All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
170 chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Rose's POV I was sitting on my chair, my heart raised with expectations. I couldn't help but mutter a prayer under my breath, clutching my palms together as I looked towards the Judge, hoping the next words out of her mouth would be in my favor.“Mr Donald has won the case and….” The rest of what she said faded into the background and I sat there stunned, unable to move.Did he win?He fucking won?I couldn't believe it. I looked at Anderson, watching him assault the jury that he had bribed off with a couple thousand dollars hoping to get him to sway in our direction.The entire hall burst into chaos, as a couple of people were jubilating while the others were arguing amongst themselves, wondering what happened to my part of the l case.I could hardly believe what had happened myself.It's crazy because it had never crossed my mind that I could potentially lose the court case and because of that mindset, I went all out, not caring who I destroyed in the process and I hurt a lot of pe
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Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Donald's POV “Sir, I need you to come see this.” Nalini popped her head up after spending hours bent over a computer.I raised my hand to indicate that I needed a moment before joining her. I rounded up the work I was doing, making sure to save it before pushing off my chair to walk over to her.Walking up behind her, I bent slightly so I could get a good look at the screen. Scanning the contents I was seeing, nothing stood out to me so after a couple of seconds, I was forced to ask…. “Nalini, what am I looking at here?”“You asked me to dig into Mr David's account…here it is!” She pointed out with a flourish.Oh, yeah….That reminded me.The whole issue with Rose and the court orders has been dissolved.It's been only a couple of days after and the news was still ablaze, each major media blog carrying a new story with different narratives. I've tried to stay off social media as much as possible, even going as far as ignoring my work but then when I got a notification from HR that D
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Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Rose's POVI waited for a couple of days so the news about how I lost the divorce court case would die down before I stepped out of my house again.I put on my mask…. sunglasses on my face, a hoodie to cover my hair, and baggy sweatpants to hide my shape, making it seem like any other human walking down the street.Ever since I had tried calling David in the bathroom at the courthouse, he stopped picking up my calls and even blocked me from reaching out to him. My worst fears came to pass and this time, I couldn't take it lying down, so I decided to go over there and confront him in person.Thankfully, I still had the spare key to his house that he gave me one other time and his address was fresh in my memory.I was planning to surprise him and then milk him for any other amount of cash that I could, for the emotional damage that I went through.The drive down to his place was quick but I had the cab driver stop a couple of blocks away from his house, so he didn't see me coming and l
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Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen
David's POV Panting from exhaustion, I stared at Rose's still body, pondering on what to do.Damn!I cursed under my breath as I paced the length of the room, raking my hands through my hair in agitation.I wasn't planning for this to happen or to even see Rose anymore…she's like a distant memory I'd shoved out of my mind.To have her show up here at my house without invitation was initially annoying but now that she's unconscious on my phone, it has morphed into full-blown rage.The urge to kick her in the stomach briefly overwhelmed me but I tamped it back, trying to focus on the more important things here.Like packing my bags and getting the hell out of hereI was just working on the finishing touches when she came in but judging by the look of things, I'd have to wrap things up much faster.As if on cue, I began to hear a buzzing in my right ear and it grew to piss me off even more because I twisted and tossed a couple of things around before I eventually found it.Turns out it
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Donald's POV I was in my living room when I got a text message from Nalini.It was simple and short, quite straight to the point until I saw….Nalini: Turn on your TV.My heartbeat spiked up in excitement and I hastily reached for the remote, flipping through channels until I got to a news station.“Hello, everyone! Thank you for joining us at our 7:00 p.m. show but guess what? We have a buzzing story for you tonight and it has to do with one of our leading companies in New York. It turns out that its former employee David Knight, was recently arrested for a couple of charges one of which happened to include charges based on fraudulent activities. Anonymous sources claim that he is responsible for embezzling over a couple hundred millions of dollars from the company and now the police have caught up to him and are about to charge him for trial….” The reporter droned on but I tuned out of the talk.The camera shifted from her to replay an old clip from a couple of minutes ago where D
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Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
David's POV As I was carelessly tossed into the back of the police van amidst the camera lights flashing, I could feel my teeth grinding against my jaw in anger.How the hell did they know where I'd be?!Then it occurred to me …it must be Rose!That lying, cheating bitch!I fumed all the way to the stations, my legs hurting due to how I was forced into the car.When we arrived at the station, somehow between my house and our journey over here, someone must have caught the drift of what happened because as the car pulled up into the parking lot, we were assaulted by a barrage of cameramen and news vehicles which was surprising, judging by how late it was.“Who the hell alerted these people?!” The cop that drove the car muttered under his breath, sparking about journalists and how annoying they were.I would usually agree but as my eyes spanned the scene in front of me, for once, I was grateful that they were present.Maybe they could present an opportunity to escape…Or not.It would
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Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Rose's POV“Arghhhh…” I woke up with my head aching badly.To be fair, it was more like a harsh throb than an ache which made it seem like my head was going to fall right off if I didn't find a solution to it.I tried to raise my hand to touch my head but my hand feel like it was weighed down by a dozen wood chippers.What the hell was going on? Moving my head to the side, I tried to figure out where I was and the distant beep beep sound of a machine reached my ears, the sound grating on my nerves.From the corner of my eyes, I could see a machine and a couple of wires running from it….some of which led to my arm.Dread was setting in my chest as I made an effort to remember what happened.How the hell am I in a hospital?Just then the memories I had suppressed came rushing back with a vengeance. I remembered a fight with David and then hot words being exchanged the last thing that was clear to me was David getting upset and reaching out to hit me then everything went black. Is Dav
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Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Donald's POV “Mr Greene, some men in uniform are here to see you.” My new assistant informed me poking ahead through the door. I sucked in a deep breath, steeling myself for the experience. “Yeah, I've been expecting them. Please send them in.”Yesterday I got a message from the lead detective working on David's case insisting that they would need my statement to get my take on my side of the experience. I was up all night, trying to figure out what and how to say it. I kept thinking about it so much that I had to reach out to Jake asking him for advice or tips on what to do. A part of me wanted to exclude myself from the entire process. Ever since the scandal of Rose's and my divorce in court, a lot of eyes have been on my company and hers and some of it has brought about bad publicity, which made our prices on the stock market plummet.Jake however encouraged me not to skip the process, saying that that would make it look as if I had something to hide, which was also not a good
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Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Rose's POV Eventually, I got discharged from the hospital and luckily for me, the hospital bill was paid through an anonymous donor. Throughout my stay in the hospital, I kept waiting for a relative to show up and talk to me about or comfort me in some sense but aside from my mother who signed the consent form and filled in some forms at the hospital, appearing briefly…. There's no one else that even cared to know what happened to me or why I was in the hospital.It took me quite a while for it to sink in. At least the police were able to retrieve my effect from David's house which was now a crime scene since it was raided by the cops looking for evidence of his schemes and whatnot.I had my phone, credit cards, and wallet with me but for the three days I stayed in the hospital, the phone didn't ring not once except for a spam call from a telemarketing company.The people I thought were my friends all abandoned me. Even when they heard the news of my sudden trip to the hospital, I
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
David's POV “Court number 104!” The judge called out in a bored tone.That was my number so I sat up, turning back to search for my lawyer through the crowd.Thayor Brandson didn't disappoint, waving his hands wildly through the air as he dashed to the front to accompany me.Thanks to my foresight, I made sure to wash my hands clean of anything that could potentially tie my hands to this case whatsoever.That includes getting a good ass lawyer who was able to argue my case enough, as well as properly greasing some palms along the way and here we are…on my way to bail.“You ready?” Brandson sidled up to me, selling cigarettes and bourbon.I tried not to feel apprehensive about that, hoping he wouldn't go and fuck this up for me now.“Yeah, I'm good with this.” He nodded, pulling me along but I hesitated. “Are you sure…you're good to go like this?”The guy was clueless. “Is something wrong with the way I dressed?”“No, I was talking about the fact that you're still high, and I'm pretty
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