All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
170 chapters
Chapter Sixty-one
Rose's POV Gazing at the reflection of my sullen image left me battered.I was unsure I liked the lady staring back at me in front of the mirror.I was lonely and depression was swallowing me, stretching out the very life in me.“When did my life get this sorrowful?” I mumbled as I walked away from the mirror.It's crazy how life can change in split seconds, happening so fast that you wouldn't know when things passed you by.It seemed like years ago when I was living my best life, without a care in the world.What happened to that lovely woman?Right now, she seemed to be only a figment of my imagination. Like, did she ever exist?I stood over the bathroom sink, trying to dampen my sullen face with a towel and warm water.There were black circles underneath my eyes, evidence of the sleepless nights I'd been having.During the day, I might be able to suppress my feelings with work and alcohol but it was at times like these, that that weight on my chest began pressing me down.“Fuck!”
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Chapter Sixty-Two
Donald's POV I watched Nicki walk towards me with her decently rounded hips swaying so beautifully.Dress in a beautiful, black dinner dress, I couldn't help but stare at her as she walked towards me.Her intriguing smile was stuck on her lips as usual and I felt that endless urge to scoop her up in my arms and kiss her.“You look great…” I muttered, tucking the strand of hair that fell to her face behind her ear.“Thank you sir.” she stuttered with a giggle, her bright eyes flashing with laughter.“Oh, stop with the ‘sir’. I'm longer your client so you can call me Donald.” I admonished gently.Nicki was beautiful, stunningly so. Maybe not as heavily attractive as Rose but she had an alluring smile and I felt some kind of pull towards her.It stemmed from the little things…how engaging she was, her free spirited energy and contagious smile.“Aren't you going to ask me how my day was?” Her gentle voice broke through my reverie, calling me back from my place of unnecessary comparisons.
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Chapter Sixty-Three
David's PovThe dew plastered all over my windscreen and even the wipers were not doing justice to the dew.“What the heck!” I blurted a curse, pushing my hands into my hair in frustration.I had parked my car in the open, like I would normally do and the dew was stuck all over the place. I could barely see past a couple of feet in front of me.Although if I was being honest, my frustrations weren't only about the dew, in fact it was definitely not about it. I was simply paranoid, looking over my shoulder every second and wondering if Rose was closing in on me.She had called me more than a hundred times since I left almost a week ago and I had not returned even one of her calls.How could I?When my mental state was a complete mess.I could make out in my head how she could be feeling right now, but I still couldn't bring myself to ring her back. It was easy to picture her slipping out of bed everyday with disheveled hair and a look of pain in her eyes.I was hurting her and I knew i
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Chapter Sixty-Four
Donald's POV My office had several piles of papers and I could hear the beeper going off on my computer, indicating more mail.I was drowning in work because I had to keep my mind off Rose and her incessant calls and texts.Another thing I had to do was keep David busy and thinking he was on the top of his game but the truth was, he wasn't.I had him pinned right where I wanted him and I was moving him around in the board like a pawn, waiting for the perfect time to strike.I saw the mails from him to my defunct mail; a mail that I set aside for the purpose of his blackmailing scheme.He was threatening me as usual and I found it amusing that the same thing I used to get scared over, now…it doesn't seem to hold much weight over me.The only thing I could imagine was the possibility that he was digging Rose and making her moan his silly name.That thought brought a wave of pain to my heart, causing a gust of rage to rush through me.“Damn you, Rose!” I yelled, slamming the laptop shut
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Chapter Sixty -Five
Rose's PovIt was a game and he thought he was the best in it.But one thing was sure, I wasn't going to be deceived. He probably should have thought about that when he decided to play his games and leave me in the dark about it.To find out the piece of information I wanted, I had to play according to his plans, getting what I needed.I was no longer speculating, I knew he was up to something and it felt like if I did not find out, it could be the end of me or him or someone close to me.If it wasn't shady, he wouldn't hide it.So, after the numerous calls I put through to him that he ignored and never returned and the messages I left that were never replied, he had the fucking nerves to send me an invitation to dinner with a warped idea of sending me roses.“Even though he has a tacky way of apologizing, I do love roses though.” I muttered under my breath, sniffing the roses and reading through his invitation.“Thank you.” I whispered to the delivery man with a smile and shut my doo
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Chapter Sixty-six
David's PovMy bedroom lay still, bathed in the harsh glow of the rising sun rays slipping through my gauzy curtains. The only sound that broke through the silence was Rose's gentle breathing rising and falling, her lashes dusting her cheeks.Gazing at her well sculpted face, I felt an urge to kiss her one more time, brushing my lips against hers.The corners of her lips twitched and I fulfilled my urge, gently pressing my lips against hers.Her eyes flung open and gazed into mine with a glint of laughter in them.“Mmm, that's one way to wake someone up.” she muttered and rolling herself into my arms.“I only let you sleep longer because you were drained by the number of times you reached orgasm last night.”“Stop…” she blushed fiercely, her cheeks turning pink and covered her face with the pillow making me laugh out loud.“I made a promise and I kept to my promise. Didn't I?”“Well…” She dragged the word out, refusing to admit I propped my hand up on my chin, staring at her. “So, on
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Chapter Sixty -Seven
Rose's PovI woke up to the enchanting fragrance from David's cologne and it dawned on me that I actually slept in his bed and we got busy with pleasure the night before.He smeared my lips with his early morning kisses and I had a tingling feeling in me.It had been weeks or maybe months since we got so close to each other or had such a great time together that I ended up feeling excited.“You look beautiful every morning when you wake up beside me.”“Then maybe you should get me to spend the night beside you more often.” I teased him, biting my lower lip with a touch of seduction.David seemed to be in his element and so was I.We were just miserable gamers who were good at hiding intentions from each other.Sad that it had gotten to this point.If not anything, I was glad that after last night, he had become a bit more relaxed around me.He was not taking his calls in hushed tones or hiding to take them.While we were having breakfast and our conversations, I heard his phone ring a
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Chapter Sixty-Eight
Donald's POV It was a rainy and a busy day at work. Meetings upon meetings and lots of deal signings.I could deal with all that with the snap of a finger but what I could not deal with was Rose calling me over and over for the past few days.I was growing tired of being on the receiving end. Tagging her calls to be spam at some point didn't even work, which I still later had to unblock it because I figured we still needed to keep in touch somehow.Working in the same company meant we'd be thrown together, it's best I didn't try to avoid her.Again, for the upteemeth time my phone was blowing up with calls from her.I pulled out the phone from the drawer where I had tossed it in angrily to drown out the incessant buzzing.I sucked in a deep breath, mentally steeling myself before I grudgingly picked the call.“Goddammit! What now Rose?” I yowled into the phone. “Don't you realise that some of us actually have work to do, and you might be interrupting it?”She was silent. I could hear
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Chapter Sixty-Nine
Donald's POV It was late and I had just discharged Nalini. We met up as we stated, with her handing over the device leaving strict instructions on how to operate it. Now, I was home, alone as usual, reminiscing about the events of the day and how it affects me.The flash drive in my handsand I stared at it, turning it over and over.It was easy for me to get it inserted into my laptop and start hacking David's computer as planned but a part of me wanted to make the procedure slow and calculated.Afterall, what is the rush?... I thought to myself, slipping it into an envelope and hiding it in my locked safe. I figured it would make more sense if I took my time and handled this situation with caution.The last thing I wanted was to ruin a lifetime of efforts targeted at bringing down the scumbag and thief, a scoundrel and a cheat who wanted to tear my life apart.I walked over to my bar and got myself a bottle of wine and sat on my couch, sipping the drink, lost in thought.It was ha
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Chapter Seventy
Rose's PovMy body desires other things aside from sex and alcohol.I want to smell nice again, look like me but it is becoming increasingly difficult. Things were rapidly going downhill for me, even my finances.Most of my friends had deserted me ever since they heard about the rumour and my impending financial straits.It was a chore to appear in public, mostly because of how I would be viewed… as a failure, both as a wife and a CEO.The clap back on social media was crazy.People that had not even met me in real life were trying to tear me down and curse me out.Yet again, I needed to find a will to live. A reason to keep hanging around this boring world.I tried to reach David to see if I could get some help from him but his lines were not connecting.Left with no choice, I called the last person I would reach out to.My father.The phone was rang for a long time, and it seemed like he wasn't going to pick up…until he did at the third trial."Hey, Dad?" I squealed into the phone
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