All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
170 chapters
Chapter Twenty-one
Donald POVThe next day good tired of holing myself up in the room and only watching the city from my view high up in the sky.Choosing to make use of the various types of facilities available, I took a shower and munched down on some banana and protein shake before heading downstairs to stretch my legs.Unfortunately, the garden isn't available in use at the moment. It seems like a couple of people went wild there the night before and the cleanup crew was still trying to salvage the damage. I was shown to the reception to wait while they tidied off the garden. It must have been a slow weekend because daily any customized or visitors came out leaving me and the receptionist, Sally minding our business to avoid each other while marinating in an uncomfortable silence.She must have been as uneasy as I was because just as I was about to say something to break off the silence m, she opened her mouth to speak. “How are you enjoying your stay here? I trust the service has been quite…warm.”
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Chapter Twenty-two
Donald's POVWhen I realized that Rose was following me, unfortunately, it was too late to stop her because it was right when the elevator doors were about to close.The sneaky little bitch snuck inside before I could slam it closed in her face. “You shouldn't be in here,” I muttered, disgruntled that she was here. Now, there's no way of keeping her out of my room.“Why not? Do you have something to hide that you don't already know about?” She said with a bit of snark, referring to the incident she stumbled into down at the reception.I chose not to answer her, thrusting my hands into my pockets as the elevator began its ascent.Rose paid no sign of surprise as we kept climbing up until I got out, using my key card to access my suite.I went straight for the bar to fix myself a drink, knowing that I would need it for the duration of her visit. From the corner of my eyes, I could see her jaw drop down in shock, her eyes widening into twice its size as she spun around slowly to take in
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Chapter Twenty-three
Donald's POV Now that I was able to breathe since Rose was out of my hair, I was free to focus on things that required my attention.The first thing was Gramps' file which was staring at me from the coffee table, along with a slip that contained his surgery fees and how much needed to be paid for the hospital to commence with the surgery.Believing that Gramps would never lie to me, I sat down to put it near the counter, typing on my laptop information about the Evertons.If Liam was dead, then I would need to contact someone close to him to get information on how to redeem my inheritance.After two hours of fruitless searching which yielded no results, I was forced to retire from my search ordering food from the hotel's kitchen to be brought up to me while I went to the bathroom to take a shower.There was a knock on the front door just as I was wrapping up my bath. Covering my body with the towel, I padded over to the front door, pulling the door open so the maid could bring it in.
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Chapter Twenty-four
Donald's POV To be certain Ricardo did as he promised, I paid a visit to the hospital to check.It turns out that Gomez was a man of his word because when I got there, the nurse I met before Nancy greeted me with a warm smile.“Hi! You're here again!” she chirped, smiling wide.“Yeah, I am,” I say, wondering why she looked so excited to me. “I'm back due to the reason we spoke the last time.”“Oh, yes…your grandfather's surgery.” She nods. “I was quite surprised when I got the invoice handed over to me, the money fully paid.”Now I get it… she was being nice to me because she thought since I had the money to pay off my father's surgery at once, then I must be rich or at least I have some form of wealth and she's trying to attach herself to me so that it could rub off on her.My smile dimmed, not expecting it from this lady. “Thanks but I prefer my grandfather to be safe and healthy so anything that I have to do to make sure he stays that way ….”“Right, of course!”She just kept star
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Chapter Twenty-five
Donald's POVI woke up the next morning with a sense of account, my hands stretching high above my head. Today officially marks a week that I have been staying at the hotel and to my greatest surprise, no one has come to knock on my door asking for payment. Yet everything I ask for and need automatically gets supplied without query or delay.It's quite intoxicating, being treated like this and it was something I could get used to.I guess there are some advantages to having unlimited access to money. Walking over to the bathroom, I went through the usual motions of my skincare routine and showering. When I stepped out of the bathroom, smoke billowed around my body as I opened the door, I glanced at the digital clock on my bedside table noting that it was a couple of minutes past eight. Picking up my phone, I booked an Uber timing it so that its arrival would coincide with the time I was ready.Since I knew that I was going to be heading to the office today and I didn't pack much clot
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Chapter Twenty-six
Donald's POV I immediately stepped inside my office, settling down to start tackling the problem from the root.As I imagined, the company's situation was way worse than I expected and it took a couple of hours to finish a file. It turns out that the company was being sued for misappropriated funds but not only that it seems that someone had copied rights to one of our products.Knee-deep in work, I zoned out like I usually did only surfacing when there was a knock on my door. I looked up to see an assistant of Elvis’s, acting quite shy as she hovered by the door.I straightened, not expecting a guest. “Yes, can I help you?”“I'm sorry to disturb you, sir but Mr Elvis said I should inform you that there's going to be a board meeting in 20 and they would like you to sit in.” She said, stumbling over her words.“Oh, thank you. I'll…I'll be right there.” I told her, shutting my laptop to rub at my eyes. Not aware that there was going to be a board meeting, I was pleasantly surprised.Si
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Chapter Twenty-seven
Donald's POVRetreating to my office after the conversation with David, I buried myself in work.Just a week I'd been away and the financial state of the company was in shambles.Not only were files misplaced, some being in the wrong section than they were supposed to be, but everything was just messed up.I had to take several coffee breaks in between while sorting through the files because I had to get the system that I used to sort each deal that the company made…. the profits and the expenditure making sure that the books were balanced. That was the system I used which kept the company afloat and even boosted the growth while I was in charge.However, David came and threw everything apart. I got so caught up in my work that I forgot time had passed, not until my phone rang shrilly, the alarm sound piercing the still night air.It was a timer I set to remind me to take my vitamins. I jolted, surprised to see that it was already past 10.Pushing back from my chair, I crossed over t
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Chapter Twenty-eight
Donald's POV Hits by a sudden burst of inspiration, I chose to not make my presence known in the shadows but then I brought out my phone to record her sifting through the files that I had been painstakingly taken my time to arrange. This way I had proof that she'd snuck into my office after work hours.When she was done, she pushed things back in the place in the way that she left them and tip-toed out the door. I had to wait back for a couple of minutes to be sure that she had left before I followed.My sleep that night was fitful because I was busy tossing and turning, wondering what to do with the newfound information that I had.In addition to a large amount of money missing from the company's accounts and Rose’s late-night sneak-out, it was quite clear that there was something fishy going on here, putting Rose at the center of everything.Deciding so I could get some rest, I chose to confront Rose with the truth tomorrow and see her reaction, he would then decide on what to do f
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Chapter Twenty-nine
Donald's POV I folded my hands, a stern look on my face as I stared at her , waiting for her to confess.Rose kept on sobbing for a long period but I was patient. When she was done however after a couple of minutes, she raised her head, sniffling as she tried to compose herself. Because I wasn't entirely heartless, I reached out to a box of Kleenex on the table, handing one over to her to wipe the mess off her face.“Thanks…” she mumbled, ducking down to use her hair to hide her face.I kept mute, waiting for her to see something but she seemed quite concentrated on avoiding my gaze. When I got fed up, I had to blurt out. “You do know that I'm waiting for an explanation right?”“I do…” She bit down on her lower lip. “it's just I don't know what to start from…”“Start anywhere.” I prompted.“Fine, you're right. I did everything you said but it's only because I was so scared of what would happen to me if the company went under.” She said in a rush. “So you didn't think about doing the
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Chapter Thirty
Donald's POV Judging by what was said, the situation at the hospital was more critical than she had opened up to me. It turns out that the medication that his grandfather had been taking before the surgery to help prep his body for the recovery period had a side effect. The side effect was supposed to be small and easily managed but it seems like one of the doctors in residence missed an essential detail in this medical report.It was small and negligible but still, it could be the thin line between life and death.After George had his breakfast, the food he had mixed up with his drugs had a very bad interaction. Now he's in the ICU and the doctor had to place him in a self-induced coma to help him ride out the symptoms.All they're doing now is just praying that he wakes up on his own so that he can go through with the surgery.The surgery was supposed to be stipulated for a particular period and if George manages to miss that window of opportunity…. let's just say things are going
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