All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
170 chapters
Chapter One Hundred and One
Donald's POV “I think we should go on the offensive,” Jake informed me, staring avidly at the papers. “Which lawyer did she get again?” I asked, biting down on my lower lip.Ever since Jake had told me that Rose got a new lawyer to represent her during the court proceedings, I had not been able to think about anything else.Part of the reason why I was so confident that I would smash the case is because of her lack of money and the inability to get herself a good lawyer but now that she has one… I'm dreading just thinking about the opportunities.“Mr Greene, I don't think this is what we should be focusing on right now.” He cleared his throat, chuckling nervously. “If we channeled more of our energy into why the divorce should not take place instead of why it should-” “Please just tell me who it is!” I raised my voice a decibel, unable to take the thought of him talking for another second, plus, it's hard to think about anything else when you're fixated on one thing.“It's John And
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Chapter One Hundred and Two
Rose's POV Urgh, this can't be happening…. I groaned on the inside, Biting down on my pinky finger, I stared at the news in front of me. It was a text from Dad.Dad: Come over to the house, we need to talk to you.Groaning, I buried my head in my hands, well aware of what they wanted to say.For the past week, my and Donald's faces have been trending all over the media.I had thoughts during the cause of this divorce that the news would get out there sometime but I never expected it to be this quick, less than 2 weeks in. On a trip to the courthouse where we had to go talk over the terms, someone took a picture of us leaving in different cars and that was all the media needed to know.They ran wild with the stories.Since then, it has taken a brainer to realize that my parents might have seen the picture and what I was up to.I wasn't sure I wanted to have this but then I had to.The new therapist David was making me visit said it's good to approach and talk about uncomfortable sit
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Chapter One Hundred and Three
Donald’s POVAs I was resolved to fight Rose publicly in court, deep down I knew that this wasn't the best course of action to take. I couldn't deny the fact that I loved her and the child that she was carrying could be mine.A couple of years ago, I made a promise to myself that I would try as much as possible so that if I had a child, they wouldn't end up in a broken home.I was a result of a broken home and till now, it's still taking me time to leave behind some habits and move on with certain things and I never want my child to go through that.Having that at the back of my mind, I resolved to reach out to Rose the next day and try to talk to her.The least that I could do… I owe my kids, I was to try one last time and I decided to go all out.My strategy was to make it a late lunch so it would evolve into dinner and after a couple turns of wine, I hoped she would be receptive to what I had to say.Running down the stairs, I stopped by the kitchen to talk to Esmeralda with a l
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Chapter One Hundred and Four
David’s POVThings seem to be turning up for my good, especially after my account was recovered. I got the good news a couple of days ago and I was over the moon to hear that.Satisfied that my plans were slowly coming together, I moved on to the next phase of my plan which was to prep my leaving.First things first, I mailed my resignation letter to HR.Thankfully I had a contact in the department so I had to bribe her not to make it public until a couple of hours later when I was due to leave the country.I didn't want to give Donald a hint of my plants and have him try to thwart me before I started.Over the past couple of days, I had been avoiding meeting with anyone including Rose, trying to plot my next strategy.My leaving must be spectacular but in a way that it would not prompt further investigation.Now the moment I left the shores of this country, each company that I had siphoned and extorted money from would be aware of what I had done and each of them would be out for blo
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Chapter One Hundred and Five
Donald’s POVThings were just going from bad to worse.After the dinner that I had with Rose, I had hoped that we would come to an understanding even though I later turned down her offer but that wasn't the case.The thing is, I knew that if I had allowed her back into my space, it wouldn't be because I had truly forgiven her but I was too scared of allowing this divorce issue to ride on for too long, dragging both our names in the mud.It would take a really strong and loving person to come back after what Rose did and if I had been honest with myself, I wasn't quite there yet.As I spoke, I saw the disappointment in her eyes, her emotions shutting off immediately I turned her down but I went on irrespective of her feelings.The dinner ended shortly after that, and since then I hadn't heard from Rose.I kept calling and leaving tons of messages each day but somehow she kept on ignoring me. The only time I heard from her was through her lawyer, passing along a court message.I feared
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Chapter One Hundred and Six
Rose's POV After the news I heard from my parents and my entire family, cutting me off from their lives because of a decision I made, I was stuck in a zone for a couple of days.It wasn't just the fact that they chose not to support me, it was how fast they moved me aside as if I wasn't worth anything since it all boiled down to what I was bringing in.The second I wasn't useful, I immediately became considered trash.Being out of a job, and having no friends or family to talk to give me a lot of alone time to think about what I truly wanted and how to go about it.First things first, I had to do away with people's intentions for me… ultimately in the end everyone chose themselves and it was high time that I started choosing myself for a change.Secondly, I had made a decision and now it was time for me to stand by it and face the consequences.I was in my bathtub when I got the ingenious idea to pull a fast one on Donald.A couple of days earlier, Anderson had sat me down and told me
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Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Donald’s POVI had about a couple of weeks before we would officially take the matter to court and begin the process in front of a judge and all of that but before that took place, I had one more trick up my sleeve.I wanted to avoid this going public for several reasons but the one that topped my list would be that I wouldn't want to put Rose and her family through that type of scandal.This was my one last appeal.If nothing came out of this, I would understand that the gloves were off.Canceling all my plans today in the office since yesterday, I was free to do what I wanted.Namely, visit Rose's parents.I made sure nothing from them before coming so they wouldn't bring up some ideas to cancel.Sure showing up at the house was a bit risky, but it's not like I had any other choice.When I pulled up to the gate, the security guard asked me to wind down and I did.His face reflected his surprise when he saw me, most especially because I stormed out angrily the last time. “S-sir…welco
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Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Rose’s POVI didn't know when the news dropped but it got some attention.Whether it was real or not the only way I got to know about the story was because a lot of people were linking me to it.It turns out that David has been lying about a lot more than his nightcaps, and his pesky inheritance.While everyone was busy sleeping a blogger was leaking the truth about David saying that he had come into some raw cash and assets a couple of months ago…. Which if it were to be liquidated would be worth over a billion dollars.At first, when I saw the news flying around the media, I scoffed at it and tossed it out of my thoughts but I started to think about it and slowly, the pieces started to add up.The whole change I experienced with Donald started a couple of months ago and come to think of it, the new house that he just bought and well aware of how much the company pays him for being a diligent CFO but I'm quite sure that it wasn't worth that much.Plus the expensive hotel that I visit
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Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Donald's POV “Mr Greene, can we have about a moment?”“Mr Greene, over here!”“How do you feel about going to the court seeking divorce from your wife, sir?”Reporters everywhere were yelling out my name in the hopes that I might turn to one of them and respond but I was in no mood. My sunglasses were on my face, shielding me from the onlookers pitying glances.Today was the last day of the quiet proceedings whereby the lawyers would give us a verdict.Either Rose won the case or I did.In the car, I couldn't stop fidgeting, tugging down on my sleeve repeatedly while the car cruised down the road.“You worry too much, you'll be fine. Trust me.” Jake told me, relaxing in the smooth leather car seats, sipping his whiskey.Relax?“This is my life we're talking about here, okay? If Rose wins the case, she automatically takes half of my money, properties, and companies… so forgive me if I'm a little bit nervous.” I spat out a little bit harshly.Jake didn't have anything to worry about b
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Chapter One Hundred and Ten
David's POV I was on my couch, scooping warm spoons of soup into my mouth while I was watching the TV when I got news about the verdict from the divorce court case.I had made sure to set an alarm for most of the popular news channels so I would be amongst the first people that got to know.Rose insisted I come with her to the courthouse but that was the last thing I wanted.Aside from the fact that I could be used to tip the investigation in Donald's favor, it also brought a lot of spotlight on me.I had to be prepared if things would go sideways, the last thing I wanted was for people to be curious about me and what I do.Leaving the country has to be extremely discreet and I definitely couldn't do that when I've got a hundred eyes pinned on my back.When my phone was pinned, I already knew what it was. Reaching for the remote, I paused the television show that I was watching.Setting my soul carefully aside so I didn't spill it or hit it mistakenly, I grabbed my phone.For some re
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