All Chapters of The Contracted Heart of the Billionaire Heir : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
170 chapters
Chapter Eleven
Donald's POV I was practically over the moon with the good news. According to Hector, I would need to get the cheque cashed and then I would have the money transferred directly into my bank account.I was feeling like I had just walked on the moon because the thought of divorcing Rose…. it's put a slight pep in my step.I called back to the office telling them that I would not be available for the rest of the day and to move my schedule till tomorrow.On getting to the bank, I reached out to my account manager handing over the check so that he could cash it and transfer the money to me. He directed me to a lounge to wait while they had all the nitty-gritties I ironed out.Since I was a VIP client it didn't take much time at all and in less than an hour I got the notification on my phone and the man showed up shortly after handing me documentation that the wire was successful. Now that I had more than enough money to get me through this escapade with Rose, I didn't really feel like g
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Chapter Twelve
Donald's POV Slightly infuriated, I marched up to the desk angrily confronting the lady.“I was just here a couple of minutes to go and you told me that there were no rooms available yet that man came by and you offered him a room key. Why?!”“Sir… I said that there are no rooms available for you, I didn't say that there were no rooms available in general.” She said tartly.The anger that I was trying to suppress reared its head with a vengeance and I leaned forward, clutching the marble countertop. “Who is your manager? Call me your manager now! I think I need to speak to him because this kind of behavior is not as acceptable. Why would you treat me like that?”It was baffling why they would choose not to offer me a room even after I checked their company page and they treated everybody with respect…why was my case different?“Sir those rooms are for VIP guests. I'm sorry but you clearly are not VIP.” she slid a pointed look my way, focusing on my cheap-looking clothes and shoes. O
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Chapter Thirteen
I picked up my bag, about to hoist it over my shoulder but Sally stopped me.She snapped her fingers twice and a stoic-looking guard rushed up to her, his hands behind his back with his shoulders ramrod straight as he adopted the military style.“Ma'am?” He's spoken directly to Sally not offering me a glance.“You're to help him with his luggage and show him to his room. It's on the first floor, so ring ahead and get everything ready for his arrival. “Thank you.” She said dismissing him soon after so I tend to other customers. The man finally my way stretching his hands forward. “This way sir,” he took the lead, with me with me walking close to him. He would glance back from time to time as we walked down the hallway to ensure I was following him.We arrived at an elevator and he stopped, pressing a button for the first floor which was where the suite was located.He stared directly in front of him, not bothering to communicate or even start up a small conversation. I kept myself to
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Chapter Fourteen
Donald's POVThat night, I slept like a baby making sure to switch my phone off so I wasn't interacted by any calls or messages from anybody asking for my whereabouts.For the first time in a long while, I slept in the next morning, waking up a couple of minutes past 10 am.Thanks to the luxurious suites I was in, I had a floor-to-ceiling window in the bedroom which offered me a view of the nighttime and in the evening and also a beautiful view of the clouds and birds chirping in the morning.I sat up on the bed, stretching my hands above my head while I let out a yawn. The nap in the bed was the best one I had in years, the bed feeling like a soft cloud not to mention the sheets made of soft, Egyptian cotton.Now I could see why the rich always wanted to get richer, this kind of lifestyle was easily addictive.I'm sure if I spent a month in this suite, then I would be motivated to work harder than I ever had.I didn't feel like getting up yet so I spent a couple more minutes in bed s
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Chapter Fifteen
I took a quick power nap to recover some of my strength after the extensive swimming session. Did I forget that the hotel had an executive swimming for VIP guests?I had quickly grown bored after binging on a couple of TV shows and I decided to call up, asking for a list of things to do.That was when they gave me an extensive offer of various activities such as Touring the City for newbies and swimming sessions, fencing lessons, private fine dining, and a cinema…they had a downtown cinema.My mind was blown at the prospect of these amazing options so I picked swimming first.They provided a lifeguard and swimming instructor. To top it off, they made available loads of finger food to sate the hunger and restore our energy.All in all, I had fun.Currently, I was the only one in the lounge and I chose to take full advantage of it by spreading my legs on the chair, a dark sunglasses perched up on my face while I stared out in the distance watching the scenery.My phone buzzed with an in
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Chapter Sixteen
Donald's POV A couple of hours later the hottie was coming to a close. Arnold introduced me to many of the guests, taking me around the room in a mini tour.There were so many people in attendance and as we went, each person got more influential than the last. So much so that it was hard to keep my shock under wraps as we walked around the room. Finally, we retired to a section of the building that was away from the party.“So, what now?” I asked, taking the seat that Arnold offered me.“Whiskey or vodka?” He asked instead.I shook my head refusing both, not sure that I had any space in my stomach for more alcohol. Already I was feeling a bit tipsy and light-headed from all the ones that I had consumed. “None for me, thank you.” He shrugged, pouring whiskey into a cup. “How did you see the party? Pretty dope right?”I nodded in agreement. “The best. I have never seen that many powerful people packed into any room. What's the event for by the way?”“Oh, just having a fundraiser for
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Chapter Seventeen
Donald POVKnowing that I would be up early tomorrow when I went back home, I woke up early at night to iron my clothes and I did a little bit of meditating before I went back to bed.My father was currently in the hospital, in a section of the building where he had nurses and matrons who looked after him, making sure he took his medications. He was generally fit and healthy before he was discharged. He has been in and out of the hospital for some years now due to his condition.Unfortunately, the last time you had a minor issue, the doctor did a botched job which escalated into a severe ailment, requiring several surgeries.The drive down to the hospital was only thirty minutes, plus the Uber driver was quite adept at navigating traffic. When they arrived, just in time for the visiting hour, he tipped off the driver and walked inside.As soon as I walked into the ER several nurses began waving at me while some greeted him as he walked past. I was quite popular around here because of
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Chapter Eighteen
The nurses stayed for a little while and we all chatted, catching up with each other before they had to go back to their respective posts. “You should come by more often, George misses you a lot.” One of the nurses told me on my way out.“Will do,” I threw her a two-finger salute her way, mustering up a smile. Grandpa and I then settled down to the main gist, enthralling each other with exciting stories of what happened while we were absent. I made sure to leave out any bad news like me and Rose getting divorced or me being broke and his upcoming surgeries.“Remember that time I told you that me and Carl were going to Sacramento?” George leaned back, a wide smile on his face. Carl was his long-time friend who traveled abroad for a long time making them disconnect but they reconnected again in the hospital when he came back for more surgeries and found the hospice.“Yeah, I do. What happened? Did you guys not make it to Sacramento again?” I replied, munching on pieces of fruit that s
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Chapter Nineteen
Donald's POV“I won't tell anyone,” I promised, foregoing the part where I had no one to actually tell. “What's the big deal about this card anyways?”George blew out a harsh look, exhausted simply by the thought of telling me about this huge secret. “I told your father that this was a bad idea but they insisted that you grew up humble and what notes so that's why you might be hearing this for the first time…Do you ever wonder why I get such special treatment from the staff?”I shook my head, no because it has never occurred to me. Generally, I thought that my grandfather had such a likable personality and he grew up on the waitstaff which was why they were always nice and attended to him but I'm finding out that maybe there could be another reason.“I suppose it's because I paid them handsomely to attend to you?” I say tentatively.“Really?” George shook his head. “Did you also ever wonder why they gave me a private suite instead of sharing the other bunks like other patients do?”I
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Chapter Twenty
Donald's POVI rushed off of the hospital like a man whose pants were on fire. My head was overfilled with various thoughts, both good and bad.Everything was clicking into place now, those times when it seemed like his parents had a fountain of money stashed somewhere. The impromptu trips out of the countries, first-class ‘sudden’ tickets, meetings with celebrities, and the endless parties around the house…It was making sense now.How did I not know I was being lied to?Undoubtedly, it was an incredibly skilled and well-guarded lie which makes me wonder…why was Gramps telling me the truth now?Surely, it can't be because of my discovery with the guard.Or was it …?I stifled a frustrated grunt, raking my fingers through my hair in agitation as I stomped through the wards, eager to get the hell out of here. I could still hear George call out for me distantly but I was too hurt to go back.I trusted him! I loved him more than anyone else and he still betrayed me…it makes one wonder if
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