All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
170 chapters
Chapter Fifty-one
Donald's POV I carried Rose up to the elevator and as soon as the doors closed behind us, I whirled around to face her. “What the hell, Rose? Is there a reason why you're coming here by this time of the night?”Rose was still drunk and high off whatever she must have taken. “I wanted to see you, Donald didn't you want to see me?” She slurred, reaching out to touch my chest but I pushed her hand away, not in the mood.Already I was pissed off and annoyed at being woken up so late in the night when all I wanted to do was sleep. “Don't give me that bullshit, Rose!”The elevator doors dinged open and I stormed out, too angry to even breathe the same air with her. “How did you even find out where I lived, huh?”“You're not the only one with powerful people as friends.” She huffed, walking beside me.She even tried to slip her hand into mine…intertwining it but I gave her a stink eye, which made her shrink back.When I got to my hotel suite, I swiped my key card against the door knob and i
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Chapter Fifty-two
Donald's POV Immediately Rose's head touched the pillow, she woke up. I was quite startled to be met with her piercing grey eyes that I stumble back in surprise but before I went too far, she circles her arms around my neck, looping it around to bring me down.The whole thing was quite surprising that I didn't know how to respond until her lips touched mine.Oh, hell no!I tried to buck off, pushing her away but her arms were tighter than I had expected. She slanted her lips, pushing her tongue into my mouth.The whole experience was weird but at the same time familiar and I hesitated.Rose picked up on that and proceeded to weaken me further, by slipping her hands into my hair curling them around the strands.I moaned, my eyes crossing in my head when she managed to pull my shirt up, running her palms up and down my back, raking her nails across it.That was my weakness. I loved being touched during sex.But no-I can't be doing this.Spurred on by that, I managed to summon the stre
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Chapter Fifty-three
Rose's POVBefore I woke up, I could feel the sun's rays on my face which made me burst into a smile.The events of last night kept on replaying in my mind my entire body tingling with the need to be touched.With my eyes closed, I reached out to the other side of the bed to touch Donald's warm, hot body but my hand encountered only air. My eyes flew open in surprise as I sat up, my gaze darting about to look for him. “Donald?”No response.Hoping that he was in the bathroom, I flung the covers off my body padding over naked to meet him.With a small smile playing on my lips, I jumped inside to surprise him but I was the surprised one.It was empty.Now confused, I grabbed a robe from the hook wrapping it around my body before leaving the bedroom, walking straight to the living room. “Donald, where are you? I was thinking I could surprise you with a little action in bed.” I say coyly, twisting my hair.It wasn't hard to think that Donald might be hiding of in his office as he was rec
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Chapter Fifty-four
Donald's POV I tried to keep my distance from Rose as much as I could that wasn't the case two days later after I had abandoned her in the hotel. I showed up to work as usual my briefcase in hand, heading towards my office when I got ambushed by Rose.“Do you think that you could hide for long without me finding you?” She confronts me, visibly angry.“I wasn't aware that I was hiding from you,” I say coolly.“Oh, will you please stop the lies? I've been searching all over for you since Friday but you just conveniently found a way to go in and out of the company without seeing me.…. but not anymore.” She growled, taking one step towards me.From the corner of my eyes, I could see the employees throwing curious glances at us and the last thing I wanted was to become a new subject matter to gossip about. “Come on, let's take this to my office,” I say under my breath, grabbing her arm.As soon as my hand connected with hers, she flinched jerking out of my hold. “Don't you fucking touch m
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Chapter Fifty-five
Donald's POV Living life on my terms has brought a lot of peace into my life, making each day peaceful and bearable.Just a couple of weeks ago, Ricardo reached out to me saying that it was time to read my grandfather's will.Honestly, I never thought much about my grandfather's will or the properties that he left behind, assuming that they would either go to charity or someone beloved that he cared about.So imagine my surprise when I gathered for the will along with his lawyer and mine, only to hear the lawyer read out that everything had been left to me, including his favorite lake house and a couple of businesses.“What?!” My mouth dropped open in shock. “That can't be true! Are you sure about that?”“I'm quite positive. Here, listen to it yourself. “Mr McMillan said, twisting over his laptop to show me the video.Right on the screen in front of me was George facing the camera.Seeing his face brought back a rush of memories. My chest tightened at seeing it and I greedily drank d
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Chapter Fifty-six
Rose's POV“Bring another one over here,” I slurred, gesturing for the bartender to bring another round of drinks.Already, there was a liter of empty shot in front of me but strangely it didn't feel enough to drown the emptiness, sorrow, and guilt that I felt.It was like everything came crashing down around me after Donald called it quits.Suddenly, David became too busy for me and even my friends went on with their life.The same friends who encouraged me to treat Donald horribly and push him away from me were the same ones who deserted me when I needed them the most.Life was fucking crazy.“Madam, I think that it's enough…” The bartender told me, staring pointedly at the empty bottles in front of me.“Wha…What?” Are you trying to tell me what to do??!” I slammed my fists hard on the table, catching the attention of other customers. “It's my money and I call the shots here!’“Okay, okay.” He raised his hands in surrender, trying to placate me. “One more bottle, and that's it. You'
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Chapter Fifty-seven
Rose's POV “Do I really have to be here?” I asked, holding my forehead because my brain felt like it was trying to pound out of my skull.I didn't take Tanya's advice and stop drinking. If anything, I had only fallen deeper into depression and alcohol…since it was where I found solace.“Yes, Rose, you do have to be here. It's a family meeting.” Dad said firmly, staring at me.Raising my head to look at them took effort, even with the sunglasses on. “If it's a family meeting, then where's Tanya and Mike?”Michael was the baby of the house and also my parent's beloved child. Unfortunately, that brought friction between the both of us because for Michael…it was as if he could do no wrong but for Rose, they placed all their expectations and beliefs on me, making sure that I walked a straight and narrow line or else they would be solidly disappointed in her.“Mike has a rehearsal in school so he wouldn't be able to meet up with us in time but Tanya is on her way. Before she arrives, we do
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Chapter Fifty-eight
Rose's POV It took a couple of minutes for me to swallow past the feeling of pain, anger, and bitterness lodged in my heart after I found out the truth.To think that David had been playing me for the better part of two years only made me feel like a fool. I honestly thought that we had something solid, even before he went out of the country. It was now making sense to me, the reason why he suddenly detached himself when he traveled abroad. It wasn't because of the distance or how busy he was due to his ‘school’ schedule but because the minute he stepped on that plane, he had closed his mind off from me.I wasn't going to lie, I was deeply hurt and betrayed.The one person I thought had my back during this whole bullshit, turned out to be a fraud.For over an hour, I knelt on his bedroom floor crying my eyes out. I had a wonderful man like Donald and I threw him away for someone I don't even think loves me…how foolish could I be?It got so bad that I cried until I developed a head
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Chapter Fifty-nine
Rose's POV Luckily, Adam behaved himself and we met up in a park. It was supposed to be a covert meeting where I casually slipped onto the bench next to him, pretending as if I was reading a paper.“Is this really necessary?” I say from the corner of my mouth, slipping my sunglasses on.“You said you wanted something discreet, this is discreet.” He said pointedly, waving his arm around.I rolled my eyes, ignoring the dig. “Okay, so I'm here already. What did you find out about David?”He cuts a look at me. “That's it? No small talk, asking me about my day?”“Honestly, I could give two shits about how your day went,” I say bluntly, looking him in the eyes. “Ooh, burn!” He mock gasped, faking a hurt look as he pressed a hand to his chest. “As feisty as ever.” He pulled out a small canister that I suspected contained alcohol, taking a big gulp from it. “Anyways, back to what we were saying…your David character is something else. This is what I found on him,” he pulled out a thin file fr
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Chapter Sixty
David's POV I kept looking over my shoulder, waiting for my contact to show up.Ever since the incident with the detective, I've been overly careful with my dealings making sure to keep them on the down low.I was almost at a critical stage in my skin which would determine the success or the failure of my little venture.It was quite important for me to keep all poky-eyed and nosy people off my radar until I was successful.The guy I was supposed to meet should have been here over an hour ago but I hadn't seen him yet. I was trying to be patient but my patience was slowly running thin.Just as I was about to dial his number for the hundredth time, some scruffy-looking guy with a bushy beard slid into the seat next to me. “Hey, man,” he said in a deep, rumbling voice.“Hey…” I mumbled, looking around the bar.I didn't know what to say, not sure if he was the guy that I was waiting for.To be honest, I didn't get much of a description. Just a simple text, saying to meet up with a guy h
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