All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
170 chapters
Chapter Eighty-One
Donald's POV After a week in the hospital, the doctor finally satisfied Rose to be okay, discharging her along with a strict list of warnings and medications that she needed to take to get her back on her feet.On our way out, he brought me to the side wanting to reiterate the fact that it was important she took her drugs. I agreed, promising to do my best and make sure she followed the prescription.The previous day her mother and father had stopped by to visit her check up on her, so today it was just us as we walked the car.It was quite awkward, the air heavy with words unsaid as we both went out of our way to not say anything.As soon as we arrived at my new place, Rose practically flew out of the car but suddenly skidded to a halt.Her eyes widened with wonder and a bit of disbelief as she stared at my three bedroom comfortable building. I didn't want something to flashy or expensive to maintain so I settled on the most beautiful and quaint building that I could find.“Do you l
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Chapter Eighty-Two
Rose's PovThe twittering of birds outside my bedroom window woke me up the next day. My lashes fluttered open, blinking rapidly to clear the cobwebs out of my eyes.Flinging back the sheets, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, heading towards the windowsills to push open the curtains.I was met with a beautiful array of trees and birds flying about it. Standing here in this very moment made me appreciate life and all what I have conquered.Being here after what happened yesterday, almost felt like I was being given a second chance I mean, if Donald can still stand by me and support me after everything I've done, then something must be going good for me.Hearing him say those words quenched the doubt that were roaming free and wild in my mind and if I was being honest, it made me fall deeper in love with him.After reflecting on last night events, I headed towards the bathroom to freshen up and don a new pair of clothes but I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and regret. Dee
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Chapter Eighty-Three
Donald's POV Twisting my neck around, I walked briskly to my office.Once I get there, I slid the key in about to walk inside when I heard a voice from behind.“Sir!”Spinning on my heel, I let out a sigh when I realized it was only my secretary.I walked in, regardless of the fact that she was rushing to meet up to me leaving the door open so she could work past it. “What is it?” I said, with my back facing her. “Sir, you had this come in the mail and I wanted to give it to you.”With my mind on a million and one things to do and accomplish today, I turned around to see her holding an envelope. “Thanks.” I say, sounding dismissive.She understood the message and instantly found her way to the door, closing it softly behind her.Plopping my arse on my seat, I sat down impatiently tearing the envelope open to read its contents.It was from my divorce lawyer, Luke.I sat up straighter when I noticed that, my brows furrowing because I knew it wasn't yet time for the proceedings to go t
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Chapter Eighty-Four
Rose's PovIt deeply pained me to stand before Donald and turn down everything I had ever wanted and prayed for. I could see in his eyes that his actions were sincere and honest…I mean, the man nearly got into a car crash because of how much he was rushing down here.“Rose, I don't think-” he tried to object but I didn't give him the chance.Taking a step forward, I closed the distance between us smiling up at him so he couldn't see that my heart was literally breaking to pieces. “The truth is, I don't deserve you Donald. Not one tiny bit and after everything I've done to you, it's a wonder that you're still able to occupy the same space as me but I'm not going to have to force you to do that any longer.” I sucked in a shuddering breath. “You're free to date and go out, have fun enjoy your life, like you were meant to before I came in and sucked the life out of it.”Donald just stared at me before raising his hand up to touch my cheek but at the last second, he hesitated, searching my
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Chapter Eighty-Five
Rose's PovAfter that awkward encounter, I rushed back upstairs and the next day I came face-to-face with the nurse that he was talking about.She's pretty but not so much so that I would feel insecure or unsafe, plus she's very engaging and outgoing.Within the first 5 to 10 minutes that I spent talking with her, I fell in love with her personality and I could slowly see us becoming fast friends.Fast forward to three weeks down the line, and we have settled into an easy client/friend relationship which was only growing with each passing day.“Hey, I was thinking that we could cut back on the celery juice for today and switch it up!” Daphne yelled out to me who was currently in the kitchen.Esmeralda and I had grown close, despite what I told Donald that I would stay away and in my lane but she just had that warm, motherly nature that sucked you right in and I was helpless to resist.Now, I was in the kitchen bringing out a fresh batch of cookies that Esmeralda had taught me to make.
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Chapter Eighty-Six
Rose's PovHearing those words being uttered out loud felt like a dagger straight into my chest, robbing me of the capacity to breathe properly.“David, please…you can't do this!” I hissed, mindful of Daphne in the other room.He laughed, the sound dark making goosebumps appear on my skin. “Why not? I can do whatever the hell I want!”My breathing hitched. “But c-can we at least talk about th-this, Dav-”The sound of the tone dialing in my ear cut me off and to my surprise, I removed the phone from my ear only to realise that he had cut the call.Blowing out a large breath, I placed a palm on the wall, needing it to keep me upright so I didn't fall to the ground.Did I offend someone perhaps, because tell me why whenever I was close to achieving something that I desired, other things cropped up to take its place just like David was doing right now.“Rose, is everything okay?” Daphne called out, her voice shaking me out of my reverie.Coughing under my breath to clear my throat, I smil
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Chapter Eighty-Seven
Donald's PovRose's lips parted, those wet shiny plump lips calling my name.Almost unconsciously, we gravitated towards each other pulled by invisible strings.Even while our marriage may not have been a match made in heaven, one thing we always had going for us was our insane chemistry.When I realize I was learning in to kiss her, I instantly snapped out of the lust that had clouded my brain, pulling back.Rose blinked, disappointment clifing her features.Damn! She probably thought I was going to kiss her.“Um, I…” I had no idea what I was going to say, so I just winged it.“You're right.” Rose, to my surprise, stepped up. She ran her hands down my body, but not in a sensual manner. “I have to trust you, besides hell will freeze over if allow David to take my kid away from me!”I smiled, nodding in agreement.Once I managed to convince Rose that everything was going to be okay, she calmed down after having a couple more bites of her food, before deciding that she wanted to go upst
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Chapter Eighty-Eight
Rose's PovStretching my arms above my head, I woke up fluttering my eyes open. The conversation I had with Donald and David kept playing in my head. The thought of David taking my child away from me sent terror racing through my body.Even though Donald had told me he would get to the bottom of the issue, I couldn't help but feel as though this is something I need to get done by myself.Rolling over on the bed, I stood up but something caught my attention from the corner of the bed.It was a little white paper tucked into the corner of the bedside lamp.Bending over to pick it up, I scanned it's contents only to see that it was a handwritten letter from Donald.“Dear Rose, I hope this morning finds you well. I know you're worried about what's going to happen to you and the baby which is why I am writing this letter, to tell you that you have nothing to be worried or afraid about. I promise I will make everything right… all I ask is for a little bit of patience. Take care, Rose, I'll
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Chapter Eighty-Nine
David's Pov “How long am I going to wait before I get a response? This shit is taking too much time!” I barked into the phone, thoroughly pissed off. The guy on the other end of the phone tried to placate me. “Sir, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience but I can assure you that our team are currently working on it.”“How long is that going to take, because you said that exact same stuff last week and the week before that!” I fumed, my fingers itching to smash the phone down.“Uh…” He was fumbling for words. “Sir, I can-”“I don't want to hear anymore excuses, just give me a fucking solution to my problem!” I say brusquely.“Okay, sir. You'll get your PAC account up and running in less than three hours and if you don't get it in three hours…. feel free to call us back but I can assure, it'll be done.”I hung up rudely, smashing my phone on the counter in annoyance. “Fucking damn banks!”The thing is for a couple of days now, I've been having issues with my offshore account.First of all
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Chapter Ninety
Donald's Pov“Sir, I think I found something that you need to see.” Nalini called out to me.After the entire office was cleared for the whole day and I made sure that David had left before I brought her in.We had been speaking for a couple of days before she showed up.Like I said, I wanted something on David that's couldn't easily be wiped away by the press or maybe his lawyers if we decided to take it up in court.“What is it?” I raced over to her side, abadoning the work I was focusing on.I had managed to swipe out David laptop from his office, after bribing the janitors that came by to clean to give me the access card to his office and retrieve the laptop, living it in her care to do whatever hackers did.Nalini had this smile on her face that scared even me as she turns the laptop to face him. “Look at this!”She was literally vibrating with excitement, but all I could see was a couple of numbers which are later understood to be cold running over the screen down on the side of
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