credit for.Immediately I had disappeared from his house, the broken glasses and footprints must have been enough for him to piece together that I was the one who broke in. I still couldn't help but wonder why it
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty
David's POV Rose was behaving quite suspiciously and that led me to believe that she was on to me.I had to react fast, pushing my plans into motion before she could find out what was happening right under her nose.I didn't inform Ramone or Boone that Rose was aware of my current situation because I knew the way they thought.It wouldn't take anything for them to decide to take Rose out…permanently.While I might admit that she is a pain in the ass, it doesn't mean that I wanted her killed over a minor inconvenience so I decided to handle it in-house.Already, I've got everything I need to frame Rose, it's just to put it in place.The plan was to tip the police off and give them enough reason to break into her home where they would find incriminating evidence that I'd left for them to find the day I visited Rose.When Ramone suggested it, I doubted the potency of the plan until he laid it out for me and I had to grudgingly admit that it could work.I had already made plans to leave
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