All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
170 chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-One
Rose's POVLying in bed, contemplating my next move with my hands behind my head, I wondered if I had made a mistake.Since Lauren opened up to me about me being taken off the board, and suspended for some time, I couldn't stop thinking about… everything.Did I make a mistake?Granted in hindsight, I would have made better decisions than I did so that I wouldn't end up here.Stuck, in limbo and with nowhere to go to.Now that I knew better, I should have never taken the advice of my friends, I should never have gone against Donald who was probably the sweetest, nicest man that I've ever known and I should have blocked David's number the first time people texted me that he was coming back to the country.So many regrets.It was all I could do anyway, regret the trajectory my life took.I sold some of my expensive clothes and jewelry and the money was what I used to survive while I was looking for a job.Although at this point, I was gradually losing hope of ever getting a job, now that
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two
David's Pov Convincing Rose to come over was only a step of my plan…in a very long and detailed list.I got the brilliant idea when I moved back into my house, checking out of the motel after a very peaceful stay of two weeks.Thanks to Boone and my well-intention bribe to the reporter, the entire circus had died down and the media had moved to fresh meat…another scandal trending in the city.While it might take some time for people to stop looking at me when I went out to get things or whispering and muttering about me anytime I was in a public place, at least I know had my privacy and a semblance of my life back.It was good to be around my space and my house once again and I spent the next 2 days unboxing items that I had boxed up in preparation to leave the country but apparently that isn't impossible until I've been cleared of the charges levied against me.I might as well sit here and enjoy my hard earned money.However, unlike the motel where I could flirt with the receptionis
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Three
Donald's Pov “Arghhhh!” I slammed my laptop closed angrily, shoving my hands into my hair as I pushed it through allowing to stick up in tangled ends. I've spent 3 days at my desk shoving processed food, soda and caffeine down my throat just so I could keep my brain active, trying to power through this believing I could hack past firewalls.Unfortunately I severely underestimated my abilities and how good Nalini must be at her job to crack through the firewalls in less than a week. I mean, I have been doing this for over 3 days and I haven't even passed the first stage and there were seven more to go.At the stage, I will could probably be done with a half of it in a month.I tried to be positive and work harder, allowing the next 4 hours the pass by but sadly it yielded no results and I was back to square one.No results, no information and David still roaming free.My landline rang, it's loud sound bursting the silence that I enveloped the house for the past couple of days.It was
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four
David's Pov “Right this way…” I helped Rose out of the car, with a wide smile painted on my face.She ignored my outstretched hand with a huff, heading towards the house without my instance.I simply smiled and licked the car door, doing a routine sweep around the area with my eyes to make sure there was no one watching us.Satisfied that the coast was clear, I followed after Rose.The door was slightly ajar Ajar, Rose standing in with her mouth open.While we were at dinner, I had Boone calling some favors and the house was decorated with flowers in real homemade meal and candles to make the atmosphere a little bit intimate and sexy.“What is this?” She turns around to face me her eyes flashing with accusations. “Dinner. I wanted to make up for the fact that you might have to leave the restaurant early.”“So you planned this?” She asked. “This was the plan all along, wasn't it?”I shrugged, indifferent. “Well, yes. I'm not quite comfortable with everyone poking around in my busines
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Five
Rose's POVAs I sat there, all dressed up for David to ogle with his eyes, I couldn't help but feel quite stupid.Here I was thinking I would waltz into the place and own myself, making David regret his actions but now I felt like a clown dressed up in a pretty dress.Sitting directly opposite David made me realize that he wasn't being as remorseful as he should despite what he might say.Now, I was starting to understand the kind of man he was.David Knight was one man that would go out for himself…no other person.Yeah, he might try to apologize or butter up to you but it's only because he wants something.Everything with David is a chess move, and I was the foolish, young and impressionable woman that was unfortunate enough to be caught up in his trap.Despite my anger at his obvious nonchalance, I was still curious. I wanted to know why he bothered to resurface and reach that to me.I mean, I knew he wanted something but what did he want? “Are you going to say something?”Picking
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Six
Donald's Pov Should I or should I not?I agonized over my decision to speak to Rose haven't hit a wall the last time I tried to work on David by myself. It wasn't a matter of Rose being stubborn or adamant to talk to me but it was a matter of pride.I used to watch movies where the guy would repeatedly forgive the girl over and over again on he would wind up hurt and I would yell at the guy, urging him to ask her right to treat him better but now that I was in that case…. let me just say it's quite hard to do the right thing when you're experiencing it.For over 2 days I've been agonizing over my decision, even though deep down I knew that reaching out to Rose was the best decision to me, I was just apprehensive of what her response might be.It was on one lonely Tuesday night that I finally drummed up the courage to call her, sitting in my balcony overlooking the night life of New York city.The overhead lights from the skyscrapers, busy cars and billboards were enough to provide e
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David's “Are you sure you've got it covered?” I asked Boone for the fifth time in ten minutes.I kept looking over my shoulder, worried that something bad had happened…or was going to happen.It's not entirely my fault… after the last failed attempt to leave the country, I was on edge for the right reasons.Throughout the car ride, I had to glance over my shoulder repeatedly in the hopes that our car wasn't being followed by the cops or some desperate reporters in need of using my story to make a big hit.“Look, man you've got to calm down. I told you I'll handle it…after all, isn't that why you came to me in the first place?” He grunted, sounding annoyed.He's right.I could clearly remember our meeting last week like it happened yesterday. I was tired of waiting around and having scouted my environment, I realised that the press had gone over my story and they were now uninterested while the cops had decided to close the case since they had no further leads to make it go anywhere.
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Seven
Donald's Pov “If I agree to do this, what will be in it for me?” Rose asked.I paused, not sure what to say to that. Reaching for a bottle of wine that was on the counter, I swiped it up and downed several mouthfuls at once, buying time as I thought of what best to say but then I decided to go with the truth. “You get what you desperately want… revenge on David.”She snorted. “Yeah, right. Trying to get revenge on a man like David is like trying to look for a needle in a pile of needles…it's never going to happen.”I sighed, scrubbing a hand down my face as I tried to rack my head for what to tell her to change her mind. “Don't you think it's because people like us make decisions like these…that's why men like David are allowed to roam free and do whatever they want without thinking about the consequences?” I asked her. “I want to get David back for what he did to us and I know that deep down underneath your fright and anger, you want that to, so please help me, Rose.”She was silent
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Nine
Rose's PovI suck my hand into my hair after I hung up on Donald, going over the conversation we just had.Sincerely I was quite surprised to see him calling but I was more curious to know why.It turns out that he just wanted to talk about our common enemy and how to get some dirt on him…can't say I was much surprised about that.However, I would admit how flustered just five minutes of talking to him made me feel.I am proud of how I handled the situation though…I sounded powerful and in control.Sadly, the reality was quite different.I've never been more afraid of my reality that I was now.Sighing for the third time in a row, I pushed out of my chair reaching for my purse and keys.If I stayed in that tiny little apartment for one more second, I might as well explode.A stroll right down to the park or the grocery store was exactly what I needed right now…something to take my mind off things.The minute I stepped out of the my apartment building I was hit with a blast of hot air w
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Chapter One Hundred Forty
David's Pov “David Knight?”My head snapped up as I heard my name being called out in the room. “That's me!”It was a beautiful Thursday morning and I was super excited for what was waiting for me on the other side of the room.Over 2 weeks have gone by with no voice or chatter from the cops about my involvement in the fraud allegations… up until yesterday.They reached out via the mail insisting on one last sit down with me before they made a verdict.Already, I could see through their bullshit.The only reason why they were summoning me here was because they were looking for evidence to prosecute me and if they didn't find any, then they would be recluse to shutting down the case permanently. That will mean that I would be a free citizen and I would be able to walk out in the public since all the charges against me would be dropped.An officer followed me guiding me through the offices until we got to the familiar interrogation room.Detective John was seated, next to a Black man
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