All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
170 chapters
Chapter Thirty-one
Donald's POV At the back of my mind, I had concluded that stepping down to allow Rose to rule over her company wasn't such a bad idea. Like David said, I was rich and successful plus I had a ton of properties and companies that I could control and manage, so why do I have to fight over someone else's company?All in all, even though I would have liked to have control over Rose's company, something to hold over her head, it didn't take much away from me and I still had my wealth to sustain me so it was basically a win-win situation.Facing David, I said. “I'll give Rose back her company as long as you don't tell anyone about what you just found out. Do we have a deal?” I stretched my hand out, ready to shake it over with him. David stared at my hand for a minute, his eyes distant as though he was thinking over our deal but then he hesitantly stretched his hand out. “We have a deal but…”I almost groaned out loud in frustration despite having a feeling that he was going to come up wit
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Chapter Thirty-two
Donald's POV A knock sounded on my door making me look up. “Sir, there's one of your clients here. He says he wants to see you and he's due for a flight soon.”After a couple of weeks, in which thankfully things returned to normal, I was finally given an assistant to help reduce the workload and make sure everything smoothed over in my absence.Her name was Haley and she was pretty good at her job except for the fact that she's obsessed over cartoon characters always trying to get me to watch one with her.If that was her way of flirting, it was incredibly odd.I groaned, rubbing at my forehead. “Uh, what's his name again?”I was exhausted and in desperate need of some uninterrupted rest/ vacation time.The past couple of weeks have been draining. It seems that I might have underestimated what it would take to bring a company out of financial ruin. It's been nonstop meetings, back-to-back conferences with big-time investors trying to get them to invest in our company with the hope st
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Chapter Thirty-three
Donald's POV Wedging my way into David's dark, murky past was not as easy as I thought it would be. For one, all his social media accounts and presence are squeaky clean, this man doesn't have a bad picture on video or even people saying bad things about him.I went as far back as reviewing all the places is he worked both home and abroad and they don't really have anything and I was not able to get one bit of scandal, either from him or the companyEither these people have an amazing PR company or a new station under their web, because it was quite hard to keep your social media presence this clean.I was forced to contract the services of a…well, the legal term is ‘fixer’. People say he helps get rid of jobs or people that you want to take care of. Also, the upside is that they do help you farret out your problem.Due to my sudden elevated status even though I wasn't quite in the open yet I had a feeling that I soon might be and therefore had to be careful with all my activities/af
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Chapter Thirty-four
Donald's POV Things seemed to be looking up for me, as there was a slight pep in my step as I left the restaurant. The news that Jackson had just given me was the highlight of my day, or week if I was being honest.Things back up the company haven't been going as well as I wanted but it's the reality of any businessman.Sometimes things are high on a good note, and other times…it's not.Taking my usual route home, I had this strangest of impulses to stop by Rose's and for a moment, I acted on it needing something to pull me out of the constant mess that was my mind.Thankfully the security guard didn't question my appearance, recognized me, and greeted me warmly, thinking I was out of town for a while.Driving down to our old home, I parked a couple of blocks away just staring at the building. Being here was almost anticlimactic, leaving a strange feeling in the pit of our stomach.I wasn't so sure what I was expecting to gain from driving down here but it didn't change much of anyth
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Chapter Thirty-five
Donald's POV A week later, and I'm still trying to pin this thing on David growing increasingly irritated by his endless lists of demands.Just three days ago, he asked me to help him renew his house ownership permit, as though I was just a secretary and not the other way around.I was taking my time though, trying not to rush things, which was why I was just heading home by five minutes past 10 in the night on Thursday.Unfortunately, I had a ton of briefings with people under me in case what happened earlier repeated itself- Rose suddenly firing me- then the company wouldn't be amiss of quality leadership.The bad part was when I had to repeat one thing multiple times and in various scenarios before they could grab it.Quite a hassle, if you ask me.In the future, he would leave things like that to Haley.Speaking of said person, Haley knocked on his door before walking in to dump a fresh stack of paperwork. “Good night, Mr Greene!” She said in a chirpy tone, bouncing out of his of
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Chapter Thirty-six
The next day I set about making sure my plans were in place, with the help of Ricardo who was slowly becoming my friend. I managed to secure a young hacker girl who would help me hack into his computer and give me the sensitive information I needed.Once she realized that I was rich, of course, her price went higher than I expected but my freedom was equally important, especially when David called for a meeting in the evening.He'd said he had something serious to discuss with me but I knew that all he wanted was to extort more money from me, which was why this was very important. The one good thing that came out of the meeting we were about to have was that I could give Nalini the time to get what she needed.However, I still had my doubts about entrusting something as serious as this to a teenager. “Are you sure you can do this? I asked her while we were sitting in my car during my lunch break. “He can never know that you did something on this computer.”As a typical teenager, she
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Chapter Thirty-seven
Donald's POV For the first time in weeks, I felt lighter than I ever had.The USB in my hand held all the answers I needed to get out of my current predicament. David and his extortions would soon stop, which would give me some breathing space.I went to bed that night, feeling better, and had the best sleep in a long while.However, with how great things went I wasn't expecting everything to crash and tumble before I woke up. The shrill ringing of my phone on my bedside table woke me up. I woke up from my bed, asleep and partially disoriented, reaching for my phone.Since I wasn't quite awake yet so I miscalculated the distance, almost ending up falling over to the floor.“Huh…ello,” I slurred into the phone, my eyes drifting shut.“Hi, is this Mr Greene?”Immediately my eyes snapped wide open at the unfamiliar voice. “Yes, this is him. Who is this? What happened?”“Um, hi! My name is Eleanor Drake, from County Hospital and I'm so sorry to wake you up but we need you to come down
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Chapter Thirty-eight
Donald's POV I tried to talk to my grandfather but the morphine passing through his system was too much for him to stay conscious. Soon after, his hand went lax in my grip, making my heart skip a beat for a moment…fearing that the unthinkable had happened.Thankfully, my fears disappeared quickly when a nurse walked in shortly after to take his vitals. According to Dr Helen, she had predicted that George may give up the ghost any time soon which prompted me to stay back.My phone kept buzzing against my thigh as time passed, numerous calls, text messages, and even videos asking me where I was but I ignored them all, not daring to move an inch from that chair.My resolve to stick by his side was slowly weakening a couple of hours later, as my stomach growled for sustenance. I was contemplating dashing down the hall to the vending machine to grab a couple of snacks to munch on when Gramps woke up.“Don…ald,” he croaked out, moving his weak limbs to reach me.Instantly all thoughts of
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Chapter Thirty-nine
Donald's POV The news of my grandfather's death spread fast like wildfire, partially because of how well-known he was around the wards. Almost everywhere I went or passed by in the hospital, I could hear people whispering or talking about it behind my back. Still in a daze, I exited the room allowing the nurses to do what they needed to while I grabbed some fresh air.I was currently numb, my entire body and brain feeling alien to me like I wasn't in control of it. While I knew it was inevitable, a part of me still couldn't believe that it had happened, not sure I was ready to face it yet.I retreated to a secluded spot on the rooftop, where I didn't have to see or speak to anyone. If I had one more person tell me ‘I'm sorry for your loss’, I might just go crazy.When I pushed the door open, it let out a loud squeal old and cranky from disuse.Stepping onto the rooftop, I felt the cold, chilly evening winds whip at my hair and skin.However, it was a pleasant yet uncomfortable distr
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Chapter Forty
Donald's POVStanding by the window, my hands firmly tucked into my pants pocket, I stared at the dark gloomy weather outside.I had hoped that it would be sunny today, helping to lift the sad mood but unfortunately, fate had other plans.It's been two weeks of back-to-back work, social engagements, and other business related activities.If I was being honest, I was grabbing everything I could in sight to help take my mind off the fact that I was supposed to be grieving George.But how can I do that when I don't have anyone to help me transition from this?Even my parents weren't involved in this, aside from a courtesy message to me they hadn't bothered to check in on me or find out how I was doing.Not even once.It only serves to remind me how alone I was.The only silver lining that came with this was a ton of publicity that Rose’s company was coming under and David decided to give me a respite, allowing me to take a much needed break after the last payment.“Mr Greene? The ceremon
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