All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
170 chapters
Chapter Ninety-One
Donald's PovAfter I had discovered who it was that was the movie the company I had to keep a closer eye on her.Yes, you heard me right.It's a woman!I wouldn't be surprised because there are the most gullible sets of people, easily ruled by emotions but to be honest, I never expected from that lady.According to the best of my knowledge, she was a kind and easygoing person…not someone that would be involved in a scam scheme.Over the next couple of days, I tried to watch her from a distance, certain that she didn't see me but it seems I wasn't discreet enough.I guess what most what might have set her off was the was the fact that I spoke to her a couple of days ago.It was supposed to be an innocent inquiry, just to get a feel of who she was but in hindsight, if was quite stupid of me. “Hi!” “Hello!” she looked up from her monitor, her eyes widening in surprise when they landed on me. Immediately, the recognition sank in she bolted up from her chair to greet me. “Mr Greene! I-I…
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Chapter Ninety-Two
David's Pov It turns out that trying to be a criminal mastermind was much harder than I thought it was.My brilliant plan to make Rose take the fall for me when I eventually left was quite difficult to execute.I met up with a lawyer, planning on making sure that he would be positioned in such a way that he could easily fabricate the documents and make rules to be at fault. Whenever you wanted to pull off a scheme like this, the best thing was to plan three steps ahead or else you would be on the losing end.“What's the next step? I need you to make sure that this is a flawless as possible and I don't want it to get traced back to me, you understand?” I say in a strict tones.The man I found, his name was Dennis Robinson…a shady lawyer found downtown in Allen Avenue. I had to ask around to make sure I didn't make a mistake. It wasn't until I got hlowing reviews about his ‘services’ that I went ahead to contact him.To make sure it was undetectable, I used a burner phone with a fake
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Chapter Ninety-Three
David's Pov I didn't know what or how to feel for the first couple of minutes, mulling it over in my head. I was so confused that I tried to reach out to Blake again but my calls just went straight to voicemail. I could feel a scream building up at the back of my throat, just itching to be let out.Why was this happening to me?Just when it seemed like I was two steps in, something would come along to topple all the plans that I have made and set me back a couple of months.If Blake was right and not overreacting- the girl reads meaning into everything, even something as little as a cashew nut falling into a shoe- then it meant that Donald was on to me and heading back to the company wouldn't be safe for me.“Crap, what do I do?” I mutter under my breath, pacing around while twirling a strand of my hair in anxiety.It was a bad habit that I got whenever I was upset of worried about something, and when I realize I was doing it, I immediately pulled my hand back.For the next hour, I r
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Chapter Ninety-Four
Donald's PovWaking up with a yawn, I sat up on the bed stretching my hands high above my head.My next move was to hop into the shower.Nowadays, I really spent time at home mostly, jumping from the house to one company down to another.It's been about almost a week that I have spoken with Rose but I made sure to leave her notes everyday so it didn't seem like I was ignoring her. However, I didn't have the privilege of sulking around the house when David was out there, doing God knows what to try and take my company.Yes, my company.Now it's all too certain that David couldn't be trusted and judging from what I've seen, I have figured out that he is a greedy, heartless bastard who will go to any lengths to get what he wants.At this point, if he was able to infiltrate Rose’s company then I couldn't be sure that mine was out of the danger zone.Some minutes past 8, I hurried out of the house and into my car setting the GPS to a company that I now own and manage.It's one of the bigge
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Chapter Ninety-Five
Donald's POV Waking up with a yawn, I sat on the bed stretching my hands high above my head.My next move was to hop into the shower.Nowadays, I spend time at home mostly, jumping from the house to one company down to another.It's been almost a week since I spoke with Rose but I made sure to leave her notes every day so it didn't seem like I was ignoring her. However, I didn't have the privilege of sulking around the house when David was out there, doing God knows what to try and take my company.Yes, my company.Now it's all too certain that David couldn't be trusted and judging from what I've seen, I have figured out that he is a greedy, heartless bastard who will go to any lengths to get what he wants.At this point, if he could infiltrate Rose’s company then I couldn't be sure that mine was out of the danger zone.Some minutes past 8, I hurried out of the house and into my car setting the GPS to a company that I now own and manage.It's one of the biggest in the city but thankf
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Chapter Ninety-Six
Rose's POV Rubbing my hands furiously to create some friction, I stared at my reflection in the mirror biting down on my lower lip.Was I doing the right thing? I couldn't help but think things through.The secret meetings I'd been having with David under Donald's nose didn't go as I expected and now, I'm on a very different path than I thought I'd be.I didn't know how I got roped into David's sleek, smooth charm, swallowing everything he told me hook, line, and sinker.Somehow, I had managed to fall into his trap.He said he would help me get the freedom I wanted from Donald.At first, he came to me after apologizing for abandoning me the way he did and slowly, he began to slip past my defenses and then we started to talk.And in no time at all, I started to leak out my secrets, telling him about how Donald and I had reconciled and began to make up.I also told him how much I loved Donald and regretted losing him by cheating on him with David.After the incident that happened which
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Chapter Ninety-Seven
Donald's POV The way I found out about Rose and her plan…. let me just say it blew me out of the water.It was a text message from an unknown number.Normally, I would discount it but it was so spot on that it made me stop and think.UN: Usually, I wouldn't do something like this but I feel like you deserve to know what your estranged wife is up to, after all, she has hurt you badly so many times it doesn't seem fair that she goes free with this one. Rose is planning to serve you with divorce papers… just so you know.I paused, staring at the text message.It was hard to believe that after the heartfelt conversation that we had, Rose would sneak behind my back to do this.During the drive home, I kept obsessing over what this person had sent.I mean there was no way it was even remotely true yet I couldn't take the thought out of my mind.I raced home, partially because I couldn't wait to confront Rose about it.I was so impatient that I didn't even park in the garage, instead I doub
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Chapter Ninety-Eight
Donald's POV After the shocking news I heard about Rose and her choice to move on with the divorce, I had to give her some space, partly because of my mental health.It was dangerous, having someone toy with your emotions like that. I was so angry and a little bit disappointed in myself for falling for her antics again but in the past couple of days, I made sure to avoid her like the plague, coming back home late at night and then heading straight to my bed.I snuck out early in the mornings, avoiding any encounter with anyone.If Rose noticed my sudden distant attitude, she didn't say anything about it.Stuck in my office, I sighed for the umpteenth time today as I stared at the workload in front of me, sorely craving for some much-needed rest.Rubbing at my temples, I debated taking a power nap when I heard a bit of ruckus outside my door.My spine snapped into place and my back straightened as I tried to listen to get a feel of what was happening out there, I could make out some
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Chapter Ninety-Nine
David's POV There's something my grandfather used to say ‘the most undermined tiger was always the one to become the king of the jungle’.Are you sitting that was bullshit but look at me, I'm the perfect example of what was said in that quote.Back in Europe, I was always made fun of because I was different from them. Most of my lecturers made it a duty to tell me how I wouldn't amount to anything of substance. However here I am now, making more money than they could ever dream of. Soon, I'll be on a plane heading towards my favorite vacation spot…. Hawaii.There was a knock on my front door and I looked up.It was Donald's secretary and she was coming to drop off a new batch of folders.I knew that there was a large stack she was supposed to give to me but she liked flirting with me anytime she came in.If I wasn't preoccupied, I would have taken her open her up on her offer but right now, I can't afford anything to distract or even make me take my eyes off the target for a minute.
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Chapter One Hundred
Rose's POV Falling into a total and complete mess was not part of my plan but then these pregnancy hormones were dealing with me. It's crazy because one moment I could be perfectly fine and the next, I wanted to bash someone's head in or cry my eyes out.I was going over the records and I found out that if I wanted to win Donald during the court case then I was going to need to have a badass lawyer on my side, the kind that charged an ungodly hour per hour.It was a little bit important for me to win, not only to restore my dignity but also to get a bit of compensation money which could take me over for the next year.Tapping on my laptop, I researched the top highest paying lawyers in the city and found out that one of them was already hired by Donald, and according to Times magazine, he is one of the best lawyers in half the country.Swallowing nervously, I checked others but even the lowest was way too pricey for me….and that's when I lost it.Overthinking doubting myself if I was
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