All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
170 chapters
Chapter Fourty-one
Donald's POV Losing someone you care about has to be one of the most painful things in the world. Once the church service was over, the next ceremony took place at the burial site.It wasn't quite far from where the church service was held and the procession was exactly as I would have preferred it to be.It was quiet, with a lot of deep reflection except for the occasional murmuring and sobbing.About two people came up to me to whisper their condolences while crying. I took it all in stride hoping to not fall apart.There, it was more of mingling and talking to people than a somber and morose event except for when they started to lower his body into the ground.I tried as much as I could to hold back the tears but the thought of a sweet vibrant man like George Everton being contained into a 6 ft box and lowered into a spot forever was too daunting for me to bear.I burst into loud, chest heaving tears grateful that I had my sunglasses perched on my nose.It got so bad that I had
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Chapter Forty-two
Donald's POVAfter the procession at the burial site, there was a reception at Rose's family house.To be honest, I was surprised when a couple of days before the ceremony she reached out to me saying she wanted to support me in any way she could.When she said that, I knew that she wasn't word-talking, probably she had been coaxed into saying something like that.It was later that I overheard in the break room that her family was behind it, pressuring her to talk to me, not aware that we were planning on getting a divorce.It made sense to me then because I knew that her family didn't really care for me except for me being Rose's arm candy at events and my expert ruling in the company as a financial head.However, having a family was one for looks, they cared a lot about how the public might perceive them which was why they didn't bat an eye when Rose married me despite my lower status.They were just thrilled that their daughter was finally off the market, and could finally grace so
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Chapter Forty-three
Slowly waking up, I could feel someone's hand weighing me down.Spinning around, I turned to see that it was a familiar feminine body.Rose's dark hair was spilled across the white sheets, fanning it like a decoration. The movement of my body must have alerted her that I was awake because her fingers ran over my body, creeping downward.Immediately I reached down to grab her hand, placing her forefinger between my teeth as I pinched her lightly.Giggling under the sheets like a naughty schoolgirl caught doing something bad, Rose wrapped her legs around my thighs.Without saying anything, I already knew what she wanted unfortunately I was going to have to turn her down.“Not now, you little vixen,” I murmured, facing her fully.Instantly the sheet came down to reveal her face, the corners of her lips turned into a sad look. “Why not?” She started, whining in that annoying tone that I hated. “You know I can't get enough of you, sexy beast!”As always her words didn't fail to flatter me
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Chapter Forty-four
David's POVGlancing at my rearview mirror, I slid down the chair in fear, one eye fixed on the mirror.Is that…?I was so afraid that I nearly came out of my skin when a man burst into laughter as he passed my car making me hit my head against the steering wheel.Fuck!My face turned red in embarrassment, scrubbing a hand down my beard as if somebody was looking at me. I tried to remain composed as if nothing got to me. The person I thought was a hitman or a private detective sent to follow me turned out to be a regular civilian. I should know… I watched him for over four hours.This has to stop or else, I will slowly drive myself crazy for fear of being caught out.As the week wore on, I couldn't help but shake off the feeling that Donald was up to something.During board meetings, conferences, or a public gathering, I could feel Donald's intense gazes at me when he thought I wasn't watching.Try as I might to act unaffected, deep down…it deeply shook me.It was a little bit ironic
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Chapter forty-five
David's POV “Is this all?” I asked Jake, a representative of King Boss, the man that I recruited for his services for the offshore account dealings. I had to search far and wide before I got close to him, especially since I needed something discreet but legitimate at the same time.His services were quite expensive but one payment from Donald was enough to cover the fee, and even extra.Jake nods, annoyingly chewing his gun. “All the documents are complete, if you aren't sure then you can cross-check.”I wasn't sure if he was daring me or not, especially with the looking his eyes. I did know one thing though, it would be a slap on his face to start cross-checking the document in front of him. It would mean that I was indirectly insulting King Boss to be unserious, and it's not in my best interest to piss off a criminal boss.“No, it's fine. Thank you.” I shifted around on my foot uncomfortably. Aside from Jake's scary demeanor, meeting in the early hours of the morning in a dark alle
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Chapter Forty-six
David's POV We retreated into the living room where my suspicions proved correct. She had work files scattered on every inch of available space, they were papers, coffee mugs and empty wrappers of protein bars piled up in a circle where she must have been sitting before she got up.“What the hell is going on?” Rose was furious, her arms folded across her chest. Her mouth was a thin slash in her face as she glared at me.Meanwhile, I was focused on her chest. Her actions had only pushed them up, making me all too aware that she was wearing nothing underneath it. “Is there a reason why you're sneaking around in my house at…” she trails off, glancing at the wall clock. “....past one in the morning?”“Rose, I need you to calm down.” I urged, aware of how erratic she can get. “I can explain, please.”Waving her hand, she said. “Start explaining because this is crazy! Are you stalking me or something? How did you even get into my house did you break in?”I stopped her before she started g
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Chapter Forty-seven
Donald's POV After a couple of days of resting and grieving George, I got back to work.It was honestly a welcome reprieve for me, taking my mind off things.A week passed by with no funny interactions from anyone, my business dealings went smoothly and even though Rose and I were still on the outs because of her attitude towards my grandfather's death, I was complacent with everybody else.I even managed to get the receptionist to go to dinner with me far so good, things were looking up despite the occasional reminders and pangs of pain that come when I remember George.I suppressed it, of course, not ready to go through that pain.I got no complaint from David, especially since the checks were going through, so imagine my surprise when one faithful Tuesday morning, he accosted me at the parking lot when I was getting down from the car. “Meeting at your office during lunch hour, clear your schedule!” He barks at me, before sprinting towards the entrance.I was befuddled at h
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Chapter Forty-eight
Donald's POV David's statement only made me feel like a cornered animal and I was desperate for some form of peace.I wanted to tell Rose about what David was doing to me but honestly, I didn't think she would care.Situations in the company have thrown us together at various times but she either acted like she didn't know what was happening or talked strictly about business affairs. It was so strange that sometimes I had to confirm whether George was truly dead or maybe I had dreamt up the whole thing.I remembered one time during a lunch break when everybody had gathered, Rose walked in to speak to Anita, one of the interns about something and she made her way across the room to where I was standing.Rose practically ignored me until I instigated the conversation.“Hey, how are you doing?”She pretended to be surprised. “Oh, you're talking to me now?”“I don't understand… weren't we talking before?” I was genuinely confused.She just rolled her eyes upward at the ceiling. “What do
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Chapter Forty-nine
Donald's POV Racking my brain, I tried to think of what to do to convince Rose that I was being legit.The only thing that was committing my mind was to talk to Ricardo.“Go on then, if you're ‘rich’...” she raised her fingers up to denounce the quotes. “Then prove it to me.”At this point, she was practically daring me so while staring at her, I scrolled through my contacts calling Ricardo. As usual, his line rang long before he picked up.I made sure to put it on speaker so Rose could overhear our conversation.“Hey, Ricardo. Could you answer a question for me? Can you do that now or are you busy?” I say with authority, watching Rose smirk at me. I'm quite certain that she thought it was a ruse.“For my favorite client, I am never busy.” Ricardo purred.“Good. I have someone here with me who doubts my inheritance and the large amount of assets that have come into it. Can you prove it to her that it's true?” “Of course sir, where should I start from….?” Ricardo droned on and on ab
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Chapter Fifty
Donald's POV If I had thought that the harsh way I spoke to Rose would have been enough to deter her, I was wrong.The next week that followed was filled with surprises. Rose kept showing up at my door with various gifts, all trying to say the same thing…that she was sorry.At first, I was irritated at the way she was coming on to me but as time went on, I grew to see it from another perspective. It almost felt like payback for everything that I've gone through but in a good way.With this new mindset in place, I welcomed everything with a smile, scarfing down the chocolate and food and reading the cards that she placed but I made sure to stamp my refusal on every given opportunity, not wanting to raise her hopes.It was amusing to see how quickly her mood would change when that happenedSometimes she would offer to bring food to my office help me with my clothes or set documents up if I was too busy. These were things that I was particularly begging her to do during the duration of
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