All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
170 chapters
Chapter Seventy-One
Rose's PovThe platters of rainfall on the window and the roof stirred me up from sleep.My skull was throbbing painfully. To ease the pain, I rolled over reaching out to the other end of the mattress to touch and cuddle David but my hands met empty space.Immediately, my eyes flung open and I rolled over.My suspicions were correct, there was no one there.Where the hell had he gone to now? I mused, getting down from the bed and tying my robe tighter around my waist.The slight throbbing I felt was now joined by slight dizziness and I knew it was definitely a hangover."You're gonna get yourself killed someday, Rose, with the way you're going...." Tanya's words echoed in my ears.Shrugging off those scary thoughts, I walked into the bathroom to get a quick shower hoping that when the warm water splashed all over my body, loosening my tightened muscles, I would feel better about myself.When I was done, I rubbed my body dry using a clean towel to wrap around my body and step out, in s
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Chapter Seventy-Two
Donald's POV The rainfall was slowing down potentials for the day. It was creating a minimal experience for me.I had attended the meetings, almost missing out on deadlines because of the rain and the partner meetings with the companies that Luke had arranged for me to meet were almost missed as well.But somehow, I beat the rain and attended.I could not understand how Luke always easily struck those deals with those companies and I was heavily intrigued by it."How do you always get in touch with such high power companies?" I has asked one time, my admiration for him soaring high.He really did have my best interest at heart and it was funny that he was not even an actual employee and was not earning as much as my advisor but he had made so much impact in a short while."Let's just say that I put my ears to the ground and work on it. That way, I never miss out on opportunities." His response was witty and I smiled.He smiled proudly as though he was glad that he was pleasing me.He
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Chapter Seventy-Three
Rose's PovMy muscles felt cramped up and I was not sure what was going on. My eyesight was blurry and my head felt filled up with cotton.My mouth tasted bitter and it was a struggle to pry my eyes open but after a little effort, they flung open.Turning my neck as much as I could, I looked around me, trying to figure out where I was and my curious gaze finally settled on a figure that sat across from me.The figure bore one strangely similar to Donald's but I knew it definitely couldn't be-The person shook his body a bit, still fast asleep but that slight move have the opportunity to check him out.I had to tamp down my gasp when I found it that was indeed, him.He was fast asleep, sitting on a chair right beside me, his slender hands swinging beside the chair.“Donald…” I whispered beneath my breath, soaking in the view of him that was before me as though it would be my last opportunity.His lips were curved at the corners, which sat on a proud, square jaw and a strand of his curl
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Chapter Seventy-Four
Donald's PovThe air was clear and bright today, unlike the night before.Unfortunately, I couldn't say the say for myself.Not only was I slow but my mind was distracted by various thoughts.Most of which were heavily invested in Rose.Returning from the hospital, I was certain that I could not make it to work.One reason was that I was already running late but the most important reason was that my mind was thrown into different directions at all once.I was confused and my mind was racing, most of my conflicting thoughts all centred on Rose.One major source was the fact that I couldn't stop reliving that night over and over again.The vividness of our night of intimate session a couple of weeks ago was creating disturbing images in my head.It was the one time I have in to her demands, spending a long night buried in her thighs.It's crazy to admit that that was one of the hottest nights I'd ever experienced with Rose. Memories from that night kept me up at night sometimes.Being i
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Chapter Seventy-Five
Donald's Pov I arrived at the location that she had mentioned and I looked out for her, watching over my shoulder.It was quite late at night and the environment was not only shady but creepy too, with so many guys and homeless people lurking in the shadows.I pretended as if I was looking for something while keeping an eye out for her but after a couple of minutes, when I didn't see anyone, I glanced that my phone tempted to call her back but then I remember that I couldn't see the caller ID.Damn!I decided to give her a couple more minutes but I was quickly running out of patience and time just when I had made up my mind to leave turning around I heard a sound behind me.As expected, I saw a lady that seemed to be in her mid thirties walking up to me, only to stop about thirty feet away.I dared not get too close. “Gra-Gracie?”The woman on the phone had informed me that her name was Gracie but her face was intentionally shielded with a scarf, as if she didn't want me to see it.M
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Chapter Seventy-Six
Rose's PovThe days crawled by slowly, so slowly that it was nearly driving me crazy but there was sort of beauty in being stuck in time.I was feeling edgy and uncomfortable, generally tired.The worst part about the entire situation was that I was becoming anxious as I could not decipher who the father of the child was.I had not made any headway in discovering who the father was, and the dilemma was in how.Quite a pickle I'd gotten myself in.“How can you deal with this, Rose?”I would ask myself over and over again, wishing that those questions could yield the desired results.I was living in a house, with two maids who were at my beck and call yet, I still felt like I was all alone in the world.There was no way I could reach out to Donald except he called me because as usual, he would not take my calls if I called.Also, I was heavily embarrassed about the situation with the pregnancy and I hoped that he hadn't started pondering on it.The frustrating thing was that I also coul
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Chapter Seventy-Seven
Donald's Pov For over and hour now, my phone has been buzzing back to back with both text messages and calls. So much so, that I had to place it on ‘do not disturb' just so I could get a couple of minutes worth of peace.My phone battery was probably drained by now.I had a ton of unfinished to work on my table and I knew that picking up that phone would only be a distraction, setting me back from what I had planned to accomplish.But I couldn't ignore it either.I know that whoever it was must need my help desperately or else they wouldn't bother reaching out to me quite so much.When I couldn't ignore it anymore, I gave in retrieving my phone from my desk.Who the hell was that?It was an unknown number. These days, I was getting a ton of calls from unregistered contacts. Quite uncanny.I hesitantly took the call and was greeted by some shocking news.Another call from the Royal hospital indicating that my wife was in an accident.“What the heck?” Were the words that slipped out
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Chapter Seventy-Eight
Donald's POV I spent a couple of more hours at the hospital hoping and waiting that Katerina would come through but unfortunately she didn't.The doctor told us that it will take a couple more days or hours before she would be fully responsive. Her injuries were critical and it will take a lot of time for her to get healed. Seeing as Gregory and Daphne wanted to stay back and wait I decided to head home, already exhausted and tired from the long journey.On my way home, I couldn't help but think over my decision.Promising to take care of Rose until she gave birth to her baby would throw a wrench in my plans.Just when I thought I was very to move on with my life, finding a new woman, rebuilding my company from the scratch, Rose just had to fuck it up somehow.I knew this would develop problems between us especially when I knew that I was still attracted to her and the possibility that she could be carrying my baby was also there…meaning that for the better part of my life I might be
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Chapter Seventy-Nine
David's Pov Glancing at my wrist watch for the third time today I looked around, watching the street carefully before I crossed over to the other side of the building.“Hey, Jackson. What's good?” I greeted the security guard before I made my way up to the first floor where I worked.I checked my phone once again waiting for a text message or a call or any form of response from Rose but my screen my phone screen was blank.I was starting to wonder if she had ghosted me for some reason.After that night I left her in my house, I hadn't seen or heard from her again, which was unlike Rose.Usually, she was all over me calling and texting on when next to meet up.This radio silence was quite uncomfortable for me, probably because I was on the receiving end of it.I passed by Ryan, who was the janitor for this floor and something crossed my mind, making me stop in my tracks. “Hey, man. Can I talk to you for a minute?”“Sure. Is there any problem?” He puckered his lips, eyeing me with suspi
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Chapter Eighty
David's Pov Cassie and Fiona exchanged a glance. “I thought you knew about it.” Cassie decided to speak up, being the brave one out of the two.“If I did, I wouldn't be here!” David's spat out. “Tell me everything you know and don't leave anything out!”Cassie and Fiona took a deep breath, almost simultaneously and the Cassie began, with an encouraging nod from her friend.“I overheard the doctor telling her parents and that billionaire guy that she's pregnant and there's a slight possibility that it might be for him.”Possibility?What fucking possibility?As far as I know, I'm the only one that she's sleeping with unless…“What the fuck does he mean by ‘slight possibility’?” Cassie started at his harsh tone, throwing a wary glance to her friend.“I don't know, maybe the guy is the father!” She folded her arms over her chest. “Look, we've answered all your questions, what else could you possibly want?”I rubbed a hand over my beard, contemplating that answer.What did I truly want?
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