All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
170 chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One
Donald's POV Lounging in my office space, temporarily free of work, I watched football while practicing throwing the net into the trash can in the corner of my office.“Oh!” I exclaimed in disappointment when the wadded-up ball didn't quite make the target.Ripping off another paper, I tossed it into the can and this time, it sank in. I let out a yell of triumph, delighted at my win.I was in a very good mood.After the cops had taken down my statement, I slept better than I ever thought for the first time in months.Knowing that David was going to get what was coming to him made a certain type of peace come my way that I didn't think I had.Right now, I was relaxing without a care in the world, my feet up on my desk, a bag of snacks in my drawer.The day was turning out to be good…until it wasn't.“Donald!” I wasn't sure if I heard my voice being yelled out distantly but that became certain when the door to my office was pushed inward all of a sudden, taking me by surprise.Jake ba
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two
Rose's POV “Can you please hand over your CV?” The store manager asked, peeking at me from atop his glasses.I mustered up a flat smile, handing it over. He hemmed and hawed, muttering under his breath as he flipped through.It all felt like passive-aggressive movements and after a while, it started to get to me. “Is something wrong?”He looked at me, his eyes lingering on my chest for way too long. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze and I was minutes away from pointing out that his attitude was rude but then again, I clamped my mouth shut.If I was going to get this job, then I could overlook some things.The annoying part was that this wasn't the first time that I had noticed him looking at my bosom and I wasn't even wearing a revealing top but for some reason, he just couldn't take his eyes off my breasts.“Oh, not at all…” he said at last. “Although, you didn't say why you left your previous job. May I ask why?”Technically I didn't leave my previous job. I still had the title o
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three
David's POV The real ringing of the phone disrupted my sweet and peaceful sleep. “Urghhh!” I groaned angrily, pushing the covers up my head to drown out the noise.If I had hoped for the ringing to stop, sadly it didn't. It became so annoying that I had to angrily push off the bed and stalk towards the bedside table where my phone was, barking into it. “What?!”It was Brandson.“Where the hell did you put your phone? I've been trying to call you for a while now!” He sounded pissed.“What happened, did someone die?” I groused.“No but apparently, there is a demand on your head. You're wanted at the station this afternoon.”“Why? Didn't the cops have enough fun raiding my house and destroying thousands worth of dollars properties in the process, what the hell do they want now?”“I don't know but I heard from the grapevine, is that they just want to ask some questions because the case is slowly running out of steam and they're trying to grasp at whatever straws they could get.”“Is thi
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty- Three
Donald's POV I sat at home, tuning my television to the news. Already, it seems that David was called in for questioning by the cops today and the press managed to find out.Currently, they were stationed outside the police station waiting for him to step out. Biting down on my fingernails, I waited anxiously for any morsel of news.I kept hoping and praying under my breath that the cops find something on him or maybe he slips up and tells them something they weren't supposed to know.My room was scattered and in disarray, as I anxiously paced the length of the room for the past thirty minutes, checking my phone and the television repeatedly for any new updates.Then I heard a shot from the TV, which made me look up.Right there, was David majestically walking out from the station.At first, he seemed surprised by the constant gaggle of reporters around but then he quickly masked his expression and smiled, even daring to wave at them.I kept waiting for the cops to trail behind him
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five
David's POV Just as I was leaving the investigation room, John stood up, calling me back.“Mr Knight…I still have one more question that I need to ask you.”Sighing in exasperation, I rolled my eyes at the ceiling, choosing to humor him one last time. “What's next, are you going to throw conspiracy theories at me now or claim that maybe I had a hand in 9/11?”John's stoic face didn't budge. “I just have one more question and then I promise we'll call it a day. Can I go ahead to ask that?”I shrugged. “Sure. It's not like it's going to hurt me.”John smirked. “Over the past couple of months, there have been suspicious amounts of money moving in and out of your account… how do you explain that?”I froze, the smile slowly dying out on my face. “What did you say?” “I asked you how you managed to get large amounts of money into your account,” John repeated. “I checked your salary, the one you were paid back at the company, and trust me it's not even 5% of the amount of money you were get
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six
Rose's POV For the second time in less than a week, I spotted David walking out of the police station free escorted by some cops as he and two other guys walked towards a high-class Mercedes parked a couple of meters down the streets.It was all over the news and blogs as they made reports about it, some people speculating that he had gone there to begin the proceeding of what they think is an investigation.On one hand, I was glad that they were all focused on David because it gave Donald and me some reprieve from being talked about on major channels.However, I wasn't too happy about it because it seemed like David was much smarter than I gave him credit for.For every avenue, he foresaw it and made provisions in the event that things would not go how he wanted and I'm a little bit jealous about that…if only I was smart enough to also do that.If I was smart, I wouldn't be here eating 3 days old loaf of bread and baked beans that I was pretty sure were about to expire for the secon
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven
Donald's POVAfter my conversation with Nalini, we spoke at length about the measures to take and how to go about it, and she promised to give me feedback within the week.With each day that passed by, I kept waiting, working myself into anxiety. It was tough but I managed to hold on for a while at least until I saw David's appearance on the television once again. I was busy working on a file that the company needed for a merger with another minor bank when the news caught my attention.Interested, I turned it off listening to the reporter drone on about how David was brought in for questioning for the second time in a week and how he also managed to go unscathed.My teeth ground against my jaw in anger and I banged on the office table, exclaiming in frustration. “Damn it!!”How was it that our law enforcement agencies were this inept in investigating someone? The answer is clear as day that he was the one who did this so why aren't they locking up somewhere and throwing away the key
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight
David's POV It turns out that the media can't get enough of me.News of my arrest for the second time has been circulating, with each person twisting the story into what it is the longer it goes on.My apartment building has been constantly flooded with reporters, journalists, and some people who want to get their two seconds of fame.By the third day, I was fed up with receiving calls from different strange numbers, some news station wanting me to come down and have a little chat with them, explaining my side of the story.The thing is, I want to remain as low-key as possible but it is quickly becoming a problem since my face has been splashed on every news outlet in town. I reached out to one of my guys intending on getting an apartment but with my new fake identity.The reason why I want a new apartment so that I don't have the Press finding me. I just want to remain low key until this entire thing blows over.Thankfully my guy was able to pencil me in for a meeting and after req
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine
Rose's POV Just when my hopes were raised really high that things would finally turn around for the better, they dropped like a bag of bricks.I was woken up rudely by my phone beeping like a crazy person.Flustered and wondering who could be calling my phone, it had actually been silent for the past couple of days. I reached for it on the nightstand and muttered drunkenly into it, “Hello?”“Oh, hi Rose! You picked, I thought you wouldn't.” The high-pitched voice of Lauren Grey, one of the women on the board of directors of the company rolled through the phone.My eyes flew open immediately, the vestiges of sleep draining away from my eyes. “Lauren? Um, Lauren…” I repeated, unable to get over the shock.What the hell?“Hey, Rose, I know this must come as a surprise and I'm so sorry that I haven't reached out to you ever since the whole incident happened. You know I can't take sides on this but I was wondering if we could meet… I have something quite interesting I think you might wan
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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Donald's POV I had to let Nalini go because there's nothing else she can help me with and she seemed a little bit spoked by my willingness to go the extra mile hunting for information on David. Even though I had tried explaining it to her the other time, I knew it wasn't something that she could understand unless she had been directly affected by David's actions.I was disappointed and agonized over my decision for the next couple of days, wondering what I would do about this.Nalini was the best hacker that I could find, especially one who wouldn't leave a digital footprint behind when digging up dirt on David.Mulling over my decisions and choices- despite how narrow they might seem- I couldn't stop replaying David's footage of him leaving the station.It was on a constant loop that I couldn't seem to get out of my head. By the third day, I was minutes away from driving myself crazy when an idea popped into my mind.If Nalini wasn't going to do it, then why didn't I take it up?I
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